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Male teen deaths skyrocket 53% following mass covid vaccination

The Office for National Statistics (U.K.) has found that ever since Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” were first introduced, deaths among males aged 15-19 have jumped 53 percent.

Even more disturbing is the fact that there have been noteworthy death spikes that directly correlate with the rollout of the first, second and third doses of the injections for this age group.

Based on this, experts say that the jabs are clearly to blame. No other factors changed other than the fact that these boys rolled up their sleeves for their Fauci Flu shots in accordance with government guidelines.

Data collected from the 2020 edition of “Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales” clearly shows periodic spikes in the death count right when each new injection was introduced. Once a fourth “booster” shot becomes available to young boys, we expect to see yet another death spike.

From week 18 and beyond in 2021, there was a noticeable rise in deaths among teenage boys compared to the same time period in 2020. Things really took a turn for the worse starting in week 23.

“For instance in week 26, despite the Covid-19 virus allegedly [wreaking] havoc throughout the U.K., there were just 2 deaths registered among male teens aged 15-19 in England and Wales,” reports the Daily Exposé.

“But fast forward one year and we can see that there were 19 deaths registered among male teens aged 15-19 in England and Wales during week 26. That represents [an] 850% increase.”

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The noteworthy spike in deaths at week 18 onwards tracks with the time when 18- and 19-year-olds first started getting jabbed. Some 16- and 17-year-olds also started getting jabbed around the same time.



According to the ONS reports, a total of 434 deaths occurred among males 15-19 in England and Wales between week one and week 52 in 2020. In 2021 during the same timeframe, that figure soared to 577 deaths.

Between week one and 17 in both years, the death toll in this demographic was roughly the same, it is important to note. Starting on week 18, however, which is when the jabs arrived for young boys, the 2021 numbers skyrocketed compared to the 2020 numbers. There is simply no other explanation for this but the injections. (Related: Covid injections are spreading more variants, which is also contributing to the overall death count.)

“This means deaths among males aged 15-19 increased by 53% following the introduction of the Covid-19 vaccine to this age-group compared to the same period in 2020,” the Exposé adds.

As is usually the case, the “authorities” are trying to blame these death spikes on “covid.” But a simple look at the timing of when the jabs were rolled out and when the deaths really ramped up clearly shows that the former caused the latter.

While the overall number of deaths in boys 15-19 was still relatively low in both 2020 and 2021, it is still concerning that there was any increase at all. Remember when politicians were claiming that even one lost life was too many? Well, there were many more than one that occurred among boys 15-19 thanks to the jabs.

“Notice that the deaths dropped in week 52 – over the Christmas period when parents wouldn’t have bothered so much taking their kids into the doctors to get poisoned,” noted one Exposé reader.

Over at Natural News, another reader noted that the fully vaccinated are now loaded with inflammatory spike proteins, which for many of them will spell early death.

“We will all be affected and harmed sooner or later,” this person added about how the jabbed are “shedding” these poisons onto the non-jabbed.

The latest Fauci Flu shot death figures can be found at Genocide.news.

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