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9 Responses to “Bank of England asks ministers to intervene.”

  1. ihunt says:

    The people of England have been enslaved by the owners of the Bank of England since its craetion on 1694. This day of attempted slavery being waged today was always going to happen in the future once the Privately owned BOE came into existence, it mus be dismantled. The BOE prints currency out of thin air and now owns all the politicians controls all the major businesses in the country and controls all leadership , the media and the leaders in all walks of life. There are also sleepers , Communist types that have embedded themselves all over that have sprung into action once called to do so. They are traitors and fools as they think they will be rewarded they wont be , traitors and betrayers are betrayed once they are no longer of any use, that has been proven time and agian. Once the Freemasons delivered Russia to the Int . Bankers with the Red Revolution which was no revolution but a takeover by the moneyed banksters , they too were sent to Siberia.

  2. ihunt says:

    The chief figure amongst those who deserted James at that crucial juncture
    was John Churchill, first Duke of Marlborough. It is interesting to read in the
    Jewish Encyclopedia that this Duke for many years received not less than 6,000
    pounds a year from the Dutch Jew Solomon Medina.
    The real objective of the “Glorious Revolution” was achieved a few years
    later in 1694, when the Royal consent was given for the setting up of the “Bank
    of England” and the institution of the National Debt. This charter handed over to
    an anonymous committee the Royal prerogative of minting money ; converted
    the basis of wealth to gold ; and enabled the international money lenders to
    secure their loans [19] on the taxes of the country, instead of the doubtful
    undertaking of some ruler or potentate which was all the security they could
    previously obtain.
    From that time economic machinery was set in motion which ultimately
    reduced all wealth to the fictitious terms of gold which the Jews control ; and
    drained away the life blood of the land, the real wealth which was the birthright
    of the British peoples. P14
    A campaign for exploiting this division and fanning hatreds between the Christian communities was soon in process of organization. How well the Jews succeeded in this campaign in Britain may be judged from the fact that one of the earliest acts of ‘their creature and hireling’ Oliver Cromwell, after executing the King according to plan, was to allow the Jews free access to England once more. ….

  3. ihunt says:

    Isaac Disraeli draws again and again startling parallels between this and the
    French Revolution : Notably in his passages on the Press, “no longer under
    restraint,” and the deluge of revolutionary pamphlets and leaflets. “From 1640 to
    1660,” he writes, “about 30,000 appear to have started up.” And later, “the
    collection of French revolutionary pamphlets now stands by the side of the
    Captain RAMSAY : The Nameless War
    — 10 —
    French tracts of the age of Charles I, as abundant in number and as fierce in
    He goes on, “Whose hand behind the curtain played the strings … could
    post up a correct list of 59 commoners, branding them with the odious title of
    ‘Straffordians or betrayers of their country’.”
    Whose hand indeed? But Disraeli who knew so much, now discreetly
    draws a veil over that iron curtain ; and it is left to us to complete the revelation.
    To do so we must turn to such other works as the Jewish Encyclopedia,
    Sombart’s work, The Jews and Modern Capitalism, and others. From these we
    learn that Cromwell, the chief figure of the revolution, was in close contact with
    the powerful Jew financiers in Holland ; and was in fact paid large sums of
    money by Manasseh Ben Israel ; whilst Fernandez Carvajal, “The Great Jew” as
    he was called, was the chief contractor of the New Model Army.
    In The Jews in England we read :
    “1643 brought a large [14] contingent of Jews to England, their rallying
    point was the house of the Portuguese Ambassador De Souza, a Marano (secret
    Jew). Prominent among them was Fernandez Carvajal, a great financier and army
    In January of the previous year, the attempted arrest of the five members
    had set in violent motion the armed gangs of “Operatives” already mentioned,
    from the city. Revolutionary pamphlets were broadcasted on this occasion, as
    Disraeli tells us : “Bearing the ominous insurrectionary cry of ‘To your tents, O
    Israel’.” Shortly after this the King and the Royal Family left the Palace of
    Whitehall. The five members with armed mobs and banners accompanying
    them, were given a triumphal return to Westminster. The stage was now set for
    the advent of Carvajal and his Jews and the rise of their creature Cromwell.
    The scene now changes. The Civil War has taken its course. The year is
    1647: Naseby has been won and lost. The King is virtually a prisoner, while
    treated as an honoured guest at Holmby House.
    According to a letter published in Plain English (3
    ) on 3rd September,
    1921 :
    “The Learned Elders have been in existence for a much longer period

    3 A weekly review published by the North British Publishing Co. and edited by the late Lord
    Alfred Douglas.
    Captain RAMSAY : The Nameless War
    — 11 —
    than they have perhaps suspected. My friend, Mr. L. D. van Valckert, of
    Amsterdam, has recently sent me a letter containing two extracts from the
    Synagogue at Mulheim. The volume in which they are contained was lost at
    some period during the Napoleonic Wars, and has recently come into Mr. van
    Valckert’s possession. It is written in German, and contains extracts of letters
    sent and received by the authorities of the Mulheim Synagogue. The first entry
    he sends me is of a letter received :
    16th June, 1647.
    From O.C. (i.e. Oliver Cromwell), by Ebenezer Pratt.
    In return for financial support will advocate admission of Jews to
    England: This however impossible while Charles living. [15]
    Charles cannot be executed without trial, adequate grounds for which do
    not at present exist. Therefore advise that Charles be assassinated, but will
    have nothing to do with arrangements for procuring an assassin, though
    willing to help in his escape.
    In reply was dispatched the following :
    12th July, 1647.
    To O.C. by E. Pratt.
    Will grant financial aid as soon as Charles removed and Jews admitted.
    Assassination too dangerous. Charles shall be given opportunity to escape :
    His recapture will make trial and execution possible. The support will be
    liberal, but useless to discuss terms until trial commences.”
    With this information now at our disposal, the subsequent moves on the
    part of the regicides stand out with a new clearness. On 4th June, 1647, Cornet
    Joyce, acting on secret orders from Cromwell himself, and, according to
    Disraeli, unknown even to General-in-Chief Fairfax, descended upon Holmby
    House with 500 picked revolutionary troopers, and seized the King. According
    to Disraeli,
    “The plan was arranged on May 30th at a secret meeting held at Cromwell’s
    house, though later Cromwell pretending that it was without his concurrence.”
    This move coincided with a sudden development in the army ; the rise of
    the “Levelers” and “Rationalists”. Their doctrines were those of the French
    revolutionaries ; in fact, what we know today as Communism. These were the
    regicides, who four times “purged” Parliament, till there was left finally 50
    members, Communist-like themselves, known later as the Rump.
    To return to the letter from Mulheim Synagogue of the 12th June, 1647,
    and its cunning suggestion that attempted escape should be used as a pretext for
    execution. Just such an event took place, on 12th November of that year. Hollis
    Captain RAMSAY : The Nameless War
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    and Ludlow consider the flight as a stratagem of Cromwell’s. Isaac Disraeli
    “Contemporary historians have decided that the King from the day of his
    deportation from [16] Holmby to his escape to the Isle of Wight was throughout
    the dupe of Cromwell.”
    Little more remains to be said. Cromwell had carried out the orders from
    the Synagogue, and now it only remained to stage the mock trial.

  4. ihunt says:

    The Bank of England tells Ministers what to do….


    ⁣Notice a number of vitally important facts: (1) The International Bankers and their agents created conditions that resulted
    in World War I; (2) They made a financial killing as a result of the
    war; (3) They financed the Russian Revolution and seized control
    of that vast nation; (4) They manipulated events in Europe
    after the war so as “to create a condition” (Edward Stanton’s
    words), the result of which left them “sitting in heaven” financially; (5) They used American loans, on which they were paid
    huge commissions, to re-equip German industry with “the most
    advanced technical facilities” and to make her “industrial system. . . the second best in the world by a wide margin;” (6) In
    the process of their manipulations these unscrupulous, monopolistic vultures used and abused the Germans to the point where
    they earned their undying hatred, and (7) By building up German
    industry at the same time as they greatly antagonized the populace,
    they set the scene for the arrival on the political stage of a strong
    man who could rally the masses behind his ’cause’ by promising
    them freedom from the international financial predators.

  5. ihunt says:

    ⁣Lord Montagu Norman was Governor of the Bank of England from 1916 to 1944. During this
    period, he participated in the central bank conferences which set up the Crash of 1929 and a
    worldwide depression. In The Politics of Money by Brian Johnson, he writes, “Strong and
    Norman, intimate friends, spent their holidays together at Bar Harbour and in the South of

    ⁣Not content with having a friend in the White House, J. Henry Schroder Corporation was soon
    embarked on further international adventures, nothing less than a plan to set up World War II.
    This was to be done by providing, at a crucial juncture, the financing for Adolf Hitler’s ⁣assumption of power in Germany.
    ⁣Hitler was also ready for a toboggan slide into oblivion. Despite the fact that he had done well in
    national campaigns, he had spent all the money from his usual sources and now faced heavy
    debts. In his book Aggression, Otto Lehmann-Russbeldt tells us that “Hitler was invited to a
    meeting at the Schroder Bank in Berlin on January 4, 1933. The leading industrialists and bankers
    of Germany tided Hitler over his financial difficulties and enabled him to meet the enormous debt
    he had incurred in connection with the maintenance of his private army. In return, he promised to
    break the power of the trade unions. On May 2, 1933, he fulfilled his promise.”64
    Present at the January 4, 1933 meeting were the Dulles brothers, John Foster Dulles and Allen W.
    Dulles of the New York law firm, Sullivan and Cromwell, which represented the Schroder Bank.
    The Dulles brothers often turned up at important meetings. They had represented the United
    States at the Paris Peace Conference (1919); John Foster Dulles would die in harness as
    Eisenhower’s Secretary of State, while Allen Dulles headed the Central Intelligence Agency for
    many years. Their apologists have seldom attempted to defend the Dulles brothers appearance at
    the meeting which installed Hitler as the Chancellor of Germany, preferring to pretend that it
    never happened. Obliquely, one biographer Leonard Mosley, bypasses it in Dulles when he states,
    64 Otto Lehmann-Russbeldt, Aggression, Hutchinson & Co., Ltd., London, 1934, p. 44
    “Both brothers had spent large amounts of time in Germany, where Sullivan and
    Cromwell had considerable interest during the early 1930’s, having represented
    several provincial governments, some large industrial combines, a number of big
    American companies with interests in the Reich, and some rich individuals.”65
    Allen Dulles later became a director of J. Henry Schroder Company. Neither he nor J. Henry
    Schroder were to be suspected of being pro-Nazi or pro-Hitler; the inescapable fact was that if
    Hitler did not become Chancellor of Germany, there was little likelihood of getting a Second
    World War going, the war which would double their profits.*
    The Great Soviet Encyclopaedia states “The banking house Schroder Bros. (it was Hitler’s
    banker) was established in 1846; its partners today are the barons von Schroeder, related to
    branches in the United States and England.”66**
    The financial editor of “The Daily Herald” of London wrote on Sept. 30, 1933 of “Mr. Norman’s
    decision to give the Nazis the backing of the Bank (of England.)” John Hargrave, in his biography
    of Montagu Norman says,
    “It is quite certain that Norman did all he could to assist Hitlerism to gain and maintain political
    power, operating on the financial plane from his stronghold in Threadneedle Street.” [i.e. Bank
    of England.–Ed.]P 64
    ⁣The two divergent political
    groups in the 1930’s in England were the War Party, led by Winston Churchill, who furiously
    demanded that England go to war against Germany, and the Appeasement Party, led by Neville
    Chamberlain. After Munich, Hitler believed the Chamberlain group to be the dominant party in
    England, and Churchill a minor rabble-rouser. Because of his own financial backers, the
    Schroders, were sponsoring the Appeasement Party, Hitler believed there would be no war. He
    did not suspect that the backers of the Appeasement Party, now that Chamberlain had served his
    purpose in duping Hitler, would cast Chamberlain aside and make Churchill the Prime Minister.
    It was not only Chamberlain, but also Hitler, who came away from Munich believing that it
    would be “Peace in our time.”
    The success of the Schroders in duping Hitler into this belief explains several of the most
    puzzling questions of World War II. Why did Hitler allow the British Army to decamp from
    Dunkirk and return home, when he could have wiped them out? Against the frantic advice of his
    generals, who wished to deliver the coup de grace to the English Army, Hitler held back because
    he did not wish to alienate his supposed vast following in England. For the same reason, he
    refused to invade England during a period when he had military superiority, believing that it
    would not be necessary, as the Anglo-German Fellowship group was ready to make peace with
    him. The Rudolf Hess flight to England was an attempt to confirm that the Schroder group was
    ready to make peace and form a common bond against the Soviets. Rudolf Hess continues to
    languish in prison today, many years after the war, because he would, if released, P77
    “All Truth Passes Through Three stages. First: It Is Ridiculed, Second: It Is Violently Opposed, And Third: It Is Accepted As Self-Evident” – Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher

  6. ihunt says:

    Immediately following the war(WW1) the British government, acting
    on orders from their hidden masters in the City, clamped a blockade on Germany. This move had a devastating effect on the
    German people. On March 4th, 1919, Winston Churchill declared
    in the House of Commons that Britain was “enforcing the blockade
    with vigor. . . This weapon of starvation falls mainly on the
    women and children, upon the old, the weak and the poor. . .”
    (The Nation, June 21, 1919, p. 980).
    While the London Daily News was carrying eye-witness reports from Germany of “many horrible things. . . rows of babies
    feverish from want of food, exhausted by privations to the point
    where their little limbs were little wands, their expressions hopeless
    and their eyes full of pain,” the Associated Press was carrying a
    report (datelined Paris, July 24) that “Germany will have to surrender to France 500 Stallions, 3000 fillies, 90,000 milk cows,
    100,000 sheep and 10,000 goats. . . Two hundred stallions, 5000
    mares, 5000 fillies, 50,000 cows and 40,000 heifers, also are to
    go to Belgium from Germany. . .”
    Professor Quigley tells us that “the results of the blockade
    were devastating. Continued for nine months after the armistice,
    it caused the deaths of 800,000 persons. . .” (Tragedy and Hope,
    p. 261). During the four years of the war Germany lost 1,600,000
    dead. The German death rate during the blockade was five and
    a half times higher than during the war! P117
    The Jewish Run Concentration Camps Of 1948 By Activist News

    TE Lawrence Murdered.

    Throughout the 1930s, Hitler was duped into persevering in his desire for
    friendship with England, an alliance originally proposed jointly by Theodore
    Roosevelt and the Kaiser in 1898 between the three Nordic powers, England,feating
    Germany and the United States. The Schroders assured Hitler than their AngloGerman Fellowship in England was a hundred times more influential than it actually
    was. With such figures as the Astors and the Chamberlains supporting rapport with
    Germany, Hitler was persuaded that war with England was impossible. In 1933 he
    had announced his discovery that Marx, Lenin and Stalin had all said that before
    international Communism could triumph, England and her Empire must be
    destroyed. “I am willing to help defend the British Empire by force if called upon,” he
    declared. In 1936, Hitler arranged for meetings to take place between English and
    German diplomats, but the desired result was never attained, as the British had
    only one goal, to lull Hitler into a sense of false security until they could declare war
    against him.
    To lure Hitler into World War II, it was necessary to guarantee him adequate
    supplies of such necessities as ball bearings and oil. Jacob Wallenberg of the
    Swedish Enskilda Bank, which controlled the giant SKF ball bearing plant, furnished
    ball bearings to the Nazis throughout the war. The anti aircraft guns sending flak
    against American air crews turned on SKF ball bearings. Its American plant, SKF of
    Philadelphia, was repeatedly put on the Proclaimed List, and each time, Dean
    Acheson removed it.
    President William S. Farish of Standard Oil refueled Nazi ships and submarines
    through stations in Spain and Latin America. When Queen Elizabeth recently came
    to the U.S., the only family she visited was the Farishes. Throughout the war, the
    British paid royalty to Ethyl Standard Corp. on the gasoline used by German
    bombers who were destroying London. The money was placed in Farben bank
    accounts until after the war. I.G. Farben was organized by the Warburgs in 1925 as
    a merger between six giant German chemical companies, Badische Anilin, Bayer,
    Agfa, Hoechst, Welierter-Meer, and GriesheimElektron. Max Warburg was director
    of I.G. Farben, Germany, and I.G. Chemie, Switzerland. American I.G. Farben was
    controlled by his brother, Paul, architect of the Federal Reserve System, Walter
    Teagle of Standard Oil, and Charles Mitchell of National City Bank. Just before
    World War II broke out, Ethyl Standard shipped 500 tons of ethyl lead to the Reich
    Air Ministry through I.G. Farben, with payment secured by letter of Brown Bros.
    Harriman dated Sept. 21, 1938.
    Throughout World War II, the Paris branches of J.P. Morgan and Chase
    National Bank continued to do business as usual. At the end of the war, occupation
    authorities repeatedly issued orders to dismantle I.G. Farben plants, but were
    countermanded by Gen. William Draper of Dillon Read, which had financed
    German rearmament in the 1920s.
    Winston Churchill remarked of this “managed conflict” in 1945, just before it
    ended, “There never was a war more easy to stop.” P67


  7. ihunt says:

    The financial editor of “The Daily Herald” of London wrote on Sept. 30, 1933 of “Mr. Norman’s
    decision to give the Nazis the backing of the Bank (of England.)” John Hargrave, in his biography
    of Montagu Norman says,
    “It is quite certain that Norman did all he could to assist Hitlerism to gain and maintain political
    power, operating on the financial plane from his stronghold in Threadneedle Street.” [i.e. Bank
    of England.–Ed.]P 64
    ⁣The two divergent political
    groups in the 1930’s in England were the War Party, led by Winston Churchill, who furiously
    demanded that England go to war against Germany, and the Appeasement Party, led by Neville
    Chamberlain. After Munich, Hitler believed the Chamberlain group to be the dominant party in
    England, and Churchill a minor rabble-rouser. Because of his own financial backers, the
    Schroders, were sponsoring the Appeasement Party, Hitler believed there would be no war. He
    did not suspect that the backers of the Appeasement Party, now that Chamberlain had served his
    purpose in duping Hitler, would cast Chamberlain aside and make Churchill the Prime Minister.
    It was not only Chamberlain, but also Hitler, who came away from Munich believing that it
    would be “Peace in our time.”
    The success of the Schroders in duping Hitler into this belief explains several of the most
    puzzling questions of World War II. Why did Hitler allow the British Army to decamp from
    Dunkirk and return home, when he could have wiped them out? Against the frantic advice of his
    generals, who wished to deliver the coup de grace to the English Army, Hitler held back because
    he did not wish to alienate his supposed vast following in England. For the same reason, he
    refused to invade England during a period when he had military superiority, believing that it
    would not be necessary, as the Anglo-German Fellowship group was ready to make peace with
    him. The Rudolf Hess flight to England was an attempt to confirm that the Schroder group was
    ready to make peace and form a common bond against the Soviets. Rudolf Hess continues to
    languish in prison today, many years after the war, because he would, if released, P77

  8. ihunt says:

    6AM on 6th Day of the 6th Month= 666
    Jewish project to bring in moshiach
    WW1 began 1st Aug 1914 – the day of lament for destruction of the 1st & 2nd temples.
    WW2 began 1st Sept 1939 – birthdays of founders of Hasidim & CHABAD
    Zohar: only by destroying all goyim, can the Temple be restored

  9. nixon scraypes says:

    One minor quibble- 97% of the”money”,realistically credit, in the UK is issued by the privately owned big banks. See Richard Werner’s videos for details. “Teresa Villiers, Monetary Crimes” by Alexander Del Mar pdf describes how the power to create money was inveigled from the state by members of the East India Co. a ripping yarn!