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Fuellmich: New Findings Are Enough to Dismantle Entire VVV Industry

ER Editor: This is one of the latest video discussions lasting around 19 minutes between Dr. Reiner FuellmichDr. Wolfgang Wodarg, lawyer Viviana Fischer and UK doctor Sam White on the findings that a small number of vaccine batches has been associated with the majority of deaths and injuries from the vaccines. We remind readers of what we published on this back in early November. See

Exclusive: Have 100% of US Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths Been Caused by Just 5% of the Batches?


They invoke Dr. Mike Yeadon’s participation in this although he doesn’t appear on the video. Here are our notes:


Fuellmich: Dr. Mike Yeadon showed how they used batches within batches to try out what kind of doses are needed to kill people and maim them. From a legal perspective, it is inescapable evidence of premeditation. Once there is evidence of premeditation, there is no immunity for anyone.

Wodarg: It isn’t true that there is the same stuff in all the vaccines. We have hard evidence that the batches of vaccine vials contain different ingredients.

Sam White: We have experts talking about the VAERS data and ‘lots’, not batches. And they have about 11 lots with 6 0r 7% of the deaths, wow.

Wodarg (see data screens): Doctors need to know that the BATCHES ARE NOT CONTROLLED.

Fuellmich: What Mike Yeadon came up with is that there is a 1 in 200 chance that you’re going to run into one of those dangerous batches or lots. It’s like Russian roulette. Wodarg: this is not Russian roulette, it’s a TRIAL, it’s planned. The batches are sent somewhere, they’re used and registered. What they’ve also found is that when one company, say Pfizer BioNTech, are up to something, the others will keep quiet. The others won’t do the experiments. But then they’ll step up and do something, maybe it’s AstraZeneca next or Johnson and Johnson who want to try something out within these massive trials. The stupid doctors think they are giving the same injections. But it’s not true. They are being misused for this very big trial where there is no ethics committee! It’s an obscure trial where the people are just the victims. And perhaps they are genetically modifying human beings and they have patents on this stuff. There are 120 new vaccines in the pipeline. They all want to try out their products and now is the time they can do it because we’re still afraid that we need a vaccine. It’s worse than Nuremberg what’s happening now. It is horrible – there are thousands of Mengeles now. Some of them don’t know this, but some of them know very well what they are doing. And they kill thousands of people. Fuellmich: Intentionally. Wodarg: yes, intentionally.

Wodarg: this graph is proof that it’s been planned. Fuellmich:  It’s a coordinated effort or else they wouldn’t do it in a synchronized way, first by BioNTech Pfizer, then Moderna, then Jensen. They’re doing it in a highly co-ordinated way so they will not interfere with each other. Each one of them is doing their own experiments within an experiment. All of the pharmaceutical industry knows it. They all want to be part of it, including the Paul Ehrlich Institute, so it’s just a matter of time until all the others join in and make it even worse because it is easy to extort those already committing the crimes, so that others will be admitted into this mass serial killing.

Fuellmich: This makes it easy for any lawyer in this world to show intent. It is inescapable – from these graphs, you can show intent. They are deliberately using different dosages, co-ordinated with each other so that they won’t interfere with each other in order to try and find out what kills the best or maims the best.

These findings in particular have immense legal repercussions – immense, because once you arrive at the conclusion that they’re doing this deliberately, intentionally or as Martin Schwab puts it maliciously, once you arrive at this conclusion, the floodgates are open in the United States for punitive damages. You can probably go up to 21 times the actual damage, which is added on top of the actual damage. In these cases, in fact, you may be able to go up to a 1,000 times because these people got so badly injured. This could be enough to dismantle the entire industry.


Fuellmich: New Findings Are Enough to Dismantle Entire VVV Industry [VIDEO]

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One Response to “Fuellmich: New Findings Are Enough to Dismantle Entire VVV Industry”

  1. Alan Vaughn says:

    “Fuellmich: This makes it easy for any lawyer in this world to show intent. It is inescapable – from these graphs, you can show intent.”

    Indeed it does, but show such intent to whom?
    To their prejudiced, corrupt and controlled judiciaries.
    Yeah, that’ll work for sure. At giving the lying and complicit media the ideal opportunity to further publicly shame and ridicule us as even crazier anti-vaxxer, tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists and deranged, even dangerous loonies.

    Dr Fuellmich himself has recently been quoted as concurring that this battle being waged against us will never be won in any courtroom, for the very same reason I say it can’t be: The ruling class elites own and control the world’s judiciaries, just as they do the governments and the banks, etc., thus have virtually no power or authority.
    Law and order is more-or-less extinct now in the elite’s totalitarian NWO.
    He also finally came out and said what I and many others have been saying all along: that the ONLY solution lies with us – the oppressed and subjugated, abused citizens, who need to grow a backbone and fight back: Engage in en masse civil disobedience wherever and whenever possible. I.e. everyone just needs to STOP COMPLYING!

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