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Fully vaccinated people are 65% more likely to be hospitalised & 1540% more likely to die due to Covid-19 than people who are unvaccinated according to latest Public Health England data

Public Health England have released the 19th technical briefing on Covid-19 variants of concern and it shows that people who’ve received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine make up over 65% of all alleged Covid-19 deaths from February 1st 2021 through to July 19th 2021.

Since the 18th report released on 9th July which covered deaths and hospitalisations due to Covid-19 up to the 21st June 2021, the number of fully vaccinated people being hospitalised with Covid-19 has increased by 169%, rising from 313 to 843. Whilst the number of fully vaccinated people sadly losing their life after allegedly testing positive for Covid-19 has increased by 90%, rising from 116 to 265.

This significant increase has taken place over the past four weeks, whereas the previous numbers had accumulated over nearly 5 months.

As of the 19th July 2021, 121,402 people who are unvaccinated have tested positive for the allegedly rampant and dominant Delta Covid-19 variant. Whereas 28,773 fully vaccinated people have tested positive for the same variant. Of these 13,427 were fully vaccinated and over the age of 50. The 28,773 cases of fully vaccinated people allegedly infected with the Delta variant of Covid-19 is an increase of 166% over the figure seen just four weeks ago which stood at 10,834.

A further 33,003 people have also tested positive for the Delta variant after having a single dose of a Covid-19 vaccine at least 21 days prior to their positive result. And a further 21,088 people have tested positive for the Delta variant less than 21 days after having a single dose of a Covid-19 vaccine.

This means that people who have had at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine account for 40.49% of all alleged cases of the Delta variant between the 1st February and 19th July 2021. However, the double vaccinated account for just 14% of all cases, but 35% of all positive cases in people who’ve had at least one dose of a Covid-19 jab.

But we know that the jabs have not been proven to prevent infection or transmission of Covid-19, despite the coercive and relentless actions of the Government, Health Officials, and Scientists suggesting otherwise and deceiving millions of British people into believing they do.

The Covid-19 vaccines have only been proven to reduce the risk of hospitalisation and death in the extremely short and limited trials that were carried out, and are still ongoing. However the methods used to prove they reduce the risk are also questionable.

During the trials people were either injected with the Covid-19 vaccine or a placebo. Then they were sent away to live their lives as normal. They were then tested using the disputed Drosten PCR test procedure for detection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. If they didn’t have it then they decided that was because the vaccine had prevented them from getting it. At no point were they exposed to the Covid-19 virus intentionally.

What people don’t take into account is that whilst the trials took place, lockdown restrictions were in force worldwide, therefore the people who’d had the vaccine were at much lower risk of ever being exposed to the alleged Covid-19 virus in the real world.

You only need to look at the murky criminal history of both Pfizer and AstraZeneca to see that the results they published cannot necessarily be trusted. Pfizer has been fined over £3.5 billion since the year 2000 for offences which include safety violations, false medical claims, corruption, and bribery. Whilst AstraZeneca has been fined over $1.1 billion since the year 2000 for offences related to false claims, bribery, and healthcare.

But we don’t need to assume the claims that the Covid-19 vaccines reduce the risk of hospitalisation and death due to Covid-19 any longer, the data published by Public Health England is proving that for us.

The above table shows that of the 121,402 alleged cases of the Delta variant in people who are unvaccinated, 2,152 people presented to emergency care which resulted in overnight admission to hospital. This translates to 1.7% of cases resulting in an overnight hospital stay in emergency care.

The above table also shows that of the 28,773 alleged cases of the Delta Covid variant in people who are fully vaccinated, 843 people presented to emergency care which resulted in overnight admission to hospital. This translates to 2.9% of cases.

This means that the chances of being hospitalised with Covid-19 increase by 65.5% if you have had two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine, according to the Public Health England data.

Unfortunately the PHE death shows that it is much worse when it comes to deaths due to Covid-19 if you have had two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine.

The above table shows that of the 121,402 alleged cases of the Delta variant in people who are unvaccinated, just 165 have sadly died. This translates to 0.1% of cases.

The above table also shows that of the 28,773 alleged cases of the Delta Covid variant in people who are fully vaccinated, 224 people sadly died. This translates to 0.8% of cases.

The means the data published by Public Health England shows us that people who have received two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine have a 507% higher chance of dying due to the Delta Covid variant than people who are unvaccinated.

However, 220 of the 224 deaths in fully vaccinated people were in people over the age of 50, who accounted for 13,427 of the alleged positive cases of the Delta Covid-19 variant. This translates to 1.64% of cases.

This means that that people who have had two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine could actually have a 1540% higher chance of dying due to the Delta Covid-19 variant than people who are unvaccinated.

The manufacturers, scientists, the government, and health authorities claim the Covid-19 vaccines reduce the risk of dying with Covid-19 by around 95 – 99%. The data shows this to be a lie.


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