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100% of Covid-19 Vaccine Permanent Disabilities and Deaths among Children were caused by just 6% of the batches produced according to official Government data

An investigation of data found in the USA’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has revealed that extremely high numbers of adverse reactions, hospitalisations, life threatening events, permanent disabilities, and deaths among children have been reported against specific lot numbers of the Covid-19 vaccines several times.

Meaning the most dangerous and deadliest batches of the experimental injections being administered to children have now been identifiedand by comparing against adverse reactions among children to the influenza vaccines over a number of years we can see that the Covid-19 injections are proving to be extremely dangerous for children.

The data used in the investigation was pulled from the publicly accessible VAERS database which can be viewed here. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a United States programme for vaccine safety, co-managed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The programme collects information via reports made by doctors, nurses, and patients about adverse events (possible harmful side effects) that occur after administration of vaccines to ascertain whether the risk–benefit ratio is high enough to justify continued use of any particular vaccine.

The reports pulled from the database were ones that had been submitted up to November 5th 2021 and they included all adverse reactions reported against the Pfizer Covid-19 injections among children aged 6 to 17.

But first a control dataset was created using all adverse reactions reported against all influenza vaccines administered to all children aged 6 to 17 during 2019 and 2020, a period of two years.

We can be confident that many more influenza injections were administered to children during this time frame, than Covid-19 injections have been administered to children during 2021, due to confirmation in official data published by the Centers for Disease Contol (CDC).

The publication released by the CDC (see here) in October 2020 confirms that in the 19/20 flu season, 63.8% of children aged 6 months – 17 years, received a dose of the flu jab. The data we’ve extracted also include figures from the 18/19 flu season of which 62.6% of children aged 6 months – 17 years received a flu jab, and the 20/21 flu season of which the number of children to receive a flu jab is unknown.

The VAERS database showed a total of 2,082 adverse event reports against the flu vaccines among children alongside 278 emergency room visits, 45 hospitalisations, 11 life threatening events, 17 permanent disabilities, and 2 deaths. The total count of lot numbers returned was 802.

The ‘lot number’ is a specific string of numbers and letters that tracks a specific batch of vaccine from production and into a persons arm and it is usually found on a vaccine label or accompanying packaging.

The above chart shows the number of adverse event reports made to VAERS against the influenza vaccines among children, sorted by the lot number of vaccine that was administered prior to the adverse event.

The lot numbers are sorted alphabetically and except for a few spikes the number of adverse events per lot number were evenly distributed and generally the same, with no more than 17 reports being made against a single lot number of influenza vaccine.


The above chart shows the number of hospitalisations reported as adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccine by lot number sent across the USA. This chart has identified the actual lot numbers of influenza vaccine that caused children to be hospitalised.

As you can see, just a single lot number ‘3GG33’ had more than 1 hospitalisation report against it but this only amounted to 2 hospitalisations. Whilst a further 33 lot numbers caused a single hospitalisation.

All of the above data on adverse reactions to the influenza vaccine among children over a period of two years was used as a control dataset to compare against VAERS data for the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine.

The VAERS database showed a total of 16,880 adverse event reports against the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine among children aged 6-17. These included 5,161 emergency room visits, 1,365 hospitalisations, 264 life threatening events, 120 permanent disabilities, and 29 deaths. The total count of lot numbers returned was 748.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted emergency use authorisation for the Pfizer Covid-19 injection to be administered to children over the age of 12 on the 10th may 2021.

This means that in a period of 6 months there have been –

  • 8 times as many adverse reactions,
  • 18 times as many emergency room visits,
  • 30 times as many hospitalisations,
  • 24 times as many life threatening events,
  • 7 times as many permanent disabilities, and

15 times as many deaths due to the Pfizer jab than what has been recorded among children against the influenza vaccines over a period of two years.

The above chart shows the number of adverse event reports made to VAERS against the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine among children, sorted by the lot number of vaccine that was administered prior to the adverse event.

The highest number of adverse event reports made to VAERS against a single lot number of the influenza vaccine was 17. Which makes it all the more shocking to discover that the highest number of adverse event reports made to VAERS against a single lot number of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine up to November 5th 2021 was 428, and this isn’t an anomaly.

Hundreds of adverse event reports have been made against a single lot number of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine numerous times.

The above chart shows the count of lots against the range of adverse events reported per lot of Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. The data reveals that 511 lots (68%) had just a single adverse event report made against them, whilst 2 specific lots had over 401 adverse event reports made against them.

Shockingly we can also see from the data that 30 lots of Pfizer vaccine had between 12 separate lots (1.6%) had between 151 – 250 adverse event reports per lot, another 11 lots (1.5%) had between 251 – 350 adverse event reports per lot, and another 7 lots (0.9%) had between 350 – 400 adverse event reports per lot.

This suggests that there were a small quantity of dangerous batches of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine and a large quantity of seemingly harmless (at least in the short term) batches of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine administered to children.

We can see the same pattern occurring among more serious adverse reactions as well, with only a few separate lot numbers of the Pfizer vaccine being associated with very high numbers of emergency room visits, hospitalisations, life threatening events, permanent disabilities, and deaths.

Emergency Room Visits

356 lots (48%) caused zero emergency room visits among children, and 311 lots (42%) causes between 1 and 4 emergency room visits among children. But 7 lots (0.9) caused over 100 emergency room visits among children per lot.

In all, 52% of the lots of Pfizer vaccine administered to children were responsible for an adverse reaction resulting in an emergency room visit.


585 lots (78%) of the Pfizer jab caused zero hospitalisations among children, and 87 lots (12%) caused just 1 hospitalisation among children. But 5 lots of the Pfizer jab (0.7%) caused over 30 hospitalisations among children per lot.

In all, 22% of the lots of Pfizer vaccine administered to children were responsible for an adverse reaction resulting in hospitalisation.

Life Threatening Events

670 lots (90%) were associated with zero life threatening events among children, and 40 lots (5%) were associated with 1 life threatening event among children. But just 8 lots (1%) were associated with between 5 and 8 life threatening events per lot among children.

In all, 10% of the lots of Pfizer vaccine administered to children were responsible for a life threatening event.

700 lots (94%) caused zero permanent disabilities among children, whilst 29 lots ( 4%) caused a single permanent disability among children. But 4 lots (0.5) caused 4 permanent disabilities per lot, equating to 33% (16/48) of all permanent disabilties reported as adverse reactions to the Pfizer jab among children.

In all, just 6% of the lots of Pfizer vaccine administered to children were responsible for an adverse reaction resulting in the child being left permanently disabled.


733 lots were associated with zero deaths among children, but 15 lots were associated with a single death among children. There were also a further 14 deaths reported of which the lot number was unknown. This means the minimum number of lots responsible for a death equates to 15 and the maximum possible number is 29.

In all, between 2% (15 lots) and 4% (29 lots) of the lots of Pfizer vaccine administered to children were responsible for an adverse reaction resulting in death.

The data extracted from VAERS on adverse reactions to the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine among children aged 6-17 also revealed something unsual, in that the most dangerous batches of Covid-19 vaccine all have lot numbers that closely correspond to each other.

It makes logical sense to assign lot numbers in some form of order, e.g. A1, A2, A3, rather than randomly generating different lot numbers, e.g A1, Z5, T7.

Therefore the following data suggests the most dangerous, and deadlisest batches of the Pfizer vaccine that have been administered to children, and are still being administered to children, were all manufactured in close proximity of each other, rather than a dangerous batch being manufactured on day 1 and the next dangerous batch being manufactured on day 86.

The above chart shows the number of adverse event reports by lot number among children aged 6-17 across the USA. This chart has identified the actual lot numbers of Pfizer vaccine that have caused the most harm to children in the USA. The most harmful of which is lot number ‘EW0187’; causing 428 adverse events reports to be made.

But let’s take a closer look at the top 20 lots with the adverse event reports made against them.

The above chart shows the top 20 lot numbers with the most adverse event reports, and as we can see 19 out of the 20 lots are all ‘EW’ lot numbers ranging from EW0167 to EW0217. The one exception is lot number FA6780 which had 344 adverse event reports made against it.

The above chart shows the number of emergency room visits by lot number among children aged 6-17 across the USA. The most harmful Pfizer lot in this category is lot number ‘EW0185’ which placed third in the number of adverse event reports recorded. The EW0185 lot caused 137 emergency room visits among children.

The above chart shows the top 20 lot numbers that caused the most emergency room visits, and as we can see 17 out of the 20 lots are all ‘EW’ lot numbers ranging from EW0168 to EW0217. The three exceptions are lot numbers FA6780, FA7485, and ER8735 which had 92, 83, and 80 emergency room visit reports made against them.

The above chart shows the number of hospitalisations by lot number among children aged 6-17 across the USA. The most harmful Pfizer lot in this category is lot number ‘EW0187’ which placed first in the number of adverse event reports recorded, and fourth in the number of emergency room visits reported . The EW0185 Pfizer lot caused 34 hospitalisations among children.

The above chart shows the top 20 lot numbers that caused the most hospitalisations, and as we can see 17 out of the 20 lots are all ‘EW’ lot numbers ranging from EW0167 to EW0217. The three exceptions are lot numbers FA7485, FD8448, and UNKNOWN which had 14, 15, and 19 hospitalisation reports made against them.

The above chart shows the number of life threatening events by lot number among children aged 6-17 across the USA. The most harmful Pfizer lot in this category is lot number ‘EW0182’ which placed fourteenth in both the number of adverse event reports reported and number of emergency visits reported, and second in the number of emergency room vistis reported . The EW0182 Pfizer lot caused 8 life threatening events among children.

The above chart shows the top 20 lot numbers that caused the most life threatening events, and as we can see 16 out of the 20 lots are all ‘EW’ lot numbers ranging from EW0167 to EW0202. The four exceptions are lot numbers EN6204, 5317, FE3592, and UNKNOWN which had 2, 2, 3, and 5 life threatening event reports made against them.

The above chart shows the number of permanent disabilities by lot number among children aged 6-17 across the USA. The most harmful Pfizer lot in this category is lot number ‘EW0191’ which placed tenth in the number of adverse event reports reported, sixteenth in the number of emergency room visits, tenth in the number of hospitalisations, and third in the number of life threatening events. The EW0191 Pfizer lot caused 5 children to be left permanently disabled.

The above chart shows the top 20 lot numbers that caused the most permanent disabilities, and as we can see 13 out of the 20 lots are all ‘EW’ lot numbers ranging from EW0162 to EW0217. The seven exceptions are lot numbers EL3246, 220395, 10606, FC3182, FC3180, 5317, FE3592, ER8735, and EN6207 which had 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, and 2 permanent disability reports made against them.

The above chart shows the number of deaths by lot number among children aged 6-17 across the USA. There are a total of 15 different lot numbers, each causing a single death, and 11 out of the 15 are all EW numbers yet again, ranging from EW010 to EW0217.

The above table shows the top 10 lot numbers with the most event reported against them in the adverse event, emergency room visit, hospitalisation, life threatening event, permanent disability, and death categories. This clearly demonstrates that there has been a serious issue with EW lot numbers ranging from EW0167 to EW0217.

The above chart shows the number of adverse events, emergency room visits, life threatening events, permanent disabilities, and deaths in the top 10 lot numbers with the most life threatening events made against them. All of these are EW lot numbers ranging from EW0167 to EW0191.


This investigation of VAERS data reveals several concerning findings which warrant further investigation, but it also leads to questions of why authorities within the USA which are supposed to monitor the safety of the Covid-19 vaccines have not discovered this themselves.

The data clearly shows that the Covid-19 vaccination campaign has been significantly more harmful and deadly to children than the influenza vaccination campaign. This fact alone begs the question as to how the FDA advisory committee could possibly vote Seventeen to Zero in favour of approving the Pfizer vaccine for use in children aged 5 to 11.

One voting member of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory committee admitted that it will not be fully known whether Pfizer’s vaccine is safe for 5 to 11-year-old children, until it begins being administered.

Dr Eric Rubin of Harvard University said – “We’re never going to learn how safe the vaccine is unless we start giving it, and that’s just the way it goes”.

But the investigation of VAERS data has also identified the specific batches of Pfizer vaccine that have caused the most harm to children across the USA, which leads to other extremely serious questions requiring urgent answers.

Why is it that certain batches of the vaccine have proven to be more harmful than others?

Why is it that certain batches of Covid-19 vaccine have proven to be more deadly than others?

Why do the 20 most harmful batches of Pfizer vaccine from the 748 known batches administered to children all have lot numbers that closely correspond? Ranging from EW0162 to EW0217.

Could this just be a quality control issue?

Pfizer whistleblower from a Kansas manufacturing facility did after all reveal that “People are being made to sign off on things that normally they wouldn’t, and then they wonder why their own employees won’t take it”.

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2 Responses to “100% of Covid-19 Vaccine Permanent Disabilities and Deaths among Children were caused by just 6% of the batches produced according to official Government data”

  1. danceaway says:

    Many doctors are cowards; the words of a doctor who got out; the commenters agree.

    • ian says:

      Yes indeed danceaway. They got into medicine because it’s a good job with good money. Not many will throw that away. They’ll just do as they’re told and keep their heads down.