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Lost a relative to Fauci’s evil methods. Consult a lawyer and sue the b*******

  • The Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 imposes fines and prison sentences on anyone who “knowingly develops, produces, stockpiles, transfers, acquires, retains or possesses any biological agent, toxin or delivery system for use as a weapon”
  • The problem we face today is that our federal government has been captured by forces that seek to destroy the U.S. from within. As such, we cannot trust the federal judiciary to prosecute and hold those responsible for the pandemic and the toxic COVID shots accountable
  • To circumvent the corrupted federal judiciary, we need to focus on locally elected prosecutors instead. Depending on the state, they may go by titles such as district attorney, state attorney, prosecuting attorney or county attorney
  • Organize locally to find people willing, as a group, to call on your local, elected district attorney to convene a grand jury and indict the individuals suspected of being involved in the creation of SARS-CoV-2, and those responsible for the COVID shots
  • The charge that applies is “murder and conspiracy to commit murder.” For starters, 15 researchers listed on a key paper can be indicted, plus those who funded the research. Those to be indicted in relation to the COVID shots include the chief executive officers, chief operating officers and chief scientific officers of Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson

Francis Boyle is a repeat guest; I’ve interviewed him twice in 2020 about the likelihood of SARS-CoV-2 having been engineered in a lab. Boyle’s background includes an undergraduate degree from the University of Chicago, a juris doctor (lawyer) degree from Harvard and a Ph.D. in political science. He’s a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law, and wrote the book, “Biowarfare and Terrorism.”1

In 2020 when we initially dialoged, any mention of SARS-CoV-2 being a manmade bioweapon was highly censored and had we uploaded that video to YouTube, we would have been banned early last year rather than a few months ago. Today, the lab leak theory has been acknowledged as likely even by bought-and-paid-for mainstream media.

We also have loads of documentation showing Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), funded unlawful gain-of-function research on coronaviruses when there was a federal moratorium on that kind of research. The National Institutes of Health and EcoHealth Alliance also appear to have colluded to avoid triggering a secondary review of these gain-of-function experiments.2,3,4,5

Unlawful Acts Have Occurred

In this interview, we explore some of the strategies Boyle has come up with as to how we can prosecute these individuals for what they’ve been doing, because they’re in direct violation of legislation and treaties he wrote more than 30 years ago.

For decades, Boyle has advocated against the development and use of bioweapons, which he suspects COVID-19 is. He called for biowarfare legislation as early as 1985, for the Biological Weapons Convention, and drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act6 that ended up being passed unanimously by both houses of Congress and signed into law by George Bush Sr. in 1989. According to the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989:7

“Whoever knowingly develops, produces, stockpiles, transfers, acquires, retains, or possesses any biological agent, toxin, or delivery system for use as a weapon, or knowingly assists a foreign state or any organization to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for life or any term of years, or both. There is extraterritorial Federal jurisdiction over an offense under this section committed by or against a national of the United States.”

Accountability When Federal Authorities Have Been Captured

The problem we face today is we’ve come to realize that even our federal government has been captured by forces that seek to destroy the U.S. from within. As such, there’s no way our federal authorities — including federal judges — will ever seek to enforce the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act.

How do we navigate this serious dilemma? Boyle believes there’s a way, and it involves focusing on locally elected prosecutors. Depending on the state, they may go by titles such as district attorney, state attorney, prosecuting attorney or county attorney.8

Boyle explains the plan:

“I’ve been appearing before federal judges since 1982 on matters of courage, integrity and principles. I can only think of one federal judge that gave us a fair trial. So, we can’t rely upon federal judges to pull our chestnuts out of the fire. That then gets me to the 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people … My proposal is this: The American people, at a state, local community basis, have to go to our local prosecutors, that is states’ attorneys, district attorneys, county attorneys, any local prosecutor. And the last I read there were well over 400 of these in the country.

These local prosecutors are not part of the federal system. They have been empowered by the 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution. They are democratically elected by the people of their community.

Federal judges are not elected by anyone. They’re appointed by the President and once they’re on their bench with life tenure, they can only be removed by impeachment, which is almost impossible, and their salaries cannot be reduced. They’re like God Almighty up there sitting on these federal benches.

Not so with state and local prosecutors. They’re accountable to the people of the community … I think that if we can even get one out of 400 local prosecutors to convene a grand jury and return indictments for murder and conspiracy to commit murder, this whole house of cards will collapse … So, what I am recommending is two steps: One on the frankenshots and another on the COVID pandemic.”

Holding Criminals Accountable for the COVID Pandemic

Starting with the COVID pandemic, Boyle recommends getting organized on the local level, and going around to all your local prosecutors, demanding they convene a grand jury to seek the indictment of those responsible for COVID-19 for murder and conspiracy to commit murder. But how do we begin to identify the culprits? Boyle says:

“The [2015] article, “SARS-Like Cluster of Circulating Bat Coronavirus Pose Threat for Human Emergence,”9 is the smoking gun on who is behind COVID-19. Who’s on that contract?

[Vineet] Menachery [Ph.D.] from the University of North Carolina and other people there, including [Ralph] Baric [Ph.D.]. Twelve people are listed by name on this contract at the UNC BSL 3. We also know that [zoologist Peter] Daszak was working with Baric on this entire project. A person from the Food and Drug Administration was also involved in the research, development and testing of COVID-19.

These are the exact same people, the FDA, who are authorizing all of these frankenshots, including last week for kids from 5 to 11. So, they developed this biological warfare weapon and now they’re approving all the frankenshots. This is a one-two punch against the American people …

There is Harvard Medical School involved in the research, development and testing of COVID-19 and offensive biological warfare weapons. We also know that Harvard was a sponsoring the BSL 4 [biosafety level 4 lab] in Wuhan, China. That Wuhan BSL 4 is China’s Fort Detrick. There’s no doubt about it in my mind.

And who is the current director of the CDC? [Dr. Rochelle] Walensky. She is from Harvard Medical School. You can’t believe anything the CDC or Walensky is telling you. They’re bald-faced liars and they always have been.

Indeed, the CDC has been involved in research, development and testing of offensive biological warfare weapons, I’ve been able to determine from official government documents, from the early 1980s. And they then — the CDC and Walensky — have ratified the FDA’s approval of the frankenshots … They’re all working in cahoots with each other.

Also, if you read the footnotes of that article, they are working with Fort Detrick. So, they’re all in cahoots. You have Chinese Fort Detrick, you have our Fort Detrick, you have the UNC BSL 3, the Wuhan BSL 4, Harvard Medical School — all working together to research, develop and test [this bioweapon].

Who has funded all this? The contract makes it quite clear. It was funded by the National Institutes of Health, then directed by Dr. Francis Collins. He knew full well what was going on here. He was over there cooperating with China and the Wuhan BSL 4. Also, the NIAID’s Anthony Fauci. He’s on here too.”

Most Biological Warfare Research Has Taken Place Under Fauci

According to Boyle, it was the Reagan administration’s abuse of genetic engineering for biological warfare weapons purposes that initially compelled the Council for Responsible Genetics and Boyle to draft the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989.

Around that same time, Reagan, under the influence of neoconservatives who believe in biological warfare and ethnic-specific biological warfare, put Fauci in charge of the U.S. bioweapons program. “About 95% of all this Nazi type biological warfare research has been done under the auspices of Tony Fauci,” Boyle says.

Legal Definitions of ‘Murder’ and ‘Conspiracy to Murder’

Boyle has taught both criminal law and international human rights law. He also still practices criminal law, both prosecution and defense. According to Boyle, Anglo-American Common Law has a definition for “murder” that is applicable in all states of the U.S. with the exception of Louisiana, and that is “the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought.”

“Let’s parse that down,” he says. “The word ‘unlawful’ — all these individuals I just mentioned from this contracted study … were involved in research, development, testing and stockpiling of biological warfare weapons in clear-cut violation of my Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989.

[The term] ‘killing of human beings’ — I think the number of Americans who have been killed, murdered by COVID-19, is well over a million … And then, ‘with malice aforethought’ — ‘malice aforethought’ is a legal term of art.

It would take me three, four, five different class sessions to go through it all, but one element of malice of forethought is reckless endangerment of human beings and, clearly, they knew. If you read the contracts and the studies, they knew … that this gain-of-function work was existentially dangerous and they did it anyway.

Clearly that constitutes ‘reckless endangerment of human beings,’ ‘malice aforethought.’ So, you have all the elements there for murder, and then ‘conspiracy to commit murder.’ In common law, ‘conspiracy’ is two [or more] people getting together to agree to do an unlawful act — such as the violation of my statute — or a lawful act by illegal means.

So, I think we have all these people at least for murder and conspiracy to commit murder, and my advice is that if you have lost a loved one or a friend living in the territorial jurisdiction of any of these local prosecutors, they would have jurisdiction to convene a grand jury and seek indictments for murder and conspiracy to commit murder against all of these people.”

So, in summary, Boyle suggests starting the indictment list with the 15 co-authors of the 2015 paper, “SARS-Like Cluster of Circulating Bat Coronavirus Pose Threat for Human Emergence,”10 and those who funded it, which include Collins, Fauci and Daszak (president of EcoHealth Alliance).

And, again, the reason we need to turn to locally elected prosecutors is because state attorneys general file lawsuits with the federal courts, which we know have been captured and won’t prosecute crimes against humanity. Local prosecutors, on the other hand, can convene grand juries in their local jurisdiction, even in their own county. So, this strategy bypasses the captured federal judiciary.

“We cannot rely on the federal courts, including the United States Supreme Court,” Boyle says. “Just look at these exposés in The Wall Street Journal, where we found out well over 130 federal judges were unethically ruling on cases where they had investments involved. I don’t trust the federal judiciary at all to do the right thing here.”

How to Prosecute the COVID Shots

Next, we need to figure out how to prosecute those responsible for the gene-based COVID shots. The same legal definitions apply to them. They too are committing “unlawful killing of human beings with malice aforethought.”

“Here we have a blatant, obvious violation of the Nuremberg Code on Medical Experimentation, which is a Nuremberg crime that the United States government prosecuted Nazi doctors for, and executed some for,” Boyle says.

“Indeed, you can read all of this in the Nuremberg medical doctor’s judgment … The list of executed doctors is right there at the end. What we’re seeing now with these frankenshots for children, this is Dr. Mengele at Auschwitz all over again. That’s where this Nuremberg Code on Medical Experimentation came from.

Second, ‘unlawful killing of human beings’ is in the Nuremberg Charter Judgment and Principles — the Charter, 1945, the Judgment, 1946, and the Principles of 1950 — defining a crime against humanity.

In the Nuremberg Charter judgment and principles, ‘a crime against humanity’ is defined in part as ‘murder, extermination or other inhumane acts committed against a civilian population.’ That’s what’s going on right now against the American population.

And I should point out that provision, ‘crime against humanity,’ was put in there to deal precisely and exactly with the Nazi persecution of German Jewish citizens. That’s exactly what the Biden administration today is doing to all American citizens — a crime against humanity as defined by the Nuremberg Charter, Judgment, and Principles …

You can also read this in the Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court. The United States government is not a party to the Rome Statute, but it reflects customary international criminal law today …

Another element of ‘malice aforethought’ is ‘an intention to inflict death or grievous bodily harm.’ [If they say] ‘Well, we didn’t intend to kill anyone with our frankenshot,’ then [we’d say] ‘OK, but you did intend to inflict grievous bodily harm on human beings’ and it did kill human beings, large numbers of them.

They clearly intended and knew that this would inflict grievous bodily harm on human beings. Just look at what they’ve already conceded and reported what the adverse effects would be. The list is astounding. So, they knew this and they did it anyway.

So, my position here would be that, if you believe you have lost a loved one or a friend as a result of the frankenshots, go into your local prosecutor and ask them to pursue, before a grand jury, indictments for murder and conspiracy to commit murder against the chief executive officers, chief operating officers and chief scientific officers of Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson.”


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2 Responses to “Lost a relative to Fauci’s evil methods. Consult a lawyer and sue the b*******”

  1. Tapestry says:

    The next variant will be Zeta, anagraming to Teaz. Alpha was ‘a laph’. Delta was ‘dealt’. Moronic came next (Omicron). When Omega arrives, it will be ‘game o….ver’. Robert F Kennedy’s book ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ is exceeding expectations with the extraordinary amount of detail giving greater depth to the COVID story than you get from just reading blogs/alternative media.

  2. Aldous says:

    OncomiR is an online resource for exploring miRNA dysregulation in cancer:

    Hi Tap. My wife just winged that link to me as it caught her eye with all this anagram stuff. I’ve not had a proper look at it yet.

    What I wanted to say was that a few years back a relative of mine told me her daughter had been diagnosed with cancer. She sent me a picture of her and she looked a picture of health.
    I questioned the dubious diagnosis and strongly advised her to stay away from the cut/burn/poison conventional treatments and to seek a second opinion as I didn’t believe her daughter to be sick at all.
    Anyway, it all fell on deaf ears and within months her lovely daughter was dead.
    When Covidhoax came along and the jabs started, again I advised her to steer well clear as they were not conventional vaccines (not vaccines at all) and would do far more harm (as intended) and not protect from either transmission or infection for a phantom virus that 99.9% of people deal with anyway and don’t even know that they have contracted – assuming if it exists at all which is a very big IF.

    Having lost her daughter quite unnecessarily to the Medical (Murder) Association, I thought she would have learned something and become more open minded. How wrong I was.
    She had become more determined than ever to trust the criminals running the show and was looking forward to he jab as she could travel once again etc.
    We haven’t spoken since and I’m assuming she is either dead or dying.
    A ridiculous waste as she is or was a lovely lady but a liberal nutjob. Oh well.

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