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Live flu vaccines given to kids. People who are mRNA vaxxed respond to live virus with cytokine storm

Digest icon link Your Host Bridget shared: https://t.me/plainsight1/3203 Send this to Boris Johnson and every MP. They will knowingly have committed genocide if they continue
Digest icon text Your Host Bridget shared: Important info for claiming exemption from vax if you are a care worker https://t.me/LockdownLegal/256 https://t.me/LockdownLegal/257
Digest icon link Your Host Bridget shared: Be very aware of what is being planned. Live flu vaccines given to kids; people who been mRNA vaxed respond to any live virus with a cytokines storm likely to kill them. Authorities blame death on unvaccinated kids. Beware https://t.me/zerotolerancemedia/2045
Digest icon link Your Host Bridget shared: What about our Government? Feel you’ve been tricked? https://t.me/plainsight1/3315
Digest icon text Your Host Bridget shared: https://t.me/LockdownLegal/260

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4 Responses to “Live flu vaccines given to kids. People who are mRNA vaxxed respond to live virus with cytokine storm”

  1. nixon scraypes says:

    I followed the link but Google sign in wouldn’t let me. Do the eng dems know this?

    • Tapestry says:

      The English Democrats produce a daily update. The links work for me. I’m sorry I didn’t realise they are behind a subscription. I normally do a full copy and paste of one of their daily stories but this lot looked to be worth passing on wholesale, and I was working on short timing – no doubt someone calling me to eat or something. They have good legal advice on many issues, connections into the legal profession, and their line of subjects covered is very similar to that on Tap News. Next time I’ll do a full copy and paste of any stories I feed across.

      The fact that there is a political party which stands in elections which is onside with Tap News is worthy of note. They are banned by the BBC and get nil coverage in the media. They have connections to The Templars and the traditional churches and are well aware of the penetration of church hierarchies by sympathisers with One World Government, and their evil agents. Reading Deus Vult – The Great Reset Resistance which is sold by the English Democrats for £25 gives a lot more depth to their viewpoint and willingness to resist as is possible to do so. If I fail to do a good job on occasions it’s down to lack of time, or interruptions. There is always more to do, and it has to fit around family, business and all other aspects of life. It is helpful of readers to point out the failures. Thankfully we have a few contributors who are doing great. The blog is very busy.

      Here is an extract from Your England Daily Digest -This is for all those people who think the English Democrats aren’t doing anything. We are working with Unity News to halt forced vaccination particularly of children ( against advice)
      Share this please. https://t.me/UnityNewsNetwork/5724

  2. Deepseaninja says:

    This article isn’t anything to do with English Dems. It is run behind a subscription and there’s no access to web site without one. Quite why Tap posted this is anyone’s guess. Clickbaity article headings such as these at this point in time are without merit.

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