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Dr Christine Northrup: vaccine tracking confirmed when boarding international flight – LUCIFERASE!

Covid Jab Surveillance System Now Up And Running? Here’s Partial List Of The Mystery Ingredients!!

We all heard of the ‘mark of the beast’… and I believe this is it…. SM-102 tracking device… Luciferase… THEY NAMED IT AFTER THEIR ‘GOD’… HOW MUCH MORE OBVIOUS DOES IT NEED TO BE?

Here’s a partial list forming, of what’s in the jab:

Synthetic mRNA
SM-102 (Luciferase)
Kidney fetal DNA
Something from eye of aborted fetus
Something from lung of aborted fetus
Propylene Glycol
Polysorbate 80 (helps things to cross the God-given blood brain barrier)
SPIONs (Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles)

Go here for more research

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