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BC Doctor reviews ‘shocking’ stats from released Pfizer documents

Highlights of the report:

In the first three months of the study, out of a total of 42,086 patients, 1,223 died.

31% of the patients had either died or were suffering long term side effects.

27% of pregnant women had a serious adverse event (ie miscarriage or stillbirth)

13% of breast-feeding children suffered an adverse event (therefore the jabs shed)

70.6 % of children under 12 who had received the injection during the three months of the study had serious side effects.

Dr. Nagase asserts that no new substance is deemed safe until there is a decade of data collected. He adds that any adverse event is automatically due to the new susbstance until proven otherwise. So, the notion that the injections are safe is an “absolute lie”. Furthermore, he states what should be obvious, which is that the product should have been taken off the market as of April 30 when these findings were first known. The fact that the government is not liable for these injuries and deaths, he adds, is criminal. — M. Taliano


Transcript by Rawan Mahmasa


Good evening. I’m Melanie Risdon with the Western Standard. And joining me tonight is Dr. Daniel Nagase, someone who doesn’t need an introduction at this point. He is an Alberta doctor and a BC doctor who was practicing in Alberta and was barred by the College of Physicians and Surgeons from continuing to practice in Alberta because he treated some patients successfully with Ivermectin in an Alberta hospital while they were going downhill with Covid. Welcome, Daniel. Thanks for joining us again. Just doing a bit of a follow up with you.

And how is everything going?

Dr. Nagase:

Well, I’ve been incredibly busy. The first thing I’d like to tell everyone in case they haven’t heard yet, is that all three patients that I treated in Rimby, Alberta with Ivermectin, they all went back to their home. So even the patient who was in her mid 90s, she went back to her usual nursing home. So that’s three out of three as far as people who’ve been cured after receiving Ivermectin, that’s great news.


It’s great to hear. So we were going to talk to you today about some information that Pfizer has had to release. They have been mandated to release, I guess, documents or information from their study on the vaccines. And we have some of those results you have sent to me and you want to speak about them today and talk about some of the data and what it reveals and what it says about what’s happening with the Vaccinations.

Dr. Nagase:

Absolutely. The report I’m looking at is the cumulative analysis of post authorization adverse event reports received up to February 28, 2021. So this is a report issued by Pfizer themselves, and then we’ll post the PDF. So that’s the title of the report. So if we look first off to, I’m going to do a screen share here looking at page six. So this is the Pfizer safety database, and you notice in the first paragraph they say it is estimated that approximately. And this is a redacted number of doses of BNT 160 were shipped worldwide for emergency supply on December 1 through to February 28, 2021.

So this entire adverse events report is covering a period of three months from December 1 to February 28. Now, the important thing to remember is not everyone in this report got their dose on December 1, because obviously it takes some time for doses to get distributed. So people in this report have had this injection anywhere from one to three months. Most of the data I’m discussing will be approximately an average of two months that people have had this injection in their systems. But again, it can vary from three months, like a full three months to just one or two days as far as time course of the injection.

So I’m just going to scroll down a little bit on the screen. Share now, I wonder, can we pull up the JPEG that I put up just with the highlighted numbers? Yes. So I just did some basic math there and it’s to look at how many side effects there were. So the case outcome. So there was a total of 42,086. So that’s in the top right corner of the table 42,086 patients. So the case outcome recovered with sequela. So sequela is a long term effect. 520 people recovered from their adverse event, but with a long term disability or a long term condition not recovered at the time of the report, 11,361 patients, and that’s out of 42,000.

So that’s 27% of people had not recovered from their adverse event after getting this Pfizer injection, and then 1223 people died after this injection. So if you add those numbers up 11,361, 521,223, that’s just over 31%. So 31% of people have either died or had a long term or permanent side effect from getting this injection like this should be front page news that 31% of people in the first three months that this vaccine has been rolled out and given to people, 31% of people have either died or had a long lasting side effect from which they haven’t recovered or are still in the process of recovering and haven’t recovered yet.


Now you have other findings that you were going to share with us as well from this data.

Dr. Nagase:

Absolutely. This is an incredible report on page twelve. So there should be a JPEG file with the highlights I have from page twelve of this report. There it is. So this is looking at situations where pregnant women have received this injection. So out of the 274 cases, only 146 cases were non serious, that had no adverse events. So only 53% that’s 146 out of the 274 pregnant patient who received this injection had no significant adverse events.


Do they go on to speak about what the adverse events are? I’m assuming we’ve been hearing the instances of stillbirth are up and miscarriages.

Dr. Nagase:

Report it’s saying so there were miscarriages. The trimester of exposure was reported in only 21 of the cases. So first trimester, they had 15 cases, second trimester seven and third trimester two. So the thing is, they have incomplete data as far as when in the pregnancy, these patients received their injections.



Dr. Nagase:

But I want to look at the first 2nd, 3rd, 4th paragraph of this page where it says 124 mother cases, 49 were nonserious and 75 were serious. So those 75 out of 274, that’s 27% 27% of pregnant women who received this injection had a serious event, and the serious event includes miscarriages and stillbirths. So that’s an incredible danger. And again, this has been known since April 30. This was published and put out for regulatory authorities to consider since April 30. So how is it that pregnant women have been getting this injection all summer without being told that there’s a 27% chance that they’re going to have a serious adverse event during their pregnancy after getting this injection?

This is absolutely mind boggling.


Yeah, I know the narrative has been that it is very safe for pregnancy. Clearly, I would think that’s a large risk if you’re approaching 30% chance of losing the baby by having a chart  or having a side effect or an adverse event.

Dr. Nagase:

Exactly. And then they also go into breastfeeding events. So out of 133 breastfeeding cases, 13% had an adverse event while breastfeeding, which is absolutely stupendous. Why would there be any medication on the market that causes a 13% side effect rate if taken while breating whether that side effect is with the child.


With the baby or with the mother.

Dr. Nagase:

So it said the 17 cases were all child and infant effects after exposure to the vaccine through breastfeeding got you in cases where the mother had problems during breastfeeding. But the 17 cases I’m speaking of are cases where the infant or child exposed to the injection through breast milk. So this is indirect exposure with having an adverse event. So this idea that the vaccine sheds and is transferred into the breast milk is absolutely true. It’s proven by Pfizer’s own adverse event data. So moving on.


Yeah, it’s incredible that we’re looking at this information. I know that there was a real push to prevent vaccine hesitancy, do you think that they actually had that much faith in this vaccine, that it was truly the sort of the lifesaver that they were calling it? It just seems baffling to me that this would have been withheld in an effort to avoid vaccine hesitancy?

Dr.  Nagase:

scientifically speaking, the risks of injecting RNA material into people, the risks of injecting RNA material into a parent who has a developing fetus within them. The theoretical risks of injecting RNA material into children is extremely high. The scientific risks of doing these types of genetic injections is extremely high. So there is no way a genuine scientist could claim that this is safe, that it is a safe injection that is a complete unknown. The theoretical risks are extreme. Now, getting into this whole narrative that this is safe and effective.

Dr. Nagase:

Well, we know the efficacy is dismal. Look at the fourth wave in Alberta again, that was after 80% of Alberta’s population was injected with this, there seems to be next to no protection against variants. The other issue is this idea that something that has never been used before in the human population can be declared as safe. That is an absolute lie here’s one.


Especially considering the fact that Pfizer isn’t even out of its trial phase that ends in 2023, I believe.

Dr. Nagase:

Exactly. But even with the initial trial data, it’s showing massive amounts of evidence on exactly how unsafe this injection is. And from a general scientific point of view, there is no way to say any new substance that has never existed before in known human history is safe until you have at least a decade of data. What’s supposed to happen is if there’s a new substance introduced to people and given to people, whether it’s a medication or something called a vaccine or some additive into the water or some pesticide that’s added to food.

Dr. Nagase:

When something new is introduced to the human species, every single adverse event is automatically due to that new substance until proven otherwise. So that means every heart attack, every stroke, every blood clot in the intestines, every blood clot in the lungs, every issue of cancer, every autoimmune disease. Those are all automatically due to the new substance until there is at least a ten year track record saying, you know what? The heart attack rate did not change between before the vaccination and after the vaccination. The stroke rate did not change from before the pesticide and after the pesticide was introduced.

Dr. Nagase:

The rate of autoimmune diseases did not change from before when people got vaccinated until after they got vaccinated. That is proper science. This notion that regulatory authorities, television, doctors, politicians have been going around saying that this is safe is an absolute lie. That is the most unscientific statement anyone could make.


And did you have other data that you were? I know you maybe had one more page or have we covered at all that you wanted to.

Dr. Nagase:

Yeah, there’s one more page. I took a JPEG of and that’s just regarding the children, because this is a hot topic right now, since this injection was approved in Canada for use on children between five and eleven years of age. So let’s look at the Pfizer report on the first three months when 34 children under the age of twelve received this injection. And is that the full number for their children’s trial for this part between January and February no, between December 2020 and February 2021, children were not supposed to receive this injection.

Dr. Nagase:

However, inadvertently, a number of children did, and they had 34 reports of children receiving this injection. Out of those 34 children who received this injection, 24 had serious side effects, so that’s 70.6% 70.6% of children under the age of twelve had a serious side effect from getting this injection? How is it possible that Health Canada approved this for use in children under the age of twelve? With this kind of data? And Health Canada has known about this since at least April 30 of this year. And then let’s look a little bit further down.

Dr. Nagase:

13 out of those 34 kids who had an adverse event from this injection did not get better, 13 were unresolved. So how is it possible that colleges of physicians and surgeons, public health departments, Health Canada are pushing this injection and administering it to children under the age of twelve? This is irrefutable evidence from Pfizer themselves that their injection is dangerous.


How is this happening? I know originally when Pfizer was tapped to produce their documentation and their research, I feel like I remember they had asked to have about 55 years to then produce the information, but then they were ordered to do so a certain amount each month. I believe it was. Is that right? And so this is what we’re looking at. We’re looking at what’s originally been released from Pfizer so far.

Dr. Nagase:

Based on what’s been released from Pfizer. So far, the information that’s known by government since April 21, this product should have been taken off the market and never brought back again. Why do you think it is danger in just the first three months of this, being out there is extreme.


Yeah. What’s the purpose? What do you think is going on? Why has this not been recalled? Why has this not been taken off?

Dr. Nagase:

I think there’s been an incredible amount of corruption in the Canadian government, in provincial governments, in all levels of government. The public health system has been usurped and turned into a vehicle for profit. For Pfizer, we have been completely taken over and used our tax dollars used to enrich large pharmaceutical companies.


I can’t imagine how how difficult it must be to be a medical professional and know what you know and have seen what you’ve seen and be still trying to advocate what it is that you are and feeling like you don’t really have a voice and you’re not reaching people. What would you say to the public health officials if you could speak to them today?

Dr. Nagase:

Well, what I would say to public health officials, doctors who are involved in colleges of physicians and surgeons, doctors who are involved with health authorities. Why is it that knowing the incredible amount of deadly side effects from this new injection? Why have you continued to push its use?


Very good question. Anything else you’d like to share on this topic?

Dr. Nagase:

I think it’s incredibly important that this information gets out there. And I give a lot of credit to the group of physicians who did the Freedom Of Information request that allowed me to get a copy of this report that I was able to discuss with you. So this product should not be on the market. It should not have been on the market as of April 30. And the fact that our government has signed away immunity from liability for such a dangerous and deadly product, it’s criminal.


Well, Dr. Negase, thank you for sharing your insights on this information. And the documents that have been released so far from Pfizer and more are to come. So we will stay in touch and we hope to see change. We hope to see that this information is affecting decisions that are coming down within the coming weeks and months. Thanks for joining us today.

Dr. Nagase:

Thank you for your time.


That was Dr. Nagase. Joining me again, just filling us in on some of the documents that were released from Pfizer based on a FOI request, a Freedom of Information Request from public health and medical professionals for transparency. We have the website for you. If you’d like to see more of the documents, they are posted on their website and we’ve got the link for you on ours as well. Thanks for joining us.


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