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A Cruel, Sickening and Never-ending Witch Hunt

The supporters of the covid fraud, and the fake jabbing programme, are now complaining that they have been getting a rough time at the hands of what they delight in referring to as the `anti-vaxxers’. Allegedly, some have even had to put up with rude comments on social media.

They have no idea what abuse really looks like.

I’ve spent a lifetime being attacked and vilified and oppressed and I’ve never known anything as deadly and as destructive as the abuse I’ve been subjected to in the last two years.

Let me explain a little.

At the age of 18 I went to Kirkby, Liverpool to spend a year as a Community Service Volunteer.

I arrived as a schoolboy, in a school blazer, tie and flannels.

Nine months later I had seen more of life than I’d seen in the previous 18 years. I had become a professional rebel – fighting for freedom and human rights and against injustices of all kinds.

I spent much of the mid and late 1960s writing articles and columns which were critical of the establishment. (I was writing columns while I was still at medical school.)

To begin with the establishment was tolerant. Books such as `The Medicine Men’ and `Paper Doctors’, both published in the 1970s, were widely praised. The Guardian newspaper bought serial rights for the first and published a huge extract. The BBC made a programme about it.

During the 1970s and early 1980s I worked a good deal for both broadsheet and tabloid newspapers and for national TV stations. I wrote numerous columns and made several thousand TV and radio programmes. And I wrote a host of books which were mostly very well received and reviewed – appearing in the best-seller lists around the world.

I was sued, served with injunctions and fined by the NHS for insisting on maintaining patient confidentiality. (I resigned as a GP and my protest resulted in a change in the regulations.)

But then, at the end of the 1980s, there was a not very subtle change in the way the establishment treated original thinking: anyone who questioned the `official’ line was either actively suppressed or attacked. Any questioning of vaccination or vivisection, for example, drew violent attacks from the medical establishment and, in particular, from the pharmaceutical industry.

As a result of my campaigns, I was sued by a police force. (And I sued one back.) I had MI5, special branch and private detectives (hired by drug companies) chasing me and tracking me down. I was attacked by two judges. I received writs so thick that they could only be pushed through a cat flap. I had papers stolen from my home.

Overnight, I was banned in China where the Chinese Government was so annoyed by a weekly column I wrote for a big Chinese newspaper that they banned all my books in Chinese and also banned other `foreign’ authors. (I was a bestselling author in China and wrote a weekly column for a Chinese newspaper). The column which caused the fuss was one in which I criticised vaccination. I have no idea whether or not this global ban on western authors has yet been rescinded.

A serious death threat was investigated by Interpol. My mail was opened and my phone was tapped. Every time I spoke in public I was filmed. Two separate insiders told me that Special Branch had a growing file about me. I’ve been door stepped by journalists on more occasions than I like to remember.

When I travelled to South Africa to speak against vivisection, I was met by an agent of BOSS within hours of arriving in Johannesburg. He wasn’t terribly good at it (he turned up in a silk suit claiming to be an anti-vivisection activist) but he wanted to know everything about `my friend ALF’ (he didn’t realise ALF was an organisation not a person).

After I exposed the way the AIDS `crisis’ has been exaggerated, I found that I was no longer invited to contribute to TV or radio programmes. And publishers around the world suddenly let my books go out of print or remaindered them – and refused to consider new titles. My German publishers had been selling large amounts of my books but the books disappeared overnight and the following year I received nothing. The publishers did not respond when I asked for royalty statements or sent them other titles. That cost me around £30,000 a year in royalties – and a lot of readers in Germany. Much the same sort of thing happened around the world. You can see how it works, can’t you?

And if you want to know why I never borrow money just read the book `Roche v Adams’ which describes Stanley Adams experiences with drug company Roche and the EU. The world is scarier and nastier than most people realise.

By the end of the 20th century, doctors were only allowed to read and hear what the drug industry wants them to read and hear.

So, for example, consider what happened 25 or so years ago when I was invited to speak at a high level conference in London aimed at medical professionals – particularly NHS staff.

The conference was, I was told, intended to tackle the subject of medication errors and adverse reactions to prescribed drugs. The company organising the conference asked me (whom they acknowledged as an expert on iatrogenesis) to help decide the programme for the conference – and to speak. They had asked me, they said, because my campaigns had resulted in more drugs being banned or controlled than anyone else’s.

And then the direction of the conference suddenly changed.

The aim became to discuss how patients could be educated to use drugs more sensibly. Doctors and drug companies were no longer to be regarded as having any responsibility. I was quietly fired (but paid because I had a contract) after complaints had been made by unnamed people. I was replaced by representatives of The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry and the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency.

That sort of thing happened a good deal. Book contracts were suddenly withdrawn and TV companies cancelled invitations. Publishers suddenly decided that they didn’t want books they’d been keen to buy. By the late 1990s, nasty articles about me started to appear in the national press – a trend which was, I believe, initiated by drug companies.

And then came covid-19.

In February and March of 2020, I began by attacking the establishment, questioning the argument that the coronavirus was going to be a major plague. That proved deeply unpopular with the medical and political establishment. Overnight, without any evidence, I became a conspiracy theorist, a discredited doctor and a danger to mankind.

Twenty years previously I’d been allotted a Wikipedia page.

Suddenly it was changed.

All details of my books, TV series and columns were removed and replaced with lies and nonsense. The fact that I had resigned as a GP on point of principle was erased. The fact that I had resigned from my last national newspaper column because the editor wouldn’t print a column I had written criticising the Iraq War was erased. I was reported to be the highest paid columnist in Fleet Street at the time so it was a painful principle.

Wikipedia pages which had been put up about two of my book series (Mrs Caldicot and Bilbury) mysteriously disappeared. Google, which has a `relationship’ with Wikipedia, repeated the lies and general garbage about me. It was clear this was all designed to make sure that no one took any notice of what I had to say. It was pretty clearly also designed to destroy me personally and to wreck my book sales. (One or two people have, I think, tried to restore sense to the page. No one has succeeded.)

I was guilty of spreading misinformation because the truth I was telling was considered inconvenient. I was wrongly accused of having been struck off the medical register. I was even accused of falsely claiming to be a doctor. I was accused of making my videos (never monetised, remember) to make money before I die.

Within a few months of starting to make videos for YouTube I was getting millions of views. I acquired 200,000 subscribers in record time.

Suddenly YouTube started to take down videos. (They have so far removed about half. They took down two over the Christmas period – both were published over a year earlier. They did not break any of the channel’s absurd allegiance to the World Health Organisation.) Nothing in the videos I made was factually inaccurate. But YouTube doesn’t seem to care about freedom or truth. Incidentally, I never monetised my videos because it seemed wrong to benefit financially from such a crisis. And, more important, I didn’t want adverts appearing on or next to my videos.) For around 18 months YouTube has, it seems to me, only accepted covid videos which promote the pro-vaxx, pro fraud line.

I moved to the excellent platform Brand New Tube and started making videos there.

My website had been hacked and attacked for decades but things got worse. For two years there have been at least 5,000 hacking attempts every month on the two main sites. Occasionally, one or other website has been taken down. I have been hacked by the Americans (including at least two of the various alphabet soup organisationss), the Russians and the South Koreans and an assortment of dangerous nutters.

During the last two years, half a century of hard work and campaigning has been trashed and my reputation has been steadily destroyed by lies and libels on the internet and in the mainstream media. The BBC and Sky TV both attacked me. The Daily Mail (for which I had once worked as a medical advisor) even claimed that I wrongly called myself a doctor. Malignant armies of tweeters, claiming to be on the same side as me (and who had never done a darned thing in this war except whinge and promote themselves) lied and accused me of being a freemason, struck off the medical register and worse. All the network TV and radio stations ignored me – although I had previously appeared on many of them regularly. (I used to be a regular on TalkRadio for example.) And I have, inevitably, been threatened with legal action – for absolutely no valid reason whatsoever.

Privately and professionally, exposing the covid hoax was the worst thing I ever did. It has brought me and my beloved, hard-working and constantly loyal wife nothing but personal and professional pain.

The aim of the attacks was not, of course, just to destroy me – it was to stop people listening to me. Before March 2020 I had many millions of readers around the world. I wonder how many I have left now. Precious few, I suspect. How do people know or care that the word `discredited’, plucked out of thin air and applied to my name by a crooked, fake encyclopaedia called Wikipedia, widely spread by that evil search engine Google, is just a libel and not a fact? (I have evidence showing that it is possible to change a Wikipedia entry by paying an editor.)

And this sort of defamation doesn’t just break and silence the individuals who are targeted – it also dissuades others from speaking out.

I was never allowed to join Facebook or Twitter. Facebook told me, before I did anything, that I was a threat to their community. And I was thrown off LinkedIn for daring to mention that it was owned by Microsoft – the source of the wealth of billionaire pro-vaxxer Bill Gates.

Four books I wrote about covid were banned. Publishers suddenly withdrew them from sale. They might as well reintroduce book burning globally. (The four banned books are available free on my websites.)

I was expelled from the Royal Society of Arts because of my views and my recent involvement in the BBC panorama programme. That’s what they said.

The Panorama programme was, of course, the unbalanced, biased programme where I was attacked for telling the truth but not invited into the studio to debate because the BBC boasts that it won’t ever give airtime to those questioning vaccination `whether they’re right or wrong’.

As far as the RSA is concerned, the words crushing freedom of speech and ignoring the principles of a fair trial came to mind.

Criticising me for being demonised on Panorama is like criticising someone for being struck by lightning or, more accurately, being mugged.

I don’t give a fig that they’ve expelled me but it’s a good example of how the truth is being suppressed, how the truth-tellers are being demonised and exiled and how old-fashioned stuff like facts and medical debate are being oppressed.

The RSA also complained that Fellows had been tweeting about me. And so on and so forth. Not unexpectedly, the heavy hand of the BBC appeared. One of the tweeters complaining about me appears to have been someone called Catrin Nye, whom I have never heard of. However, it appears that there is a BBC presenter called Catrin Nye whose photograph looks rather like the Twitter account holder who tweeted about me. Maybe they are related. If so, that’s rather neat. The BBC attacks me for telling the truth and then a BBC person tweets about me and the RSA, instead of rallying round or looking for the truth, expels me for allowing this to happen. (What a coincidence it is that from the beginning of this fraud I have been attacking the BBC for its lack of journalistic integrity.)

You couldn’t make it up, could you? But it wasn’t the first time. Years earlier, I was invited to leave the Royal Society of Medicine where I was a Fellow.

And so on, and so on.

I’ve told you this sorry tale of unbridled persecution because it proves just how desperately dishonest the whole enterprise really is. If they were honest they would debate with me, believing they’d win. But they can’t debate because they’d lose so they try to win by spreading vicious lies.

This isn’t normal, unpleasant social media abuse. It is a campaign of suppression and oppression, decorated with malicious lies, invented and spread to cause doubt and to help keep the truth suppressed. The ruthlessness and cruelty and refusal to debate are evidence of the fundamental wickedness.

There are thousands of so-called fact checkers in the world and I suspect that most of them, supported by organisations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, have, by now, libelled me and falsely accused me of spreading misinformation. (I dealt with three fact checkers in a recent video.) No one cares that everything I have said or written has been meticulously checked and been accurate.

Even the Wikipedia site relating to the award winning movie of my novel Mrs Caldicot’s Cabbage War has been deliberately changed. The film had terrific reviews in the national press, it is regularly shown on TV and has over 1,000 reviews at nearly 5 stars on Amazon but Wikipedia now shows only a BBC one star review. My name has been removed from the summary box so that I’m not included on other derivative sites and the only time I’m mentioned as the author, I’m described, inevitably, as a conspiracy theorist. The aim, yet again, is to destroy my reputation and income.

It just goes to show how terrified the establishment is of the truth – Wikipedia, which poses as an encyclopaedia, is, in my view, corrupt and a tool of the establishment; it is a disinformation site, spreading misinformation and manipulated by amateur `editors’. I still find it astonishing that Wikipedia editors will remove the lies from a page if you give them money. Then when it gets changed back they want more money to tidy it up again.

At least one of the editors named as responsible for altering my Wikipedia page has, according to Larry Sanger (Wikipedia’s co-founder), suspected links to the CIA.

And still the abuse continues – so much so that even many people on my side of this war no longer want to speak to me. Many admit that they won’t put my videos on their Twitter or Facebook channels lest they be punished. I’ve been made a dangerous pariah – attacked or ignored by both sides in this war.

In addition, I have, for reasons which puzzle me, been targeted by exosome supporters who believe that viruses don’t exist, that infections don’t exist and therefore cannot be spread, and that when four people in a family or an office develop a cold or the flu it is just a coincidence. I know darned well that even if I believed in this (and I’ve known about exosomes longer than some of the supporters of the theory have been able to tie their own shoelaces) I could never persuade the public to believe it.

The exosome supporters have done everything they can to damage my credibility – even though I was the first medical doctor to stick my neck out over what was originally the coronavirus hoax. They persecute me mercilessly, lie about me endlessly and do not seem to understand how their close-minded, bigotry is damaging our chances of winning the war. (Or do they?)

One recently claimed that I had said nothing about compulsory vaccination or social credit. But I was warning about mandatory vaccinations over a decade ago and I have repeatedly warned about it in the last two years. I warned about it in my first video in March 2020. And I was warning about social credit when it was still an experiment in China years ago. I was writing about the danger of lockdowns and masks and PCR tests over eighteen months ago. I was warning about the theft of DNA, digital passports, the end of cash, food and energy shortages in the early part of 2020. Over a year ago, in December 2020, I accurately listed the side effects that would come with the mRNA jab. Everything I’ve written was accurate. My predictions are correct time and time again. And yet the exosome supporters merely spew vitriol and lie after lie. If I defend myself they become ever more vicious. And when attached to my videos, the lies just sit there because if I remove them I’m accused of censorship.

So, if I make more videos I shall never again open the comments section.

Over Christmas I received a death threat from an anonymous exosome supporter and two people created fake Telegram channels in my name. Heaven knows what they are saying in my name – I’m not allowed on social media. I patented my name decades ago and so the thieves who have stolen my name and photograph are guilty of fraud, libel and patent infringement. They have been reported to Telegram. But it’s more time and energy wasted. I realise that the channels could be harmless – but, given what has happened, how could I possibly believe that they are?

I have absolutely no accounts on social media and anything which appears under my name on Facebook, Twitter, Telegram or whatever is fraudulent, fake and libellous. (It can, by the way, be libellous to write something purporting to have been written by another person.)

Part of me wants desperately to carry on fighting this war. It is the most important war any of us will ever fight in. I still have a good deal of important information to share.

I honestly believe that if any of the pro-vaxxers have been subjected to a hundredth of the abuse I’ve described (much of it paid for or encouraged by governments or government agencies) I will be surprised. Most of them have, instead, been rewarded with wealth and honours.

Part of me just wants to pull up the drawbridge, draw the curtains and shut out the world – though I will keep writing articles for my websites.

I still believe we are winning this war. But, as I said in my last video, I feel just a little bit tired, shell shocked and battle weary.

I think I’m beginning to feel my age.

I’m beginning to feel I should buy some slippers and a pipe, light the log fire a few feet from my favourite chair and pick up a favourite book.

We’ll see…watch this space!

Copyright Vernon Coleman January 2022


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