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Jumping the chain and having a free mind

Every major covert op has the same concealed objective: “defeat the enemy and thereby gain more control.”
But control over what?
Beyond the usual answers, the root answer is: “control over the mind.”
Why? Because if perception and thought can be channeled, directed, reduced, and weakened, then it doesn’t matter what humans do to resist other types of control. They will always go down the wrong path. They will always operate within limited and bounded territory. They will always ignore their own authentic power.
I’m talking about power that exceeds the “normal” and “average” ability to influence the stream of cause and effect.
The “prison” of cause and effect is a concept that is floated as part of the basic covert op to convince people they are small, diminished, and at the mercy of larger forces.
But underneath it all, humans have the capacity to “jump the chain” and become, as it were, “first causes.”
And not in some minor way.
Unfortunately, the popular view of how this can be accomplished is often rooted in New Age notions: the instantaneous fix; the Disneyesque manifestation; the “surrender to the universe.”
These are psy-op versions of the real thing, floated as part of the overall covert op to engage the gullible among us.
“Jumping the chain” is actually a matter of reversing the op. In other words, instead of accepting the mural of reality that has been created for us, each person creates his own.
This, dare I say it (yes, I do), is a heroic enterprise. And by heroic, I mean: without surrender. Without compromise.
Beyond the covert op, every human has the capacity to act in ways that change the flow of time, the architecture of space, and the sources of energy.
The degree to which an individual believes this is impossible mirrors his acceptance of the basic covert op on planet Earth.
When people speak about “hope for all of us,” they rarely refer to the power of the individual, but that’s where it starts. With the individual. Unchained.
Exit From The Matrix is the realization of those clues, fleshed out, clarified, and embedded in techniques and exercises anyone can do on a daily basis.
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3 Responses to “Jumping the chain and having a free mind”

  1. ian says:

    Great post Tap.

  2. Tapestry says:

    Jon Rappoport writing at his best.

  3. danceaway says:

    Excellent article along the lines of Jon Rappoport, exposing scientists as pretending to be shocked when their inventions are misused, a la Dr Malone, who is mentioned in some of the excellent comments exactly for this. Highly recommend we all read this; it is not too long, but most pertinent; a much needed scrutiny of scientists, my brother being one of those. (One whom I have completely written off as complicit.)

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