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Essential Notes about Vaccines and Vaccination

The following general notes about vaccines and vaccination are taken from my book `Coleman’s Laws’, which is available as a paperback and an eBook. The notes below do not include information about the covid-19 jab because the book was written before it was introduced.

1. For over fifty years I have been warning about the potential problems associated with vaccines. I have, during that time, provided a considerable amount of proof showing that vaccination programmes often do more harm than good. To be precise, I believe that the amount of illness and the number of deaths caused by vaccinations far exceeds the amount of serious illness and the number of deaths caused by the diseases against which the vaccinations are supposed to offer protection. The most significant known facts about vaccines are that they can cause brain damage and they can kill. The evidence shows that some vaccines kill and injure far more people than the diseases the vaccines are given to protect against. This isn’t theory or supposition. It is fact. Since the late 1970s the British Government has quietly handed out tens of thousands of pounds in damages to parents of children suffering from brain damage caused by vaccines.

2. If children scream or are unusually quiet or show other unusual signs after a vaccination then there is, I suspect, a real chance that they will develop autism or brain damage. Sadly, of course, it is too late to do anything about it by then.

3. As the years have gone by the number of vaccines available has increased steadily. Modern American children now receive around dozens of vaccinations by the time they go to school. A decade or two ago the only vaccines available were against a relatively small number of diseases including smallpox, tuberculosis, polio, cholera, diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough. Today, the number of available vaccines seems to grow almost weekly. In the past vaccines were produced against major killer diseases. Today vaccines are produced against diseases such as measles, mumps and chickenpox which have traditionally been regarded as relatively benign inconveniences of childhood.

4. The death rate from measles had dropped dramatically decades before the vaccine against measles was introduced. Today, despite (or, perhaps, because of) the widespread use of the vaccine, the incidence of measles is rising again.

5. In attempts to persuade parents to have their children vaccinated against measles governments and doctors around the world have thought up an apparently unending — and hysterical — series of scare campaigns. Now that there is a vaccine against it, measles has, by a strange coincidence, stopped being an annoying childhood disease and has, instead, become a deadly killer.

6. Scares designed to encourage parents to have their children vaccinated often consist of claiming that a major epidemic is just around the corner and that only vaccination can offer protection. I have lost count of the number whooping cough epidemics which governments have wrongly forecast. Governments and their advisers are either unbelievably stupid or else they are deliberately lying to help boost drug company profits.

7. Countless scientists around the world have spent vast fortunes trying to create a vaccine against AIDS (in view of the fact that AIDS may not exist they may find this trickier than expected).

8. There are plans to develop bananas which ‘protect’ those who eat them against hepatitis B, measles, yellow fever and poliomyelitis. Other scientists have developed a genetically engineered potato which it may be possible to use as a vaccine against cholera. The active part of the potato remains active during the process of cooking and so a portion of genetically engineered chips could soon be a vaccine against cholera. You will not be surprised to hear that I would not knowingly consume any fruit or vegetable that had been genetically modified — let alone one that had been modified in this obscene way.

9. The pharmaceutical industry is constantly searching for more and more new vaccines. I have lost count of the number of times I have read of researchers working on a vaccine to prevent cancer. Every year new ’flu jabs appear on the market. There are, so I am told, vaccines in the pipeline for just about everything ranging from asthma to earache. There is even a planned genetically engineered vaccine which will provide protection against forty different diseases. The vaccine, which will contain the raw DNA of all those different diseases, will be given to newborn babies to provide them with protection for life.

10. I don’t know about you but I can no longer keep up with what is going on in the world of vaccines. I have long since given up trying to work out which vaccines are very dangerous and which are just a bit dangerous — and to whom. The only certainty is that manufacturing (and giving) vaccines is big business. The people who sell vaccines make a lot of money. And the doctors who give them (or who authorise nurses to give them on their behalf) make a lot of money too. Vaccination is a big and very profitable, industry.

11. Does anyone know what happens inside the body when all these different vaccinations are given together? Do different vaccines work with or against one another? What about the risk of interactions? Exactly how does the immune system cope when it is suddenly bombarded with so much foreign material? And what about dangerous contaminants? One anti-flu vaccine which was injected into over a million American citizens contained a cancer-causing monkey virus. And then there’s the polio vaccine.

12. The polio vaccine is often used as an example of just how wonderful a vaccine can be. And supporters of animal experiments claim that without animal experiments there would have never been a vaccine against poliomyelitis. Both arguments are wrong. The number of deaths from polio had fallen dramatically some time before the first polio vaccine was introduced. Better food, better housing cleaner water and better sanitation had all led to a fall in the incidence and significance of the disease. In fact the evidence shows that the introduction of the vaccine led to more patients with polio rather than fewer. In Tennessee, USA, the number of poliomyelitis victims the year before vaccination became compulsory was 119, but the year after vaccination was introduced the number rose to 386. In North Carolina, the number of cases before vaccination was 78 while the number after the vaccine became compulsory rose to 313. There are similar figures for other American states. The first breakthrough in the development of a poliomyelitis vaccine was made in 1949 with the aid of a human tissue culture. But when the first practical vaccine was prepared in the 1950s monkey kidney tissue was used because that was standard laboratory practice. Researchers didn’t realise that one of the viruses commonly found in monkey kidney cells can cause cancer in humans.

13. How many other vaccines contain similarly dangerous ingredients? Could the constant increase in the incidence of cancer be connected to the enthusiasm for vaccination programmes which has for decades now been inspired by drug companies and governments and maintained by doctors?

14. I am an enthusiastic supporter of the principle of preventive medicine. It is usually much easier to avoid an illness than it is to treat one. Vaccination programmes are usually sold to the public as though they are an integral part of a general preventive medicine programme. But vaccination programmes cannot truly be described as preventive medicine. They are, rather, a part of the interventionist approach to medical care.

15. Vaccinations have been linked to a number of general health problems. It now seems possible, for example, that individuals who receive vaccinations may be more prone to develop diabetes, allergies (such as asthma), arthritis, eczema and bowel disease (such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome). The explanation — which makes sense to me — is that vaccinations interfere with the immune system and make the recipients more susceptible to disease.

16. Who (other than a drug company spokesman) wouldn’t expect an infant to show serious signs of distress when deliberately injected with potentially toxic foreign substances? Why shouldn’t such injections cause a severe immune response?

17. It has also been suggested that vaccinations may be the explanation for the mystery problem ‘cot death’. Children who die of ‘cot death’ tend to die at exactly the sort of age when babies are having early vaccinations. Why hasn’t anyone noticed that many of the babies who die of ‘cot death’ often die just days after the recommended dates for childhood vaccinations? Are so-called ‘cot deaths’ merely another terrible consequence of government approved vaccination programmes?

18. Around the world an increasing number of parents have been arrested and charged with injuring or killing their babies. Some of those parents are undoubtedly guilty. But many (and possibly most) are not, because in many cases the baby or young child died not because he or she was attacked by a parent who had lost control but because his or her brain was damaged by a vaccine or some other medication. Shaken Baby Syndrome (in which the brain is damaged by the vaccine) is now a very real problem in all societies where vaccines are routinely (and in some countries forcibly) administered. The damage done to the baby or child by the vaccine mimics the damage that would be done if the baby was forcefully shaken. When the police investigate the sudden death of a child, and a pathologist produces a report showing that the child died because of brain damage, the chances are high that one of the parents will be charged with murder. In America this can mean that the misinformed prosecution will call for the death penalty. Naturally, doctors and drug companies deny that vaccines can kill in this or any other way. In cases where parents (and others) have been accused of murdering their children by shaking them, or in some other way abusing them, the real culprit may well have been a vaccine. Brain damage is a well- known possible side effect of vaccination. Brain swelling, intracranial bleeding and other symptoms of ‘shaken baby syndrome’ can all be produced by vaccines. None of this is widely known — perhaps because doctors and drug companies prefer unfortunate parents to take the blame for these deaths.

19. Vaccination damage can occur weeks, months or years after a vaccination.

20. Vaccines have to be developed using living systems. They are, therefore, usually cultivated in material taken from animals — in cell cultures, in fertilised hens’ eggs or in the blood of infected animals. Tissues which are used include brain tissue from rabbits, kidney tissue from dogs, rabbits and monkeys, protein from hen’s or duck’s eggs, blood from horses or pigs. This system can, of course, be dangerous since cell cultures may be contaminated (as was the case with the polio vaccine made with monkey tissue).Some vaccines have been prepared using bovine serum and it now appears that during the early 1990s an unknown number of children received vaccinations which may have been prepared using material from cattle which could have been infected with Bovine Spongiform Encephalitis (BSE).Naturally, no one knows the size of the risk that was taken at the time (though it seems that the Government was warned of the hazard). And no one is likely to know the size of any problem resulting from this for at least a decade. This is yet another piece of powerful evidence supporting those who are opposed to mass vaccination programmes.

21. Between 20% and over 50% of individuals who are vaccinated against a disease do not develop a resistance to the disease against which they have been allegedly immunised. In other words up to half of the healthy individuals who are vaccinated (and whose health and lives are therefore put at risk) gain no benefit whatsoever from the vaccination. (With some vaccines the failure rate is much higher.)

22. The evidence shows that diseases said to have been conquered by vaccines were in fact often controlled by other means long before vaccines were introduced.

23. Children in developing countries (often poorly fed and forced by circumstances to drink water which is dirty) are now being vaccinated by teams of workers from rich countries. Vaccination programmes are paid for by large charitable organisations. The people who give the money, and who organise the vaccination programmes, probably think they are doing good. I have no doubt at all that they are doing far more harm than good. Those organising the mass vaccination campaigns claim they are recommending vaccination as a way of preventing illness but the money would do infinitely more good (and much less harm) if it was spent on providing food and clean drinking water.

24. When companies use tissue from a bird to make a vaccine, do they have any idea how many germs may be in that tissue? Some vaccines are made with aborted human foetal tissue. Again, who knows what diseases might be carried in that tissue? Doctors using these vaccinations are practising a form of cannibalism. If you wouldn’t eat someone’s dead human foetus why would you want your child to be injected with tissue from that foetus?

25. Very little on-going research is done to find out how safe or effective vaccines are. Drug companies and politicians say that vaccines are safe and effective. And people believe them. Doctors (and others) who speak out against vaccines are ignored and their work is suppressed.

26. Evidence that vaccines may do more harm than good is supported by experiences with animals. Between 1968 and 1988 there were considerably more outbreaks of foot and mouth disease in countries where vaccination against foot and mouth disease was compulsory than in countries where there were no such regulations. Epidemics always started in countries where vaccination was compulsory. This experience clearly shows that the alleged advantage to the community of vaccinating individuals simply does not exist. Similar observations were made about the hyena dog, which was in 1989 threatened with extinction. Scientists vaccinated individual animals to protect them against rabies but more than a dozen packs then died within a year — of rabies. This happened even in areas where rabies had never been seen before. When researchers tried using a non-infectious form of the pathogen (to prevent the deaths of the remaining animals) all members of seven packs of dogs disappeared. And yet the rabies vaccine is now compulsory in many parts of the world. Is it not possible that it is the vaccine which is keeping this disease alive?

27. Those who eat meat should be aware that cattle (and other animals reared for slaughter) are regularly vaccinated. The meat that is taken from those animals may, therefore, contain vaccine residues in addition to hormones, antibiotics and other drugs.

28. Tragically, many doctors seem to know very little about the vaccines they advocate. In my view, if a doctor wants to vaccinate you or a member of your family you should insist that he confirm in writing that the vaccine is both entirely safe and absolutely essential. You may notice his enthusiasm for the vaccine suddenly diminish.

29. Vaccines for children and adults are compulsory in some countries. In an increasing number of countries parents who refuse to have their children vaccinated are likely to be arrested and to have their children taken away from them. In other countries (such as the UK) doctors are given a financial bonus as a reward when they ‘sell’ vaccinations to a large enough proportion of their patients. As more and more people become wary about vaccines so it is likely that more and more countries will make vaccination compulsory.

30. Do influenza (’flu) vaccines work? Are they worth having? Well, let’s put it this way: I have known hundreds of doctors in my life. As far as I’m aware I have never yet known a doctor who has had a ’flu vaccine.

Taken from `Coleman’s Laws: The Twelve Medical Truths You Must Know to Survive’ by Vernon Coleman

Copyright Vernon Coleman December 2021

Note: `Coleman’s Laws’ by Vernon Coleman is available as a paperback and an eBook.


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