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The pointless jab

 Researchers in Israel report that fully vaccinated persons are up to 13 times more likely to get infected than those who have had a natural COVID infection.

As explained by ScienceMag: The study “found in two analyses that people who were vaccinated in January and February were, in June, July and the first half of August, six to 13 times more likely to get infected than unvaccinated people who were previously infected with the coronavirus.

In one analysis, comparing more than 32,000 people in the health system, the risk of developing symptomatic COVID-19 was 27 times higher among the vaccinated, and the risk of hospitalization eight times higher.”14

The study also said that, while vaccinated persons who also had natural infection did appear to have additional protection against the Delta variant, the vaccinated were still at a greater risk for COVID-19-related-hospitalizations compared to those without the vaccine, but who were previously infected.

Vaccinees who hadn’t had a natural infection also had a 5.96-fold increased risk for breakthrough infection and a 7.13-fold increased risk for symptomatic disease.

“This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity,” study authors said.15

A majority of gravely ill patients in Israel are double vaccinated.16 A majority of deaths over 50 in England are also double vaccinated.17 Also, mass vaccination of the population with the highly mutating coronavirus will only evolve perfectly vaccine-resistant strains of the virus.”18


Or maybe there’s a different point –

Finally making the rounds a month after I blew the whistle: Where did all the people go?

A month (or more) ago I posted about how there was a shortage of workers (A shortage totaling about 30 million people)with only 7 million people on unemployment. If the country is in a recession, and 7 million are on unemployment, and despite the recession 30 million jobs need to be filled with no one available to fill them, then 20-30 million American people have to be dead. BY THE NUMBERS. There’s no way out of it. These are not covid deaths either, they are VAX DEATHS, THIS IS WHERE ALL THE PEOPLE WENT, THE VAX KILLED THEM. This has been censored, but in ONE case the truth got out. Youtube is not censoring this particular video because they know damn well it will just be posted again, too many people have this.


Over a month after I first mentioned this and gave all the numbers, it is still being talked about. Jobs are not filled because there is no one to fill them. If there is no unemployment now, and STILL 30 million job openings, where the hell did all the people go? Remember those body bag vids???


They pulled off an enormous genocide and no one knew because big tech and the MSM censored it. They did it with Jewish doctors and a Jewish owned medical system, buried it with a Jewish MSM and Jewish owned big tech, and made it happen with a Jewish infiltrated and controlled government structure. They hid it by buying up all the dead people’s homes with bailout money so there’s not a glut of houses with questions attached on the market. If there was no genocide, then try to explain that video I posted yesterday and linked in this report, which shows a half hour of some guy scrolling through the channel 7 facebook post that backfired and got filled with people saying the vax killed their families and others they know. That video only shows a portion of them, there were over 40,000 posts saying similar things to the facebook page of ONE local television channel and if you kept tabs on that, they were deleting those posts rapidly and STILL peaked at over 40,000. Those posts vastly outnumbered the deaths in Vaers all by themselves. Thats what happens when for some odd reason censorship fails to rear it’s ugly head effectively enough to totally smash the truth and only accomplishes a partial job.


It is good that people are finally asking questions about how we have 30 million jobs open with no one to fill them AFTER unemployment expired. The pants have been pulled off this ridiculous scam, if those people are not dead they are disabled and twitching while con job “doctors” who know damn well those are war injuries keep repeating: “It wasent the vax. It wasent the vax. You are an anti science nut job, IT WASENT THE VAX. OH POOR ISRAEL, THEY HAVE IT WORSE AS THEY GO INTO A FOURTH ROUND OF SHOTS, and they are not all twitching, IT WASENT THE VAX.


Last part of the Dr Mercola post.

This pandemic is a direct reflection of the health of our population: 95% of COVID deaths have multiple comorbidities. Obesity, vitamin D deficiency and metabolic dysfunction are at the core of this pandemic and can be resolved by taking control of your health by following science-based dietary and lifestyle recommendations.

Since building up your health can’t be done overnight, what you can do beginning right now is avoid linoleic acid, check to ensure your vitamin D levels are above 40ng/ml, exercise, get fresh air and proper sun exposure, and restrict your eating window to a 6- to 8-hour time frame each day.

If you do get COVID-19, early treatment is crucial. Follow the Front Line Critical Care Alliance iMASK+ or MATH+ treatment protocols.”28

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