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A Patent Issued for The Purpose of Contact Tracing All Vaccinated Humans Worldwide – “Wake up stupid little sheep. You are being led to your slaughter.”

“What I’m suggesting is the inoculation is a guise to literally put in metallic materials, that are potentially magnetic, to interact with satellites or cell towers with the human body.  In other words, rather than using a cell phone you can use your body and your cell phone for remotely testing, let’s say, blood sugars or blood pressure or oxygen levels.  And this is what the patent actually suggests that Pfizer took out, that was awarded just last month, 31 August of this year. 

“This was the conclusion that I came to: that it is the very first patent that shows up in a list of about 18,500 for the purpose of contact tracing of, I believe, all vaccinated humans worldwide who will be or are now connected to the Internet of Things,” Dr. Robert Young said during an interview which you can watch HERE (extract starts at 24 mins).

Dr. Young was referring to patent US11107588 B2Methods and Systems of Prioritizing Treatments, Vaccination, Testing And / Or Activities While Protecting the Privacy of Individuals.

We have downloaded a copy of the patent document from HERE and attached it below.

The patent applicants and inventors are Gal Ehrlich and Maier Fenster of Ehrlich & Fenster, a firm of patent and trademark attorneys in Israel.  Dr. Young states the patent was issued to Pfizer.  We were unable to find the relationship between the patent attorneys and Pfizer to share here.  However, we did find the video clip below which indicates Pfizer aims to become more than simply a drug manufacturing organisation.

Pfizer – Pfizer Connect

And, during an interview in July 2021 with Bio IT World Pfizer Senior Vice President, Bill Leister, said: “Digital companions can help educate, improve compliance or appropriate adherence to therapy …”

Further resources:

Karen Kingston, a biotech analyst, discussed the patent application document of 18 March 2021 on the Stew Peters Show, watch HERE.  Below, we have noted extracts from the application inserted as “a quote” and Kingston’s comments on them are marked as “KK”.

Note: We have checked the portions quoted from the application document to the approved document Dr. Young mentions and they are identical except for some wording in the abstract and paragraph reference numbers.

The system comprises a plurality of electronic devices comprising instructions to generate an ID and, when in proximity of another such electronic device, one or both electronic devices transmit / receive the ID to / from the other electronic device.

KK: So, the Covid injection co-ordinates with electronic devices within yourself and others.

Then, a score is generated based on a plurality of such received IDs.

KK: These [images below] show the network of people and how they are all connected to one another.

At least one server comprising instructions for sending to said plurality of electronic devices information to display said relevant treatment instructions; where said at least one server or said electronic devices comprise instructions to generate a prediction of likelihood of a subject transmitting said pathogen, based on a score of the subject.

KK: Taking a look again at the configuration in the figures above you can see that people are connected to one another in groups.

KK: And then at the center of the group, if you go onto the next slide [see above], that maybe is someone who has got a low score or a high score for a propensity for infection or may not be vaccinated and then the group is co-ordinated to understand that, that person may need to be vaccinated.  And that score is based on: electronic information; geographical information; governmental information; and, human information.

KK: They give a real-life example and I want you to listen to the words that they use.

KK: They use the word ‘prophetic’ and they come up with three people: John Doe; Jane Smith; and, Mark Lite. And you see a week of their activities and they get a score based on their activities and interactions with other people.

KK: They also consider other things, they consider their age, their professional experience, their health condition.  Unfortunately for Jane, they consider her going to a religious gathering.  So, Jane who was below Mark for getting a vaccination, well she got a few extra points for going to a religious gathering and now she’s ahead of Mark in ‘need of a vaccination’.

An additional point to highlight is the patent’s definition of “vaccine.” It includes containing “a microorganism or virus in a weakened, live or killed state” that can also produce toxins.  The definition of “prophylactic” is also concerning as it is a preventative measure for a “disease or another unintended consequence.”

All the vaccines included in the patent are all of those as disclosed at the World Health Organisation.

In some embodiments, vaccines are all compounds as disclosed in in the website of the World Health Organisation ( https : // www [ dot ] who [ dot ] int / publications / m / item / draft – landscape – of – covid – 19 – candidate – vaccines ) , which are all incorporated herein by reference , and which are optionally provided ( e.g. , as a kit ) with software such as described herein and / or provided with instructions for use targeting potential super spreaders detected , for example , using methods and apparatus as described herein , and include the following :

United States Patent US 11107588 B2, p28 para.30

And remarkably, treatment can be “hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin plus zinc” and “providing a treatment as disclosed” can be understood as “prophylactic and/or vaccination.”

Kingston returned to the Stew Peters Show a few days later with an update to discuss further evidence: “Americans thought that by being vaccinated they were getting their ticket back to their liberties and their freedom when actually it is a gateway to an obedience platform and potentially an execution platform if you are not obedient based on your score,” Kingston said.

Stew Peters Show: Patent Proves Vaxx is Obedience Training Platform, 11 October 2021 (18 mins)

“Look at facts.  Look at evidence.  And understand that when someone has malicious intent and sociopathy, they do not tell you they are going to harm and violate you.  They tell you what ever it is you need to hear in order for them to accomplish their goal,” Kingston advised.

Dr Vladimir Zev Zelenko offers his assessment on a Telegram post: “Wake up stupid little sheep. You are being led to your slaughter.”

Links included in Dr. Zelenko’s post:

  1. Video: Implanted Microchip, Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum and The Great Reset
  2. Patent Grant 11107588: Methods and systems of prioritizing treatments, vaccination, testing and/or activities while protecting the privacy of individuals
  3. Dr. Robert Young: Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines

Further Resources:


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2 Responses to “A Patent Issued for The Purpose of Contact Tracing All Vaccinated Humans Worldwide – “Wake up stupid little sheep. You are being led to your slaughter.””

  1. ian says:

    You are an inspiration Weaver. You are posting some excellent material.

  2. Weaver says:

    We are all inspirations to each other sharing knowledge is so important right now. Your input is just as enlightening, thank you.