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Partygate has obscured the planned reform to the Human Rights Act (1998)

Human Rights Act Reform: A Modern Bill of Rights
Partygate has obscured the planned reform to the Human Rights Act (1998). The consultation closes on March 8th. Why should it concern people who value freedom?
If passed this bill will mean that during any other future pandemic people like us will be carted off to camps or forcibly injected.
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11 Responses to “Partygate has obscured the planned reform to the Human Rights Act (1998)”

  1. ian says:

    I’ll send it to UK Column. Holy Fck. The legal challenges must have derailed their plans hence this move. Thanks Tap.

  2. danceaway says:

    I will also send it, Ian.

    • Tapestry says:

      Please mention Robin Tilbrook and the English Democrats – our only political hope yet alternative media are brushing them off.

  3. Tapestry says:

    I wish people like UK Column would help the English Democrats. Unity is strength. Robin Tilbrook has tried approaching them but was rebuffed.

    • ian says:

      Really odd Tap. Will mention that.

    • stevie k says:

      Much as I’m loathed to say it as I’ve been a long time supporter of the Column but I do have my suspicions of them. With all the following they have they should have achieved something by now but they present no solutions and do little to organise any meaningful resistance. Just seems like a talking shop to me now and I’ve stopped watching the shows.

      • Alan Vaughn says:

        With all the following they have they should have achieved something by now but they present no solutions and do little to organise any meaningful resistance.

        You’re spot-on stevie.
        I was an avid follower, even before the planned-demic started, but lost interest and eventually stopped watching their shows about 6 months ago. Tired of the build-ups and false hope and general disappointment they manufacture.
        They’re just a (very mild or, ‘polite’) talk-fest and as you imply, say much but do very little to nothing. I also found them very ‘shy’ – won’t actually come straight out and say what needs to be said, i.e. what a total HOAX and monstrous LIE Covid is..
        So, if there is such a thing as ‘controlled opposition’: UK Column might be worth looking into, simply because they could and should be
        a lot more forthright and propagating indisputable cold, hard facts and truth, which they have almost exclusive, unlimited access to, than what they do.
        Even if they’re not so-called ‘controlled opposition, they’re far too lily-livered to have any real impact. They’re all great professional investigative journalists and presenters, but their talents are wasted. They’re too subdued / restrained to have any real influence in the public discourse.
        That might also be the reason why so many proles have never heard of them, let alone watch their shows.

      • ian says:

        I know how you feel guys, they frustrate the crap out of me, but at the very least, they do get info out, albeit very gently and carefully. I’m clutching at straws here, but in the UK if we don’t watch out, soon we’ll have vaxx teams breaking down doors. We need every voice possible to make people aware of that.

  4. ian says:

    I posted it on Irish Savant.

  5. Tapestry says:

    I find UK Column very good at what they do. But deep down they think the system will work correctly if you keep poking it hard enough. The problem is the Satanists fear nothing except competition, and hand-wringing distress and endless hard work doesn’t cut it. They need a delivery vehicle which Robin Tilbrook could provide – both legal and political. UKC and the EDs are natural allies. They should be on friendly terms. Not distant from each other. Robin Tilbrook has tried. Brian Gerish won’t budge.

    • stevie k says:

      Precisely Tap… why wont he budge? on the times I’ve met Brian he seems very genuine but as you say he will not ally the Column with the ED’s who are their natural allies nor will he entertain anything from Michael O’Bernicia who’s court cases correct me if I’m wrong never got a mention. I find it very strange. I did give them the benefit of the doubt when they were on YouTube for not being too controversial but as that’s not the case now what’s the excuse?
      It’s the same little clique all the time with little or no other content from anybody else.

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