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Deaths among Teenage Boys have increased by 63% in the UK since they started getting the Covid-19 Vaccine

An investigation of official ONS data has revealed that since the Covid-19 vaccine was offered and administered to teenagers in England and Wales there has been a 63% rise in deaths among teenage boyswith one week seeing an increase as high as 700%.

On October 1st, we exclusively revealed that ONS data shows there has been a 47% rise in all-cause deaths among teenagers between the ages of 15-19 since they began getting the Covid-19 vaccine.

Our investigation found that official Office for National Statistics (ONS) data shows that between 26th June 2020 – 18th September 2020 there were 148 deaths among teenagers between 15 – 19 years of age.

Whereas ONS data for 2021 shows that between 25th Jun 2021 – 17th September 2021 there were 217 deaths among teenagers between 15 – 19 years of age, meaning deaths among teens over the age of 15 were 47% higher than the same period during 2020.

The difference? The rise in teen deaths in 2021 coincided with them being offered the Covid-19 vaccine, as documented in NHS data which can be downloaded here, and accessed on the NHS website here, shows that as of 27th June 2021 over 147,000 people under the age of 18 had received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine.

However, further data published by Public Health England on the number of 999 calls made requesting an ambulance due to cardiac arrest; which has skyrocketed against the expected average since young adults and teens began receiving the Covid-19 vaccine, made us want to revisit the ONS data due to a suspicion we would find that the majority of excess deaths among teens are actually among teenage boys.

The reason for this suspicion was that the Medicine and Healthcare product Regulatory Agency have openly admitted that they suspect myocarditis and pericarditis are potential side effects of the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines, especially among young males. A suspicion that has been strong enough for the UK Medicine Regulator to officially add warnings about myocarditis and pericarditis to the safety labels of the Covid-19 vaccines.

Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle, whereas pericarditis is inflammation of the protective sacs surrounding the heart. Both are extremely serious conditions due to the vital role the heart plays in keeping a person alive, and the fact that the heart muscle cannot regenerate. Serious myocarditis can lead to cardiac arrest and knock years off a persons life.

Before diving back into the ONS data we decided to see if we could find official confirmation of when teens as old as 19 started to receive the Covid-19 vaccine, as our previous exclusive investigation only found confirmation of when teen sunder the age of 18 started to receive the Covid-19 jab.

We discovered in a Public Health England document titled ‘Weekly Flu and Covid-19 Report‘ that teens aged 18 and 19 began receiving the Covid-19 vaccines as early as the 2nd week of 2021. From week 2 to week 13 of 2021 there was a steady climb to around 12% of eligible teens aged 18 and 19 receiving at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, before the numbers vaccinated flat lined until around week 18 of 2021 where they started to pick up again.

Upon discovering this we decided to revisit the ONS data and carry out a new review of the numbers contained within the report, and unfortunately our suspicion that excess deaths are disproportionately occurring in teenage boys was confirmed.

The 2020 edition of ‘Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales’, which can be downloaded here, and accessed on the ONS website here, shows that between the week ending 8th May 2020 and the week ending 18th September 2020, a total of 219 deaths occurred among 15 – 19-year-olds. Of these 142 deaths were among teenage boys, whilst 77 deaths were among teenage girls.

Whereas the 2021 editions of ‘Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales, which can be downloaded here, and accessed on the ONS website here, shows that between the week ending 7th May 2021 and the week ending 17th September 2021, a total of 320 deaths occurred among 15 – 19-year-olds. Of these 231 deaths were among teenage boys, whilst 89 deaths were amongst teenage girls.

This shows that the number of deaths between May 7th 2021 and September 17th 2021 among teens aged 15 and over were 46% higher than the number of deaths in this age group during the same period in 2020, and the increase in deaths began at precisely the same time teens started receiving the Covid-19 vaccine.

For instance in the 6 weeks prior to the 8th May 2020 there were 93 deaths among all teens over the age of 15, whereas in the 6 weeks prior to 7th May 2021 there were 100 deaths among all teens over the age 15, representing an increase of just 7.5% in 2021 on the previous year.

But what this also shows is that since the Covid-19 vaccines began being given to teens over the age of 15, deaths among teenage boys have increased by 63%, whereas deaths among teenage girls have still increased, but at a much lower rate of just 16%.

We compiled the following table of ONS figures so that we were able to easily compare the number of deaths per week among teens over the age of 15 separated into males and females.

As you can see above the highest increase in deaths came in the week ending 25th June 2021 which saw a 700% increase on the number of deaths in teens on the previous year, this represented a 500% increase in male teen deaths, and a 400% increase in female teen deaths.

The largest increase in male teen deaths came in the week ending September 3rd 2021 which saw a 700% increase in male teen deaths, but just a 17% increase in female teen deaths.

We were also able to discover from the table above that deaths in male teens have seen a significant increase in 17 of the 20 weeks since a sizeable amount of teens started getting the Covid-19 vaccine, with the remaining 3 weeks registering a 0% increase, a -45% decrease, and a -22% decrease registered in the week ending 17th September.

Whereas deaths among female teens only saw an increase on the previous year in 8 of the 20 weeks since this age group began receiving the Covid-19 vaccine. Five of the 20 weeks saw a 0% increase in deaths on the previous year, whilst 7 of the 20 weeks actually saw a percentage decrease in the number of deaths registered compared to the previous year.

The fact that 999 calls requesting an ambulance due to cardiac arrest, and the number of deaths among teenage boys have both seen a significant increase against the expected level, alongside the fact that myocarditis is a confirmed side effect of the Covid-19 vaccines; especially among younger males, is extremely concerning when it can be clearly seen that the increases correlate with the start of a significant amount of teens receiving the Covid-19 vaccine.

The problem we now face is that approximately three million children over the age 12 are currently being offered and given the Covid-19 vaccine.

How many of those children will need to die before the authorities open their eyes and realise there is a serious problem with giving the Covid-19 vaccine to younger males, who do not even need the jab due to not being at risk of developing serious illness due to Covid-19?

The data is there now for the authorities to see, a 63% increase in male teen deaths since they started to be given the Covid-19 vaccine, they must investigate this and cease the roll-out of this experimental injection to children immediately.

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