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Covid-19 deaths are 58 times higher than this time last year

Deaths associated with Covid-19 across the UK are significantly higher than this time last year despite 89% of adults allegedly being vaccinated against the disease, and despite the fact summer is supposed to help to keep the alleged virus at bay due to seasonality.

The mainstream media, Public Health sources, and the government are doing their best to convince you that it is the unvaccinated who make up the majority of those deaths. But to do this they are including deaths from the height of the second wave of Covid-19 back in January when barely anybody has been vaccinated.

recent article by the BBC claimed the following –

Whereas the actual data available from Public Health England shows that 70% of Covid-19 deaths since February 2021 up to the 29th August 2021 were among the vaccinated population.

Then we have the latest data from Scotland, in which another attempt has been made to hide the fact the majority of Covid-19 deaths are occurring among the fully vaccinated population.

Official data shows that between the 5th August 2020 and the 2nd September 2020 just 3 Covid-19 deaths were recorded in the whole of Scotland. But fast forward to the present day and official data shows 179 deaths were recorded across Scotland between the 5th August 2021 and the 2nd September 2021.

This means Covid-19 deaths across Scotland are currently 5,866.66% / 58.6 times higher than they were this time last year, despite the majority of the population of being vaccinated and summer being on their side.

You would of course expect the majority of cases to be among the unvaccinated population, but this just isn’t the case. The latest Covid-19 statistical report released by Public Health Scotland on the 15th September reveals that from August 14th through to September 10th 2021 63,437 positive cases were recorded among the unvaccinated population, whilst 78,136 were recorded among the vaccinated population; 55,696 of which were among the fully vaccinated.

As you can see the number of cases is very similar between the unvaccinated population and fully vaccination population so you would expect to see a similar number of deaths among the unvaccinated and fully vaccinated population. Except, we’re not.

This is where Public Health Scotland are trying to hide the fact the majority of deaths are among the vaccinated due to the date parameters they have used to publish deaths by vaccination status. The deaths stretch back as far as the 29th December.

This means they are including deaths from the height of the alleged second wave of Covid-19 where just 9% of the population had received a single dose, and just 0.1% of the entire population were fully vaccinated.

Table 17 of the report published by Public Health Scotland on the 16th August 2021 shows that between December 29th 2020 and August 5th 2021 3,077 Covid-19 death were recorded among the unvaccinated, whilst 273 deaths were recorded among the partly vaccinated and 206 deaths were recorded among the fully vaccinated.

As you can see from the above table PHS have made it seem like the Covid-19 vaccines are working and the majority of people dying are the unvaccinated. But fast forward to the most recent report published September 15th and we can see the true numbers of people who are dying by their vaccination status.

Table 17 of the latest report shows that between December 29th 2020 and September 2nd 2021 3,116 deaths were recorded among the unvaccinated population – an increase of 39 deaths over 4 weeks. Whilst 281 deaths were recorded among the partly vaccinated population – an increase of 8 deaths over 4 weeks. But 338 deaths were recorded among the fully vaccinated population – an increase of 132 over 4 weeks.

This means that the unvaccinated account for just 21.7% of all Covid-19 deaths since August 5th 2021, whilst the vaccinated population account for 78.3% of all deaths since the same date, with the fully vaccinated accounting for 74% of the deaths.

If we’re seeing this number of deaths in summer and when the majority of the population has had a vaccine that allegedly reduces their risk of death by 95% then we dread to think what we’re going to see when winter arrives.


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