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Not all priests are Satanists

Archbishop Viganò Calling for ‘Anti-Globalist Alliance’ to Stop the Enslavement of Humanity

Previously 21WIRE reported on an incredible interview which took place between Inside the Vatican editor Robert Moynihan and Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò (image above) based in Rome, about a global takeover currently underway, waged by powerful financial and ideological actors, and with grave consequences for the future of humanity should this new elite international combine succeed in its designs. 

This week, Archbishop Viganò returned with a follow-up address to the world, this time calling for the creation of a new “Anti-Globalist Alliance” to counter what he describes as a ‘global coup d’etat’ targeting governments and institutions under the guise of an alleged global pandemic, and marketed under the World Economic Forum’s “Build Back Better” agenda currently being pushed by leading world powers like the United States, EU, UK, Canada, Australia and numerous others.

In his video address, the 80 year-old Archbishop from Rome called on members of the Christian faith to join together “under the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the only King and Savior,” in order to fight back against the establishment of an insidious ‘New World Order.’

Viganò proceeds to call-out ‘change agents’ embedded throughout government, the judiciary, mainstream media, institutions and foundations, seduced by financial gain, status and social affirmation. He describes how the agenda seeks to stage-manage a series of global crises in order to consolidate its power and control over the executive, legislative and judicial branches of stakeholder government in the global plan.

“Today a health emergency, tomorrow an ecological emergency, and after that, an internet emergency,” said Viganò.

He went on to add, “It is a world war, where the enemies are all of us…..It’s a war fought not with weapons, but with illegitimate rules, wicked economic policies, and intolerable limitations of natural rights.”

He also described the current globalist takeover as a drive to “centralised power, so as to establish a planetary dictatorship. It is the Great Reset of the World Economic Forum and (Agenda) 2030 of the United Nations.”

Watch the full address by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò here:

READ MORE GREAT RESET NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Great Reset Files

Archbishop Viganò Calling for ‘Anti-Globalist Alliance’ to Stop the Enslavement of Humanity

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