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Official Government data from around the World proves the Covid-19 Vaccines are causing Antibody-Dependent Enhancement and killing Pro Soccer Players

Official Government and Public Health data available from around the world prove that that the triple/double Covid-19 vaccinated population are suffering from antibody dependent enhancement, and extensive research shows the Covid-19 vaccines have caused a huge increase in deaths among professional soccer players.

Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) occurs when the antibodies generated during an immune response trained by a vaccine recognise and bind to a pathogen, but they are unable to prevent infection. Instead, these antibodies act as a “Trojan horse,” allowing the pathogen to get into cells and exacerbate the immune response.

The result is often more severe illness than if the person had been unvaccinated, and this is precisely what we are now seeing around the world.

  • Data from Australia shows that a pandemic that never really got going, is just beginning, and it’s very much a pandemic of the fully vaccinated. The country has seen some of the most Draconian restriction in the world including requiring permits to leave home, go to work, and leave an area via checked points manned by armed forces.

    Australians were told they would not be “rewarded” with more freedoms until a certain percentage of the population was vaccinated. But now they are recording a record number of cases, hospitalisations, and deaths, and the vast majority are among the fully vaccinated.

  • Extensive research has also revealed that deaths of professional football/soccer players due to cardiovascular issues are doubling every three months, with the number of deaths occurring in December 2021 equalling the annual average over the previous 12 years.

    In all, deaths among professional football/soccer players in 2021 were 4 times the average rate recorded between 2009 and 2020. Suggesting not only are the vaccines causing antibody dependent enhancement, they are also having a disastrous effect on the cardiovascular system, a fact supported by the record number of cases of myocarditis seen in the USA.

All of the above is not indicative of a safe and effective vaccine. It is indicative of a failed vaccine that is causing severe injury and death, alongside weakening the immune systems of recipients leading to either Covid-19 vaccine induced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, or antibody dependent enhancement.


The week 1 – 2022- Vaccine Surveillance report included the number of Covid-19 cases by vaccination status between week 49 and week 52 of 2021 (December 6th to January 2nd), and the real-world vaccine effectiveness during this period proved to be as follows –

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The real-world vaccine effectiveness is calculated by using the same formula used by Pfizer to claim that their vaccine had an effectiveness of 95%. In the clinical trial; which is still ongoing, the number of confirmed cases among the vaccinated was subtracted from the number of confirmed cases among the not vaccinated group. This number was then divided by the number of cases among the unvaccinated and then multiplied by 100 to calculate the vaccine effectiveness.

(Unvax Cases – Vax Cases / Unvax cases x 100 = Vaccine Effectiveness)

Pfizer were able to do this because there was an equal amount of people in both the unvaccinated and vaccinated group. Now, because UKHSA supply the case-rates per 100,000 people in both the vaccinated and unvaccinated population, we are able to use the same formula to calculate the real-world effectiveness, and here’s how the effectiveness has evolved over 5 months in England from 16th Aug 21 to 2nd Jan 22 –

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The first booster shots were administered in week 37 of 2021, and this graph illustrates clearly how they provided a boost in vaccine effectiveness in the following two months. But unfortunately it also shows how short lived this boost was with the effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccines falling to frightening levels between week 49 and 52.

Real-world vaccine effectiveness dropped to the lowest levels yet across all age groups except for the over 70’s between December 6th and January 2nd, but the over 70’s still dropped into negative effectiveness.

Vaccines work by simulating a viral attack and provoking the immune system into responding as if you have had the virus. They are supposed to train the immune system to the point where you develop natural immunity to the virus. Therefore, vaccine effectiveness is really a measure of the immune system performance induced by the vaccine.

  • A vaccine effectiveness of +50% would mean that the fully vaccinated are 50% more protected against Covid-19 than the unvaccinated. In other words the fully vaccinated have an immune system that is 50% better at tackling Covid-19.
  • A vaccine effectiveness of 0% would mean that the fully vaccinated are 0% more protected against Covid-19 than the unvaccinated, meaning the vaccines are ineffective. In other words the fully vaccinated have an immune system that is equal to that of the unvaccinated at tackling Covid-19.
  • Whilst a vaccine effectiveness of -50% would mean that the unvaccinated were 50% more protected against Covid-19 than the fully vaccinated, meaning the vaccines actually decimate the immune system.

Therefore with the real-world effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccines proving to be negative in everyone over the age of 18 in England, this means double/triple vaccinated adults immune system performance is being decimated.

But in order to calculate the immune system performance we need to perform a slightly different calculation to the one used to calculate vaccine effectiveness.

Instead of dividing by the unvaccinated cases, we need to divide by the largest of either the unvaccinated or vaccinated cases.

The calculation for a positive immune system performance is –

Unvax Cases – Vax Cases / Unvax cases x 100 (The same calculation used for vaccine effectiveness)

Whilst the calculation for a negative immune system performance is –

U – Vax Cases / Vax cases x 100

The following graph illustrates the overall immune system performance among all age groups in England over the past 5 months –

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What we can see from the above is that the immune system performance for adults aged between 18 and 59 has deteriorated to the worst levels yet since they were given the Covid-19 vaccine. Whilst the immune system performance of everyone over the age of 60 has deteriorated dramatically following receipt of the booster shot, but not yet to the level seen between week 37 and week 40.

The over 70’s have however seen the most dramatic fall in immune system performance between month 4 and month 5 alongside 18-29-year-olds.

If the immune system performance was to hit -100%, this would essentially mean that these people would be suffering from some new form of Covid-19 vaccine induced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. They would in effect have no immune system capability whatsoever.

But here’s what that the reduced immune system performance so far has meant in terms of Covid-19 hospitalisations in England over December and January.

Page 35 of the UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance Report – Week 3 – 2022 contains the statistics on Covid-19 hospitalisations between week 51 of 2021 and week 2 of 2022, and they confirm that the NHS has very much been overwhelmed by the vaccinated population.

According to table 10, between 20th Dec 21 and 16th Jan 22, there were a total of 14,776 people admitted to hospital with Covid-19, and 10,051 of them had received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine.

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But when we remove the under 18’s from the equation, many who are not eligible for vaccination, we find that the figures for the vaccinated are even worse. The not-vaccinated population accounted for 3,418 hospitalisations, the one-dose vaccinated population accounted for 670 hospitalisations, the two-dose vaccination population accounted for 4,116 hospitalisations, whilst the three-dose vaccinated accounted for 5,139 Covid-19 hospitalisations.

Overall the not-vaccinated population accounted for 32% of all Covid-19 hospitalisations between week 51 and week 2 2022, whilst the vaccinated population accounted for 68%. But when removing under 18’s from the equation we find that the unvaccinated population accounted for 26% of all hospitalisations, and the vaccinated accounted for a worrying 74%.

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Public Health Scotland (PHS) publish a weekly Covid-19 Statistical Report containing data on Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations, and deaths over a period of four weeks, and they confirm what we’ve been trying to inform the public of for months – the Covid-19 vaccines do not work and make the recipients worse.

Table 14 of the PHS Covid-19 Statistical Report published 12th Jan 22, shows the age-standardised case rates per 100,000 individuals by vaccination status. Just like we did with the data found in the UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance report, we’re able to use these figures to calculate the real-world vaccine effectiveness.

What we can see here is that vaccine effectiveness has been declining by the week, falling from -71% in the week beginning 11th Dec 21, to -133% in the week beginning 25th Dec 21.

This equates to an average immune system performance decline among all age-groups of around 7.5% per week, and as we can see as of the week ending 31st Dec 21 the age-standardised immune system performance of the fully vaccinated was 57% worse than their not-vaccinated counterparts, and again this is reflected in terms of Covid-19 hospitalisations and deaths.

For months authorities have used the rates per 100,000 population to justify that the Covid-19 vaccines are effective, but we can guarantee they will now no longer use this metric because the rates per 100,000 population have been highest among the double vaccinated population since at least the middle of December 2021.

Table 15 of the latest PHS report shows the number of confirmed Covid-19 hospitalisations by vaccination status between 18th December 2021 and 14th January 2022, and the table shows that the most hospitalisations have been recorded among the double vaccinated population.

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The same table also shows that the age-standardised Covid-19 hospitalisation rate per 100,000 double vaccinated individuals is higher than the hospitalisation rate among the not-vaccinated population.

Since the 1st January the hospitalisation rate has been highest among the double vaccinated, and the average rate per 100,000 between 18 Dec 21 and 14 Jan 22 equates to 41.16 per 100k unvaccinated individuals, but 43.3 per 100k double vaccinated individuals. Meaning the double vaccinated population are statistically more likely to be hospitalised with Covid-19 than the not-vaccinated population.

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Table 16 of the latest PHS report shows the number of confirmed Covid-19 deaths by vaccination status between 11th December 2021 and 7th January 2022, and the table shows that deaths among the double vaccinated population outnumber deaths among the not-vaccinated population by approximately 2.5 to 1.

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The same table also shows that the age-standardised Covid-19 death rate per 100,000 double vaccinated individuals is higher than the death rate among the not-vaccinated population.

Since at least the 11th Dec 21, the death rate has been highest among the double vaccinated, with the week beginning 18th Dec seeing a tremendous difference. During this week the double vaccinated population were statistically 4 times more likely to die of Covid-19 than the not vaccinated population.

The average age standardised Covid-19 death rate was 5.36 per 100,000 individuals among the not-vaccinated population between 11th Dec 21 and 7th Jan 22. But the average death rate among the two dose vaccinated population was 8.3 per 100,000 during the same time frame.

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Therefore, the latest data from Public Health Scotland confirms in black and white that the Covid-19 vaccines not only do not work, they make the recipient worse because they are much more likely to catch Covid-19, be hospitalised with Covid-19, and die of Covid-19 than the not-vaccinated population.


Australia is currently suffering the largest rise in Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths across the country since the pandemic struck in March 2020, despite adopting strict Draconian policies that only allow the vaccinated to participate in society because authorities are wrongly labelling the unvaccinated a danger to public health.

According to official data, New South Wales (NSW) Australia has seen Covid-19 deaths increase ten-fold since the middle of December 2021, breaking records for the number of confirmed deaths in the region since Covid-19 first struck in March 2020.

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But it isn’t the unvaccinated population who are accounting for the record breaking number of Covid-19 deaths, it’s the fully vaccinated.

According to the NSW Government’s weekly Covid-19 Weekly Surveillance Report, the most recent of which was published on 13th Jan 22, between 26th Nov 21 and 1st Jan 22 there were 1,578 Covid-19 hospitalisations in NSW, Australia.

Of these the triple/double vaccinated accounted for 1,280, the partly vaccinated accounted for 47, and the not-vaccinated population accounted for just 251. This means the vaccinated population accounted for 84% of Covid-19 hospitalisations since Omicron struck.

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Page 8 of the same report (found here), reveals the number of Covid-19 deaths between 26th Nov 21 and 1st Jan 22 by vaccination status, and in all there were a total of just 32 deaths. However, we know from other available data that the state fo NSW, Australia is now recording more deaths in a single day as of 17th Jan 22 than it did between 26th Nov and 1st Jan.

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Yet again, according to the NSW Government report, the fully vaccinated accounted for the majority of deaths recording a total of 22, with a further 3 deaths being recorded among the partly vaccinated population, and just 7 deaths being recorded among the not-vaccinated population.

This means that between 26th Nov 21 and 1st Jan 22, the vaccinated population accounted for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 deaths.

Vaccination was billed as the solution to “a pandemic that never was”, in Australia. But it looks like a pandemic that never really got going in Australia, is just beginning, and it’s most certainly a pandemic of the fully vaccinated.

FIFA Professional Football/Soccer Player Deaths

As if acquired immunodeficiency syndrome/antibody dependent enhancement wasn’t a bad enough side effect of the Covid-19 injections, extensive research has also revealed that the effect these jabs have on the human cardiovascular system is nothing short of horrendous.

Deaths of professional football/soccer players due to cardiovascular issues are doubling every three months, with the number of deaths occurring in December 2021 equalling the annual average over the previous 12 years.

In all, deaths among professional football/soccer players in 2021 were 4 times the average rate recorded between 2009 and 2020.

The following graph shows the total number of listed Fifa football match deaths and male cardiovascular football match deaths to have occurred every year since 2009.

The data within the graph was obtained from the following –

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The data shows that professional football/soccer players died of cardiovascular problems during games (match or training) at 4 times the average rate recorded between 2009 and 2020.

It also reveals that there were more than 15x as many deaths due to cardiovascular issues in 2021 than there were in 2020.

But what’s most concerning is that there were 3.5 times as many deaths in December 2021 than there were in the whole of 2020, and there were almost as many deaths in December 2021 (7) as the annual average rate over the last 12 years (7.8 per year).

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Cardiovascular deaths among professional football/soccer players are doubling every quarter. So by the end of 2022 they may have risen to 320 per quarter (40, 80, 160, 320). The advice given to footballers who collapse but survive is that they should cease all strenuous activity for 3 months. These figures reveal that all athletes who are Covid-19 vaccinated should do the same thing.

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But these figures should not come as a surprise, and we only need to take closer look at data found in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the USA to see why.

VAERS data shows that heart damage is ubiquitous throughout the vaccinated population, and the damage is being diagnosed in multiple ways. Acute cardiac failure rates are now 475 times the normal baseline rate in VAERS. Tachycardia rates are 7,973 times the baseline rate. Acute myocardial infarction is 412 times the baseline rate. The rates of internal haemorrhage, peripheral artery thrombosis, coronary artery occlusion are all over 300 times the baseline rate.

Fully vaccinated people are suffering like never before, and unfortunately it seems to be the younger you are, the worse it gets.

The American Heart Association published a study which found that 98% of all cases of Myocarditis among children are due to the mRNA Covid-19 injections.

Myocarditis is a condition that causes inflammation of the heart muscle and reduces the heart’s ability to pump blood, and can cause rapid or abnormal heart rhythms.

Eventually myocarditis weakens the heart so that the rest of the body doesn’t get enough blood. Clots can then form in the heart, leading to a stroke of heart attack. Other complications of the condition include sudden cardiac death. There is no mild version of myocarditis, it is extremely serious due to the fact that the heart muscle is incapable of regenerating. Therefore, one the damage is done there is no rewinding the clock.

The new study was conducted by dozens of doctors and scientists from several Universities, Children’s Hospitals, and Schools of Medicine across the USA and was published on the American Heart Association’s (AHA) journal ‘Circulation’ on December 6th 2021.

Results shows that suspected myocarditis occurred in 136 of the patients equating to 98% of all cases of myocarditis. The Pfizer injection was responsible for 131 (94%) of these cases, with 128 (92% occurring after the second dose.


We can clearly see from world-wide data that the real-world effectiveness of the Covid-19 injections wains significantly in a short amount of time, but unfortunately for the vaccinated population, rather than the immune system returning to the same state it was prior to vaccination, the immune system performance begins to rapidly decline making it inferior to that of the unvaccinated.

This is materialising into –

  • record-breaking cases, hospitalisations, and deaths in Australia; with the vast majority occurring among the fully vaccinated,
  • age-standardised hospitalisation rates and mortality rates being highest among the fully vaccinated in Scotland, and
  • 7 in every 10 Covid-19 hospitalisations, and 8 in every 10 Covid-19 deaths in England occurring among the triple/double vaccinated.

Booster shots of the injections are not the answer to this problem though, the evidence shows that whilst they supply a minor boost to the immune system, it is very short lived and then begins to decline at an even sharper pace than prior to the booster.

So what can be done?

Who knows, there is no long-term data out there to provide a solution to this issue, because these are experimental injections, and we fear the damage is now done.

All we do know is that offical Government and Public Health data available from around the world strongly suggests that the triple/double Covid-19 vaccinated population are suffering from antibody dependent enhancement.


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