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Children are 69% more likely to be hospitalised with Covid-19 if Fully Vaccinated

The latest report from the UK Health Security Agency shows that the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for England’s decision to recommend all children over the age of 12 should be vaccinated against Covid-19 was a huge mistake because the data shows children are 69% more likely to be hospitalised with Covid-19 if they are fully vaccinated.

Chris Whitty; the CMO for England, overruled the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) on the 13th September 2021 and wrote a letter to the UK Government advising them to offer the Pfizer Covid-19 injection to all children over the age of 12 with immediate effect.

The decision was of course highly controversial due to the following reasons –

  • 86% of children suffered an adverse reaction to the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine in the clinical trial
  • 1 in 9 children suffered a severe adverse reaction leaving them unable to perform daily activities in the Pfizer clinical trial
  • Just 9 deaths associated with Covid-19 have occurred in children since March 2020 up to August 25th 2021
  • The risk of children developing serious illness due to Covid-19 is extremely low
  • The Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine is experimental and still in clinical trials
  • Three Scientific Studies conducted by the UK Government, Oxford University, & CDC, which were published in August have found the Covid-19 Vaccines do not work
  • Public Health England Data shows the majority of Covid-19 Deaths are among the Vaccinated and suggests that the Vaccines worsen disease
  • There have been at least 1.2 million Adverse Reactions to the Covid-19 Vaccines in the UK alone
  • There have been more deaths in 10 months due to the Covid-19 Vaccines than there have been due to all other available Vaccines since the year 2001
  • The risk of children developing Myocarditis (Heart Inflammation) due to the Pfizer vaccine
  • Children have died and are dying due to the Covid-19 Vaccines in the USA
  • The Joint Committee on Vaccination & Immunisation refused to recommend the Pfizer vaccine be offered to children

(A full list of references for the above reasons can be found at the end of this article)

This led to the ‘Covid-19 Assembly’ and lawyer Francis Hoar attempting to put a stop to the experimental vaccination in children in court. However, the Judge has so far refused to halt the roll-out of the Pfizer jab to children despite instructing the UK Government to submit evidence to the court justifying the vaccination of children by October 11th, with ‘Covid-19 Assembly’ having until the 15th October to respond before the court will promptly reconsider the matter. There are still no updates as of yet.

The Judge may yet live to regret his decision not to pause the roll-out of the experimental Covid-19 injection to children because Office for National Statistics data shows that deaths among children are 52% higher than the five-year-average since Chris Whitty overruled the JCVI and instructed children to be vaccinated. This is an extremely concerning figure when up until the point they began to be vaccinated deaths among children were 14% down on the five-year-average.

But now more concerning data on the consequences of vaccinating children has emerged in the UK Health Security Agency’s ‘Week 42 – Vaccine Surveillance Report‘.

Table 2 of the report shows the number of Covid-19 cases between the 20th September and 17th October by age group and vaccination status.

The report shows that there were 351,148 cases among not-vaccinated under 18’s during this period, whilst there were just 743 cases among fully vaccinated under 18’s during this period.

Table 3 of the UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance Report shows the number of people hospitalised with Covid-19 between 20th September and 17th October 2021 by age group and vaccination status.

The report shows that here were 560 hospitalisations among not-vaccinated under 18’s during this period, whilst there were just 2 hospitalisations among fully vaccinated under 18’s during this period.

At first glance these figures may not seem concerning, until you take a look at the Covid-19 case-hospitalisation rate by vaccination status.

According to the UKHSA report, 0.16% of Covid-19 cases in not-vaccinated under 18’s resulted in hospitalisation between September 20th and October 17th 2021.
(560 hospitalisations / 351,148 cases x 100)

Whereas 0.27% of Covid-19 cases in fully vaccinated under 18’s resulted in hospitalisation during the same time frame.
(2 hospitalisations / 743 cases x 100)

Therefore the data shows that children are 69% more likely to be hospitalised with Covid-19 if they are fully vaccinated.

With a 52% increase in deaths of children against the five-year-average since they were offered the Covid-19 vaccine, a UK Judge ordering the Government to to submit evidence to court justifying the vaccination of children, and the UK Health Security Agency report showing children are 69% more likely to be hospitalised with Covid-19 if fully vaccinated, we think it’s time the Covid-19 vaccine roll-out to children was halted with immediate effect, don’t you?

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