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Emergency rooms across America getting FLOODED with patients suffering acute organ failure and debilitating symptoms

National Public Radio (NPRis flabbergasted by a major uptick in emergency room admissions across the United States.

Even though it is painfully obvious that “fully vaccinated” Americans are getting sick in droves NPR is chalking it all up to mystery – or perhaps something spooky since Halloween is just days away.

In Lansing, Mich., for instance, Sparrow Hospital is seeing a massive swarm of very ill patients having to be lined up on stretchers in the facility’s hallways due to a shortage of available beds.

“It’s hard to watch,” said Tiffani Dusang, the emergency room’s nursing director.

“I always feel very, very bad when I walk down the hallway and see that people are in pain or needing to sleep or needing quiet. But they have to be in the hallway with, as you can see, 10 or 15 people walking by every minute.”

At the start of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “pandemic,” long before the so-called “vaccines” were made available through “Operation Warp Speed,” Sparrow Hospital was fairly normal. Once the jabs became widespread, however, the sickly really started to pour in.

Most U.S. hospitals, it turns out, were as empty as could be prior to the release of the jabs. It was only after the injections had been widely distributed that hospitals across the country began to get flooded with new patients.

Once Biden Boosters get into people’s arms, the entire health care system could collapse from all the sick patients they create

Doctors and nurses say that the severity of patient illnesses is all over the map. Some patients are complaining of abdominal pain while others are having trouble breathing.

There are also lots and lots of blood clots, which have become a common occurrence in people who get injected with the spike protein bioweaponry disguised as “medicine.”

There is also a surge of patients suffering from cardiovascular events, failed suicides, acute organ failure and an array of debilitating symptoms. Many of these patients can no longer work and have trouble just getting through the day.

Had they taken their chances with the Chinese Virus without getting injected, they would probably be doing just fine. Because they listened to Tony Fauci, however, they are now suffering immensely from vaccine-induced adverse events.

Not once in NPR‘s lengthy article about this phenomenon is the word vaccine even so much as mentioned. Do a word search for yourself: You will see that it is not even part of the equation, even though it is the most obvious culprit.

As the U.S. approaches the winter season, hospital admissions are up nearly 20 percent, according to the report, despite being down over the summer when people were out in the warmth and sunlight. This suggests that once winter comes into full swing, it is going to be a dark one as far as public health is concerned.

“It’s an early indicator that what’s happening in the ED is that we’re seeing more acute cases than we were pre-pandemic,” said Caleb Cox, a data scientist at the Epic Health Research Network.

“Even though we’re seeing the overall volumes come back to normal over the summer here, we see that the more acute conditions still remain higher than the pre-pandemic normals, while the lower-acuity conditions still remain below pre-pandemic normal.”

As the Biden Boosters get rolled out, we expect another wave of acute health problems to emerge that results in hospitals becoming even more overwhelmed with sick, fully vaccinated patients.

Millions of lives are being destroyed by Fauci Flu shots. To keep up with the latest, be sure to check out ChemicalViolence.com.

Sources for this article include:




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2 Responses to “Emergency rooms across America getting FLOODED with patients suffering acute organ failure and debilitating symptoms”

  1. ian says:

    I fear that this winter will be a very dark time in human history. I know that I sound like a drama queen, but I have a bad feeling about it.

  2. Wayne567 says:

    ian, I think you are right, I also think that the planned shortages have not even started yet, I’m talking of shortages of everything including life-saving medications, etc, etc, of course really they will be no shortages, but this will be one of the many ways the evil governments will keep control of the sheep, not looking very good, I hope I’m wrong.

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