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Read The Dangers of Covid-19 Vaccine Report prepared by Dr. Bryan Ardis.

Thanks Judy

Discover what is not being reported in the MSM   The Dr. Ardis Show Logo   This report is so valuable we included the full report and pages of research for you to review and make your own decisions. It’s way too long to include in an email, so please click the link below to download the PDF.

We promise not to use your data for anything other then giving you the information that you want!

Dangers of the Covid-19 Vaccine Report prepared by Dr. Bryan Ardis
Covid 19 Disease Prevention Cocktail – Vitamin Supplement Recommendations   DOWNLOAD THE PDF
Vaccination Notice of Liability Form for Schools, Organizations or Employers Requiring the Vaccine DOWNLOAD THE FORM

If you or someone you know is ill or in ICU from covid or variants, the following is vital to know

Go to https://myfreedoctor.com/the-free-doctor-team where doctors will help you get the prescriptions you need, free, for early treatment.

02:40 mins Dr. Ardis says Remdesivir is being used the same way they used gas chambers to destroy people in Germany. He goes on to say that
Remdesivir was used to make it look like people were dying of covid when in fact they were dying from lethal effects of Remdesivir.

09:33 mins If you have a loved one who is hospitalized be aware of threats from adding Vancomycin to their protocol.

If you have a loved one in ICU https://myfreedoctor.com/the-free-doctor-team have lawyers ready to contact the hospital and threaten them to put your loved one on other treatments.

If you have problems with his QR code capture his email at 16:30 mins

Why in the world was Robert David Steele given a dangerous drug like Remdesivir?!

Joe Oltmann
I just had a conversation with a friend who was with Robert David Steele a couple weeks ago, who was on tour with him and had been trying to get him out of the hospital…

Here is what you should know. RDS was put on Remdesivir. Remdesivir has a nearly 50% fatality rate. Combine that with being out on a ventilator and the chances of dying go up to 80-90%. This drug is killing people. The NIH study of this drug in treating Ebola shows the high mortality rate, yet they push it, ignore the science behind steroids, ivermectin and HCQ. They refused to give him this cocktail, and it cost him his life.

If you do not believe there is something evil and sinister about our government and their desire to turn us into slaves and or murder us, you are not very bright or not paying attention.

Pray, stand, and stop them from destroying our country and our world. http://stateofthenation.co/?p=81646


Please share this information to save lives


Without Prejudice and Without Recourse
Doreen A Agostino


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David DuByne - Embrace the Awakening, Embrace the Cycle: The Water Bearer Returns

We see vast changes are occurring in every aspect of life exactly at the same time across the entire planet. Ask yourself why, and why at this time when vast electromagnetic Earth changes are timelined out through October 2024 as the four gas giants form a square in the outer solar system that was last seen in 79 A.D, that our world is radically changing.

Mark Steel - The Covert Asymmetrical 5G Led Warfare Agenda

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Mark Steel Website:
