1. ian says:

    I’ve been subject to difficulties dealing with the lies you need to take on board, to be part of “normal”, society all my life. I’ve been beaten, and made redundant 5 times. I’m not a bad person, I’m capable of love, and caring. I have been married 48 years, and have two sons, the cheekiest two sons in Britain, but I love them more than myself and I have three lovely fridge raiding grandkids.
    I was reading something tonight, and it made me think more than normal. I’m on Citalopram and have been for ten years. I’m tempted to say that I have a bleeding uterus for comic effect, but I am really angry on finding this.

    Citalopram’s Long-Term Effects

    Most people take citalopram for 6 months. But in some instances, a doctor may prescribe this substance for 9 months. 3

    Long-term use of antidepressants may put people at risk for type 2 diabetes, and SSRIs may cause heart rhythm abnormalities at higher doses. A European study linked citalopram with increased electrical abnormalities of the heart and that these abnormalities became worse with increasing doses. Those with pre-existing heart conditions should speak with their doctor before taking citalopram, even as prescribed.4,5

    Some people who take SSRIs may problems with blood clotting because of decreased serotonin in blood platelets. People who take the drugs are at increased risk for stomach bleeding or bleeding in the uterus. Combining SSRIs and NSAIDs (aspirin, ibuprofen) increases this risk.6

    As mentioned above, citalopram may also lead to lowered sexual interest or poorer performance in both men and women. Patients can try lowering the dose or switch to Wellbutrin, which does not generally cause sexual side effects.6

    Rarely, elderly patients who take citalopram may develop tics, muscle spasms, dyskinesia, parkinsonism, and akathisia, which may occur with anxiety. These symptoms can be treated with anti-anxiety drugs, beta-blockers, and antiparkinsonian drugs or by switching to a different antidepressant.6

    Elderly people who take citalopram may also have a severe fall in sodium levels known as hyponatremia. This may lead to a build-up of fluid inside the body’s cells, which can cause someone to stop breathing and go into a coma. Symptoms of hyponatremia include feeling sick, headache, muscle pain, reduced appetite, and confusion. More serious symptoms include tiredness, disorientation, agitation, psychosis, and seizures.7