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NHS Chief Stephen Powis & “Doctor Oxford” use 7-months-old Data to claim 75% of Covid-19 Patients in ICU are Unvaccinated

Over the weekend, the British public were lied to once again by the very people they should be able to trust, after they were told by both palliative care doctor Rachel Clarke, and national medical director of NHS England Professor Stephen Powis, that 75% of those in intensive care with Covid-19 are people who have chosen not to be vaccinated.

Dr Rachel Clarke, or Doctor Oxford as she also likes to be known, is an NHS palliative care doctor and author of the book ‘Breathtaking’, published in January 2021, which alleges to reveal what life was really like working on NHS Covid-19 wards during the first wave of the pandemic.

On Sunday 28th November, Dr Clarke spent the day on Twitter retweeting every person who complimented the article she had authored for The Sunday Times, in which she sucks the reader in with a story about a young mother fighting for her life who has chosen not to have the Covid-19 vaccine.

You would be forgiven for thinking the woman described has succumbed to the alleged Covid-19 virus, but it turns out she has actually been treated for cancer and developed pneumonia that has no relation to Covid-19. The story was of course designed to pull on the heart strings before the usual propaganda about how important it is to get vaccinated was spewed.

Dr Rachel Clarke goes on to explain that in her NHS trust, they once again have entire wards devoted to treating Covid patients, and claims they are giving their all to care for their share of the 8,000 patients in UK hospitals with Covid, but that they quietly continue to die at a rate of about 1,000 a week.

Dr Clarke is nearly correct with her numbers on Covid deaths per week, except for the part where she claims these are the numbers for the whole of the UK. Unfortunately this is just the number that are currently dying in England.

But the cashing-in-on-a-tragedy author then goes on to make the claim that nearly 75 percent of Covid-19 patients treated in intensive care in recent months have been those that have chosen not to be vaccinated.

Unfortunately, for people who like to be told the truth, this outrageous lie was then echoed in another article published by The Sunday Times, with the comments being attributed to the national medical director of NHS England, Professor Stephen Powis.

Professor Stephen Powis, the national medical director of NHS England, said: “The vaccine is safe, effective and proven to reduce deaths, hospitalisations and infections and, in fact, data shows that the overwhelming majority of people admitted to intensive care with Covid are not fully vaccinated.

“Since July one in four critical beds have been consistently occupied by a Covid patient, with the latest statistics available showing three quarters of them are unvaccinated. These are beds that would have historically been used to provide life-saving surgeries for the most seriously ill patients.”

As is usually the case when these so called experts make a claim, they fail to actually cite the source data for us to check their claims for ourselves. Why? Because we should just trust them of course, they went to University don’t you know?

But thankfully Dr Rachel Clarke / Doctor Oxford informed the Twitter Universe which data, she and Professor Stephen Powis, were referring to when they made the claim that nearly 75% of Covid-19 patients in ICU are unvaccinated.

So we checked out the latest ICNARC report to see if she was telling the truth, and if you count 5-7 months ago as being the “most recent months” then we suppose you could say that she was.

Because it turns out the data she was citing covers the period from May 1st 2021 to 31st July 2021 (in case you haven’t noticed, Christmas is just a few weeks away, so they’re definitely not the most recent months).

Not only is the data cited by Dr Rachel Clarke, and Professor Stephen Powis, 5 – 7 months out of date, it also covers a period when the number of people in ICU with Covid-19 was at its lowest in 2021, and when a large chunk of the population were either unvaccinated or just partly vaccinated.

As you can see above the number of Covid-19 patients in mechanical ventilation beds has risen significantly and stayed at the increased level since the data cut off point of July 31st in the ICNARC report, and guess what – the majority of Covid-19 patients since July 31st have been people who had chosen to be fully vaccinated.

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) publish a weekly ‘Vaccine Surveillance’ report containing statistics on Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccination status across England over the past four weeks.

Their latest report, published Thursday November 25th covers data on infections, hospitalisations and deaths from Week 43 to Week 46 of 2021 (October 25th – November 21st).

The report reveals that there were 833,332 recorded Covid-19 cases, 9,094 Covid-19 hospitalisations and 3,700 Covid-19 deaths from October 25th to November 21st. Of these, the unvaccinated accounted for 39% of all cases, 34% of all hospitalisations, and 19% of all deaths. Whilst the vaccinated accounted for 61% of all cases, 66% of all hospitalisations, and 81% of all deaths.

Now of course this is only the last four weeks, so we analysed three months worth of data just to prove to you that when Professor Stephen Powis and Dr Rachel Clarke tell you that “The vast majority – nearly 75% – of those in ICU with Covid are unvaccinated”, they are not telling you the truth.

The following chart shows the total number of hospitalisations over four week periods from August 30th to November 21st 2021 as per table 9 of the Vaccine Surveillance reports.

We used the following reports for our analysis –

The chart shows that hospitalisations among the unvaccinated have floated around the 3,000 mark over four week periods throughout the past three months.

But unfortunately for the fully vaccinated population, hospitalisations among this group have been getting progressively worse by the month.

This shows that the fully vaccinated are currently the biggest burden on the NHS, not the unvaccinated.

The following chart shows the total number of deaths over four week periods from August 30th to November 21st 2021 as per table 10 of the Vaccine Surveillance reports.

From August 30th to November 21st, England recorded a total of 9,592 deaths. Of these just 1,882 were among the unvaccinated population, whilst a shocking 7,710 were among the vaccinated population, with nearly 3,000 of these deaths occurring in just the last four weeks.

So there you have it, with 65% of hospitalisations and 80% of Covid-19 deaths being among the vaccinated population over the past three months according to the most recent data (not 5-7 months old data), it turns out that over the weekend, the British public were lied to once again by the very people they should be able to trust, after they were told by both palliative care doctor Rachel Clarke, and national medical director of NHS England Professor Stephen Powis, that 75% of those in intensive care with Covid-19 are people who have chosen not to be vaccinated.

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One Response to “NHS Chief Stephen Powis & “Doctor Oxford” use 7-months-old Data to claim 75% of Covid-19 Patients in ICU are Unvaccinated”

  1. ian says:

    Boils my blood.

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