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Chris Whitty Approves Covid-19 Vaccine For Kids

ER Editor: It was always about going after the kids, but not just in the obvious medical way. The situation UK adolescents have been put in is truly devious and nasty, designed to wreak much more than medical havoc.


The Daily Mail ran this story yesterday (see here). This is the inflammatory title:

‘Unvaxxed pupils being bullied, rows tearing families apart… and only 30,000 infections stopped’: Fury as minister CONFIRMS plans to vaccinate all over-12s from next week but gives CHILDREN the final say on whether they get the jab, NOT their parents

CURIOUSLY, this can only be found by going under the Health section, keeping it totally off the main ‘News’ page, despite it reporting ‘fury’ and general drama over the government’s decision to vaccinate kids without parental consent. This story mentions that peer pressure is being put on unvaccinated kids at school, i.e. where a child can’t put the responsibility for NOT being vaccinated on their parents. This situation is designed to literally throw unvaccinated children to the wolves of their peers. The government is perfectly well aware of this, of course.

Perceptive UK journalist Neil Clark sees the insidious effect on the family when parental consent is not required. The legal principle of Gillick Competence is being used here, applicable in the UK, which says that a minor child can consent to his or her own medical treatment. Which is remarkable given that no-one can truly consent since the injections are still in the phase 3 stage of trials, where complete trial data is thus absent. True informed consent cannot happen from an adult, much less a child! But the psychological dimension is also critical, that the child can make a decision independently of his or her family, which some children will naturally welcome. Thus a wedge is driven between the child and parents, damaging how some children will view their parents:


This is about so much more than a percentage of the nation’s 12-15 year olds getting a (for now) single injection. Kids at a highly vulnerable age are being deliberately isolated and left subject to harsh, ignorant, in-school social pressure.

(See also this article from The ExpressJCVI hits back at vaccinating young children – ‘potential harm.’)


On a side note, we fully expect vaccine passports to be reintroduced in the UK despite the announcement to abandon them. It will be just another empty promise by the government. See today’s report in the Daily Sceptic anticipating this about-face – Number 10 Plays Down Idea That Vaccine Passports Are Dead and Buried.

With the high rate of sickness expected among the vaccinated in the fall and winter, we expect all tools in the authoritarian playbook to come back with force.


BREAKING – Chris Whitty approves roll-out of Covid-19 vaccine to kids despite a mountain of evidence they are killing children

Authorities in the United Kingdom are so desperate to vaccinate children that they decided to disregard the decision made by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation to not recommend children are given the jab and tasked the Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty with making the decision instead.

He has now decided that the experimental treatment should be rolled out to children with immediate effect.

The UK Medicine Regulator, MHRA, has already deemed the Pfizer / BioNTech jab to be safe for use in children, but quite how they came to that conclusion is anyone’s guess when you consider 86% of children who took part in the short two month trial suffered an adverse reaction to the Pfizer jab ranging from mild to extremely serious, and 1 in 9 children suffered a severe adverse reaction ranging leaving them unable to perform daily activities.
Perhaps money talks? Especially when it comes from a certain Mr Bill Gates who gave a £980,000 grant to the MHRA in 2017 and has since invested over £3 million in the UK Medicine Regulator for “various projects”. This is the same Bill Gates who also coincidentally owns major shares in both Pfizer and BioNTech.
The same money also helped to ensure the United States FDA gave emergency use approval for the Pfizer jab to be given to children aged 12 – 15 and, unfortunately, we’re now starting to see the grave consequences of this decision.
Consequences that are both tragic, and completely unnecessary. These new “vaccines” are still in trials until 2023 at the earliest, which means they are experimental. This is precisely why they have only been given emergency use approval. There is no emergency when it comes to children and the alleged Covid-19 disease, less than 9 children have died with a positive test result for Covid-19 in the UK since March 2020, and they do not suffer serious disease either.

It would seem UK authorities are incapable of learning from the United States mistakes, which have led to the deaths of numerous children…

A 16 year-old female received the Pfizer vaccine on the 19th March 2021. Nine days later the same female went into cardiac arrest at home. By the 30th March 2021 she had sadly died.

A 17 year-old female started to suffer difficulty breathing and chest pain eight days after having the Pfizer vaccine. She then suffered cardiac arrest and sadly died.

A 15 year-old female suffered cardiac arrest and ended up in intensive care four days after having the Moderna mRNA jab. She also sadly died.

A five-month old breast-fed baby developed a rash one day after his mother had received the Pfizer jab. Within 24 hours he was inconsolable, refusing to eat and developed a fever. Medical tests discovered the baby had elevated liver enzymes. The baby was hospitalised however his condition worsened and he was diagnosed with Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), a rare blood disorder.

In TTP, blood clots form in small blood vessels throughout the body. The clots can limit or block the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the body’s organs, such as the brain, kidneys, and heart.

The baby passed away just two days later.

A 16 year-old male received the Pfizer vaccine and developed a headache and an upset stomach two days after having the second dose. The following day the boy was found dead in bed.

A fifteen year-old female received her second dose of the Pfizer jab on the 6th June 2021. One day later she died suddenly without reason.

A 15 year-old male died due to an unexplained reason twenty-three days after having the Pfizer jab.

A 15 year-old female received her 2nd dose of the Moderna vaccine, then suffered a cardiac arrest and died.

A one-year-old baby received the Moderna jab. The jab caused his body temperature to increase forcing him into a seizure. The result? The one year-old passed away.

Another 15 year-old male had the Pfizer mRNA jab. One day later he suffered heart failure and sadly died.

All of these unnecessary deaths have been officially recorded on the US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), and can be viewed here by searching for the VAERS ID.

The Covid-19 vaccines have not been proven to stop people catching Covid-19, and they have not been proven to stop people spreading Covid-19. The only thing they’re claimed to do is reduce serious illness if infected with Covid-19, but we still cannot even be sure of this due to the fact the rate of alleged deaths is much higher than they were at the same time last year when there were no vaccines available.

But despite this, Chris Whitty has announced that all children over the age of 12 should be given an experimental Covid-19 injection, and NHS documents confirm that parental consent will not be required.



Published to The Liberty Beacon from EuropeReloaded.com

Chris Whitty Approves Covid-19 Vaccine For Kids Despite a Mountain of Evidence They Are Killing Children

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