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Mercola’s back!!!!

  • I am launching a Censored Library at Substack, where our previously deleted article archive will be restored, and new articles will be uploaded after 48 hours
  • Our daily newsletter will remain free of charge, but articles are “ephemeral” and only viewable for 48 hours
  • The Censored Library at Substack will require a paid membership
  • Membership is $5 per month, or $50 per year

My goal has always been to help you Take Control of Your Health, and it’s never been more important than now to do so. One of my favorite quotes comes from the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, who said there are three stages of truth.

“First, it is ridiculed.

Second, it is violently opposed.

Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”

While it is much easier to go with the flow, some of us understand the importance of pursuing truth and meeting people along the way on the road less traveled. While this road has always presented challenges, varying opinions and opposing views were welcome and necessary, without fear of censorship or retribution.

We now live in a very different time. A much darker time. The silence of free speech is deafening. Not only is blatant censorship tolerated, it is supported and encouraged by the very people entrusted to protect our constitutional right to freedom of speech.

Never in my life would I have believed that the sitting president of the United States would call out 12 Americans in a McCarthyism-like attack in the United States, and place me at the top of this list. When the most powerful individual on the planet targeted me as his primary obstacle to be removed, I reluctantly, and after painstaking deliberation, made the decision to delete over 15,000 health articles from my website.

However, I never stopped delivering the most important health news seven days a week. My articles became “ephemeral,” in that they’re only available for viewing for 48 hours before they’re deleted from the site. I encourage you to subscribe to my FREE daily newsletter so you can get immediate updates on the latest health news, research and interviews.

I’m beyond excited to finally announce you now have a second option. My team and I have found a way to bring back my previously deleted articles in a liability protected format under the Censored Library. It is hosted by Substack, which is a major free speech platform that many censored journalists are using. My newsletter will remain free, as it has always been, and after 48 hours, each article will be transferred to and archived in the Censored Library on Substack.

substack censored library chart

The reason I chose a paid membership platform on Substack is because it will protect all of my content from censorship. For just $5 a month, or the discounted annual rate of $50 per year, you will have access to all of my articles, all the time, even after they’ve been deleted from Mercola.com.

Dr. Mercola's Censored Library
sign up

We will begin the process of transferring our entire archive over to the Substack library shortly, but there are nearly 25 years of content so it will be a lengthy process. If you have any specific articles that you want us to resurrect, please leave a comment below and we’ll make it a priority. Alternatively, send an email to editor@mercola.com.

While the censorship czars continue their games, we will not let them prevail. There is a light at the end of this tunnel, and I know that together we will help you and your family take control of your health!


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