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Another Fake Art Event


IN the news today, a man climbed the wall above the entrance to the BBC in London and severely
damaged the Eric Gill sculpture there. He chipped off the naked boy’s penis, as well as defacing his
face, feet, and other parts of the sculpture. He also wrote on the sculpture, saying “Noose all Peados”.
He did that because Gill is now known to have been a pedophile and convicted rapist, having slept with
his own children and bragged about it in his memoirs.

Except that there is a little problem.

Witness the photos:

The first is from the event yesterday, and the second is Gill installing the sculpture back in the 1930s.
See a problem? It isn’t the same sculpture. The first has a line at the belly button while the second one
doesn’t. Why? Because the second is a picture of the original, which was marble and one piece. The
first is a picture of a concrete copy, in several pieces. So that guy is defacing a relatively worthless
concrete copy. Indicating this event was staged, the guy was an agent, they misspelled Peado on
purpose, and the sculpture had been switched out at some point. I don’t know when.

But none of the news outlets worldwide bothers to mention that, including the BBC.

We have seen events like this in the US over the past two years, as rioters defaced or toppled famous
statues in the US. Except that, again, the sculptures were either worthless copies, fakes, or bronzes
defaced with materials that could easily be removed. Throwing paint on a bronze sculpture doesn’t hurt
it, since you can just clean it off with solvent. Like the larger riots themselves, these art defacings were
faked to sow division and create a diversion. More fake news. The real sculptures of Jefferson or Lee
or whomever can be rolled back out and re-installed when things get back to normal, and they will.
While the sculptures of George Floyd and Kyle Rittenhouse and Ashli Babbitt and others will be
melted down and used for bedposts or something.

by Miles Mathis
First published January 12, 2022


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6 Responses to “Another Fake Art Event”

  1. nixon scraypes says:

    I have looked at online photos of the sculpture. The oldest one I’ve seen with the navel line seems to be2011 so its been substituted for at least 10 years. There was another of Gill with the piece and i cant see s line.

  2. ian says:

    I looked at everything that I could see online at G images etc, and all seem to have seams, indicating to me that it was separate pieces before it was carved, unless it was swapped, but wouldn’t someone notice?

  3. Tapestry says:

    Ian you can click through to Miles Mathis article which shows the original with Gill carving it – http://mileswmathis.com/gill.pdf. – I don’t copy Miles’ pictures any more as they occasionally crash the site. He has a lot of kit to dig around the net and probably doesn’t want his work ripped off. That’s assuming he’s real and not a front for someone else……

  4. nixon scraypes says:

    I saw one with Gill in front of it and the stomach looks quite round. The Mathis photo is murky in that area and it’s difficult to tell…..

    • Tapestry says:

      You really can’t see?! The statue is completely different in many other ways . Look at the adult’s hands, for example.

  5. emm jay says:

    Short clip on bbc expenditure. FOI facts. Courtesy of ex bbc broadcaster/presenter and whistleblower Alex Belfield (Voice of Reason).


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