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  1. ian says:

    It’s very quiet here. FKN Good.

  2. Mick says:

    The media is saying this lack of booster take-up is down to anti-vaxxers block-booking the jab then not turning up. Most likely the explanation is people are now much more aware of the adverse effects.

  3. Gordon says:

    Learned today that yet another two have died after been vaccinated.

  4. Gordon says:

    QR Covid Pass Chip Now Can Be Implanted Under the Skin. You Knew It Was Coming


  5. Aldous says:

    All those dudes in hi-viz vests being paid for doing zilch! The UK must have an awful lot of dosh sloshing around in its coffers to be paying around £10 per hour minimum wage for such hanging around just waiting for knocking-off time. Incredible.
    What are they wearing hi-viz for anyway? Are they in a hazardous environment with fast moving traffic etc? Stupid is as stupid does.
    The decadent West is in an awful lot of trouble.
    Thanks bankers(sic) – for nothing!

    • Aldebaran says:


      I’ve long thought that the hi-viz was created to mark the wearer as epsilon caste.

    • pete fairhurst says:

      Same old, same old, Aldous. The decadent western “free world” [joke] is screwed, that’s for sure. It surely can’t carry on like this for much longer, too many folk have lost touch with reality

      This whole covid scam has been a very lucrative treasury dip by the usual suspects. Crown agents like Serco, S4G etc. Delivering shite, even non existent services, at minimum wages for their, zero hours contracted, wage slaves. All for top dollar and with minimal, more like zero, effective accountability. Watertight contracts negotiated by corrupt officials that pay out regardless, all on the taxpayers tab too!

      All tis theoretically overseen by corrupt politicians who all know that it’s all a crock of shit too. Witness their blatant disregard for their own rules

      If there was a sentient, thinking population here then, the pitchforks would surely be out by now. But there ain’t. The population is hypnotised by vast buckets of fear porn. Lots of them have lost the ability to think for themselves it seems. The TV could now tell them that snow is black and they would believe it. Must be the global warming

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