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Pfizer Has to Come Clean on Ingredients & Harms Within 14 Days

ER Editor: Stew Peters does an update on the recent FDA approval of the mRNA vaccine. These are highly technical topics, but here are some notes on what Kingston is reporting. As ever, we always recommend listening to the full interview, which runs about 27 minutes. There is some blockbuster information!


  • Is the injection approved or not? There is some disagreement. Yes, Pfizer BioNTech BNT162B was approved as of August 23, 2021.
  • What effect does this approval have on knowing what the ingredients are in the ‘vaccine’? Does information have to be released about its contents? Yes. Up to know, we haven’t known what’s in them because ‘consumer good manufacturing practices / processes’ were not being followed, which would have revealed this information, as well as the quality of the ingredients. Normally, this information is released toward the end of Phase III trials before the mass manufacturing stage. But this never happened. But it’s what’s going to be happening now. The FDA has not followed normal practices.
  • The contents must be known in the next 2 weeks. Pfizer has been instructed to produce the list of ingredients.
  • Other requirements are being demanded of Pfizer, too, such as consistency and quality of vials, ingredients, expiration dates (which have been constantly pushed back), adverse events / deaths, etc. All these safety protocols had been ignored until now.
  • Re. adverse events (AE) discovered so far: there is a BREADTH of AEs that affect multiple systems in the body. Thus it appears these vials are not consistent in what they contain. So if Pfizer has not been consistent with the FDA and public over the ingredients, they have 14 days to rectify this.
  • Do we have evidence Pfizer has not come clean over what is in the vials? Yes. The VAERS database shows an incredible diversity of AEs. How do we explain heart inflammation in young children, which might shorten their lives, or congestive heart failure immediately? Or how pregnant woman can kill their babies through breastfeeding, who have thrombocytopenia or thrombosis? Others have zero side effects whereas some have dead arm within 12 hours and can attach magnets to their bodies? None of this makes sense. The normal rate of miscarriage is 20%, but now it’s 80% in some women. How do we explain acute respiratory distress or CNS disorders such as Guillain-Barré syndrome? Normally, when a product comes out, there may be a serious AE that appears, such as heart inflammation, which means the product is recalled just because of that single symptom. The DIVERSITY of these AEs is not consistent with a consistent product.
  • Pfizer does not have a website up: A website is ALWAYS ready to go long before a new product is launched after approval. So you’d expect one such as ‘comirnaty.com’ complete with marketing slogans and package insert information. That there isn’t one is a red flag. It suggests that Pfizer knows they’re going to be held accountable for intentionally harming people with the product AS THE MANUFACTURER. What they don’t want is charges being brought against them AS THE MARKETER. Providing they don’t put marketing materials out there, they’ll avoid a whole slew of multi-billion dollar lawsuits. Right now, they are not a marketer, so who is? Public health agencies (FDA, CDC, NIH) and the MSM. These have been the marketers to date. They have been the propagandists misleading the public.
  • Has Pfizer violated criminal laws? Yes. As a manufacturer, they have not reported all the serious AEs and deaths through particular reporting channels available to them to the FDA. This is intentionally misinforming the FDA and the American people, so criminal charges will be filed. They do have 2 weeks to come clean as to the ingredients. A lot of information has been withheld until now, which can be construed as intentionally misleading people.
  • What about the ‘breakout’ / ‘breakthrough’ cases?  In a Mayo Clinic study, 6,000 subjects were divided into 3 cohorts: a) vaccinated with Pfizer; b) vaccinated with Moderna; c) not vaccinated. Those with one or two injections exhibited symptoms classifying them in the study as ‘breakthrough’ cases. The Mayo Clinic labelled ‘breakthrough’ cases in the following ways: people with (for example) acute kidney injury; acute thrombocytopenia (low platelet count); cardiac arrest; cardiac arrhythmia; chronic fatigue syndrome (inflammation of the CNS); encephalopathic delirium (inflammation of the brain); hypertension; fluid between the lungs and chest; sepsis (inflammation due to chemicals/spike proteins throughout the body).  BUT THESE ARE ADVERSE EVENT SYMPTOMS!
  • On Oct. 22 last year, the FDA issued a list of serious AEs to look for, which matches up with what the Mayo Clinic is now calling ‘breakthrough’ cases. Acute respiratory distress is also a symptom of ADE – Antibody Dependent Enhancement (where the antibodies raised by the vaccine INVITE IN the natural virus, making the person very sick). Basically, they’re wordsmithing with labels like ‘breakthrough’.
  • Peters: So they’ve known about these possible symptoms and problems for MONTHS.
  • Graphene Oxide: is it in the vaccines? Kingston: I’m as confident that G.O. is in the vaccines as I am about the existence of gravity. A Moderna patent from July 2020 (she gives the patent number) talks about 4 types of nano-lipids and the accompanying HYDROGELS, in which G.O. is highly present (according to many studies on the ingredients of hydrogels). Peters: they knew about hydrogel, myocarditis, respiratory issues, ADE, pregnancy complications and shedding all along.
  • Shedding: In an August 2015 FDA meeting, shedding was discussed. Viral-based gene therapies were discussed, a synthetic mRNA virus which produces a spike protein. From this 2015 discussion, they knew the body would produce TRILLIONS of spike proteins in the body, which they know is toxic, as well as SHEDDING (transmitting the spike proteins to others via the mucus membranes). They knew back then, according to studies and documentation, the risks from an injected person even BREATHING on a pregnant woman. So they knew shedding was a huge risk to these women as well as their infants, and they didn’t have a way to deal with it. The FDA knew.
  • Peters: Congress passed a law to permit this under Emergency Use Authorization. Kingston: 2 acts under Obama were passed in Congress: the PAHPRA Act of 2013 and the Cures Act of 2016. Which meant they could throw out requirements to mitigate risks for new drugs and biologics, which also included throwing out the requirement to do animal studies first, good manufacturing practices, not having to prove clinical efficacy, and INFORMED CONSENT. These Acts basically allowed the government to violate the Nuremberg Code!

Congress passed laws that effectively permitted crimes against humanity on the American public

  • Could the boosters be different in composition to what’s been approved by the FDA? Yes. (see Kingston’s discussion of Dr. Ralph Baric)
  • Two takeaways: 1.  For those nervous about taking the vaccines, we’ve won and people will be prosecuted. But take a copy of the letter (she shows the letter), which tells you that safety is unknown until 2027 for adults and children alike. Present this letter to the employer or school, saying that you’re not going to put yourself or your child at risk.  2. Whether you’re vaccinated or not, SPEAK UP. Go to local council meetings and publicly refuse to be part of this experiment.



Published to The Liberty Beacon from EuropeReloaded.com

Pfizer Has to Come Clean on Ingredients & Harms Within 14 Days

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