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300,000 Unvaccinated Caregivers: Macron Has Lost the War of Compulsion

ER Editor:  See also this article (Medical Staff Shortages Feared in France as Health Care Workers Balk at COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates) by J.D. Heyes for Vaccine News. We don’t trust the cited percentage (84%) of French healthcare workers having been vaccinated.

We agree with author Dr. Nicole Delepine that Macron has lost the war of compulsionHowever, we don’t expect the French government to give up. This article gives us a few insights as to what is happening inside the French healthcare system regarding staff facing the recently implemented injection mandate (September 16).


300,000 unvaccinated caregivers: Macron has lost the war of compulsion


“This is not the end. It’s not even the beginning of the end. But, it may be the end of the beginning.” Churchill on the Battle of Stalingrad

Three thousand caregivers have been suspended on this September 16, in a health system that has already been bled out for at least two decades. No matter, since some hospitals or services are not hesitating to send back patients undergoing chemotherapy or childbirth for lack of a health pass, which everyone has understood is ‘health’ in name only. And the continuous suppression of beds since 2020 has demonstrated to the most naive that the aim of the government was not to take care of people (prohibition of effective early treatments, euthanasia disguised with Rivotril (ER: an end-of-life sedative) injections in the care homes, etc…) but to make people submit to digital control via conditioning-by-vaccination, and the ‘passport’ that is less and less sanitary and more and more totalitarian.


The medicine of Hippocrates is dying, and the question is to know when it will be put on resuscitation and given effective early treatments… But is this a victory of power or a Stalingrad of Emmanuel Macron when we know that about 300,000 caregivers have resisted the harassment, threats, intimidation of their hierarchy, ARS (ER: regional health agencies) and social security, and worse perhaps, to the cries of their families, worried about the consequences in particular financial consequences of a dismissal without unemployment compensation, social benefits or anything … “We will find ourselves on the street.”

As Dr. Eric Menat clearly explains in an interview on the evening of this Berezina of power (ER: a reference to Napoleon advancing over the Berezina River in today’s Belarus, despite incredible odds – a small win in the face of loss)a foreigner who arrives in France quickly receives between 1,500 and 2,000 euros, and he does not question it in the least, but he would like the nurse’s aide, who earns at most 1,500 euros per month and therefore has no advance on her accounts, not to find herself homeless for lack of salary but also prohibited from other work and lack of compensation, including housing.

How can we accept this sordid discrimination between citizens?

Eric Verhaeghe, as is often the case, lifts our spirits in his article of September 15, 2021 in the “Courrier des Stratèges”:

“It is itching to establish a correlation between this boost to profits and the immense financing needs of the upcoming election campaign, even if today there is no serious factual element to support this suspicion. The official communiqués on the outcome of this battle are obviously triumphalist from the government’s pen. In reality, Macron has lost the first round, and he knows it.

This campaign, driven by very powerful industrial interests, is being listened to very carefully by the European Commission. These interests are both those of the pharmaceutical laboratories, but also those of the digital industry and in particular its branch specialized in the digital surveillance of populations, facial recognition, tracking of citizens, digital identity of which the so-called health pass is the model.”

For Eric Verhaeghe, the idea of the power bubble, that has closed in on itself, a hundred leagues from the real life of cities and countryside, is that it has already won.

On the other hand, the Saturday freedom fighters are convinced that they have already lost! Both analyses are equally wrong and we agree.

As Emmanuel Macron warned us in March 2020, this is a war whose roots are already old (see the numerous videos of the defenders of eugenics and the all-digital society from Jacques Attali [ER: a close Rothschild associate] to Bill Gates via Laurent Alexandre, for example).

Current events should reassure us about the future

“Therefore, there will not be a blowout victory on either side. There will be a long fight. We must be prepared for it.”

The media, complicit with the Great Reset worshippers, have succeeded in reducing the debate (which never takes place) on the advisability of vaccination and health pass, and reducing it to a pitched battle between pro-vax and the cautious citizens labeled as anti-vax.

“In the long term, the globalized issue of the health pass is the projection of the West into a Chinese-style logic of social credit, and into a digitalization of identity coupled with contact tracking and generalized surveillance. The State now wants to know everything about you, your friends, your favorite places, your schedule, without you taking offence. Your servitude must become a reason for pride,” explains Eric Verhaeghe.

Finally, the young or still young generations, born after 1968, who have lived in a carefree way, in the single thought without much awareness of its dangers, have discovered an unimaginable world. Sometimes their parents and grandparents remembered the Second World War and the extermination of the Jews, some of whom stayed in Germany during the rise of Nazism because they could not believe in the horrors that others, who were more clear-sighted, sensed.

They’ve discovered, as Eric Verhaeghe nicely puts it,

“that democracy can end abruptly and turn into a dystopia, when its conduct is abandoned to a caste of petty marquises bribed by a few big owners. Democracy is like an orchid: it is fragile, deep down, and requires constant attention, when it was thought to be immortal.”


And here he explains the inner strength that many will have discovered in the nights of anguish and hesitation, and finally “let their will to freedom assert itself despite the collective pressure.” They accept to be an outcast from society in order to remain themselves.

It is not in times of peace, in times of happiness, that one discovers this strength in oneself. And here we must thank Macron for having allowed millions of French people to discover that they could go far, very far, in their inner resources, in their suffering, to assert their will and to resist.

The electroshock of July 12 (ER: when Macron made his sudden pronouncement about the need for widescale vaccination in the population) produced a formidable awakening of the will, and the will is what has always saved and will save the West again. Organizing secession to protect oneself from the Caste, starting with a psychic secession.”


Has the limit of the bearable been reached? As for my father, who joined the resistance and the maquis when the measures of the occupying forces had exceeded the bearable limit.

Everywhere, caregivers have resigned, sometimes by the hundreds (there is talk of 300 resignations at the Strasbourg University Hospital), before being suspended. 450 care workers were suspended in Nice.

Sick leave has exploded everywhere, with numerous closures of services, emergencies, iterative, intermittent.

Everywhere, the vaccine obligation has split and traumatized teams already strongly shaken by months of COVID and especially of false covid and prohibition to treat, to take care of non-vaccinated patients in front of stubbornly empty beds.

The caregivers then saw the arrival of vaccinated patients – strokes, infarctions, pulmonary embolisms, thromboses, etc., with a ban on talking about them outside the hospital under penalty of punishment. They were in the front row, able to evaluate the morbid consequences of these false vaccines that were imposed on them, hence the refusals, the depressions, the resignations, the suicides, etc.

As for the residences for the elderly, which are experiencing a real disaster, the families will soon see the effects. Where is the respect for the human person in these places that were not prisons but have become places of confinement worse than prisons. Let’s remember to what extent the residents are forced to get the dangerous injection because refusal means isolation in the room, prohibition of visits and communal life, etc…. capos are quickly revealed in these times of war, as the heroes are on the opposite side. In the prisons, the refusal is accepted because the prisoners are not guinea pigs, the minister of justice said it… But the old ones, no problem?

And every day, the authorities add to this, as today with these measures specific to New Caledonia

“Fear of the covid vaccination obligation in New Caledonia: Down’s syndrome, obese people or people suffering from cancer will be fined 175,000 francs (1,470 euros) if not vaccinated! Ugly and scabrous! Our fight is not only political, it is human!

But the resistance continues

Translation: Hundreds of people gathered in front of the ARS of #Montpellier, against the mandatory vaccination for health care workers. They had until today to have at least a first dose of the vaccine. Otherwise, their work contract will be suspended.


Translation: This afternoon, about 150 people gathered in front of the premises of the ARS Vaucluse to Avignon. Carers and firefighters spread out on the ground to symbolize the death of their profession that’s already fragile, as if beaten by the mandatory vax.


A human chain around the Ministry of Health in support of caregivers subject to mandatory vaccination.

One of hundreds of actions in #France to defend the #Freedom of Care & #prescription and denounce the Health Dictatorship.

No medical rationale.

Let us continue, the Law, human beings are on our side, consciences are waking up.



[1] https://lecourrierdesstrateges.fr/2021/09/15/pourquoi-macron-a-dores-et-deja-perdu-la-bataille-de-lobligation-vaccinale-pour-les-soignants/?

[2] Tweet de Florian Philippot

Published to The Liberty Beacon from EuropeReloaded.com

300,000 Unvaccinated Caregivers: Macron Has Lost the War of Compulsion

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