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Not Your Own? mRNA/DNA ‘Vaccines’ Raise Questions Over Patented Property Rights

The question of patentable property rights over genetic modification has already been established for seeds, animals and insects. With the advent of mRNA and DNA gene shots, what about humans? Can the vaccinated be claimed as patented property? Case law suggests “yes”. 

See also: Could the coronavirus lead to a reassessment of vaccine patent laws? ⁃ TN Editor

For the first time in history, mRNA vaccines are being utilized on a mass scale. Global governments demand every man, woman, and child receive the experimental infusion. Authorities claim such measures are for ‘public safety’ yet the drug manufacturers admit their products do not prevent transmission or infection of COVID-19.

Reports of adverse reactions reach unprecedented heights with every passing day. Countries with the highest inoculation rates have recorded significant spikes in heart conditions, blood clots, and strokes. Many concerned bystanders who oppose the medical mandate are asking themselves: why the push? One Argentinian researcher believes she knows the answer.

Dr. Chinda Brandolino is a healthcare professional who specializes in lymphology, phlebology, and occupational medicine. As more patients became immunized, she grew increasingly disturbed. An alarming number suffered severe and debilitating complications.

While observing these troubling afflictions, the physician began to study messenger ribonucleic acid and its effects on genetics. A diligent investigation led her to a specific case from 2013. In the Supreme Court ruling of Association of Molecular Pathology versus Myriad LLC, lawmakers declared human genomes altered by mRNA vaccines can be patented.

During a recent conference she elaborated on the decree’s dire implications:

“When you modify the genome with an adenovirus vaccine, that vaccinated person is already a transgenic— a transhuman person. According to what is legally established in international law, it will be the property of the owner of the patent. But the most dramatic thing of all is that because when transhuman, that person will not be considered human according to the Human Rights we know. The situation is extremely serious and I have the feeling that people do not realize the seriousness of what we are facing. It is not only the diseases the vaccine is going to produce, often fatal, but also the fact that the survivors will have a modified genome and that this modification will be passed on to their descendants. Because their genome is modified, that modification is patented. Everything that is patented belongs to the patent holder.”

Despite witnessing countless deaths, Dr. Brandolino remains focused on the permanent repercussions for vaccine survivors. These shots render irreversible genetic changes. Each dose and subsequent booster transforms recipients into an increasingly synthetic form. She has grave concerns regarding the future of our species. Countless centuries of natural evolution have been hijacked.

Controlling the deliberate metamorphosis is a sinister force seeking complete ownership of human beings. Billions of individuals worldwide are now patented cyborgs. Pandora’s Box is opened and the impending ramifications cannot be fully fathomed.

An insidious and meticulously-planned takeover has unfolded throughout the pandemic era. Everything transpiring is anti-human at its core. Face masks transform wearers into oxygen-deprived autonomous figures. Social distancing denies essential affection and loving embraces. Lockdowns turn homes into isolating prison cells. Goalposts continuously move and crush the spirit of anyone who doesn’t understand this isn’t designed to end. Perhaps our bodies are the final frontier for those seeking ultimate control.

Mankind stands at the edge of a precipice. For untold numbers of people, there is no going back. Only time will tell precisely how current events unfold.

Read full story here…

Not Your Own? mRNA/DNA ‘Vaccines’ Raise Questions Over Patented Property Rights

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