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Germany’s ‘Katrina’: Officials Left Dams Full for Weeks, Govt Inert, Media Silent

ER Editor: There is a distinct whiff of climate engineering behind events such as flooding in Germany, and major heatwaves in parts of North America and Canada. What about those two collapsing dams in Inner Mongolia that created a massive flood? God forbid that we should sound like conspiracy theorists, but what with the vaccine agenda being exposedwestern countries topping any fascist regime in history over sheer medical nonsense, and now extreme ‘climate’ events, we sense a Deep State elite in full reaction and full panic. Or has Germany had a warning from on high for refusing (so far because of upcoming elections) to implement mandatory vaccination?

UPDATE Wednesday July 21, 2021: A 3rd dam in China collapses – see Dam Near China’s Flooded Zhenghou City Collapses, Third In Last 48 Hours.

See also this Zerohedge piece from today titled Floods Close Rail Lines In Europe For Months Or Longer.  If this has been due to geoengineering, i.e. done deliberately, then was this the goal?:

Portions of the rail network in Western Europe could be out of service for months or years after massive flooding that has left hundreds dead across a swath of western Germany and Belgium. Rail service has been suspended after the floods that saw rivers running 3 yards higher than previous records in some cases and destroyed homes and businesses.

In neighboring Germany, where the scale of destruction and loss of life has been greater, some rail lines, again built following river valleys, have been completely washed out. In total, German national railroad Deutsche Bahn has reported 600 kilometers (more than 370 miles) of tracks and 80 stations  are impassable.

The German death toll is almost at 200 according to a recent NBC report.

Authorities in neighbouring Belgium and the Netherlands had taken appropriate action to put citizens out of harm’s way.


Germany’s “Katrina”: Officials Left Dams Full For Weeks Even With Heavy Rains In The Forecast


Officials left dams full to the brim at least 3 weeks long during a rainy period and then failed to undertake a controlled release, even when 150 mm of rain were forecast 4 days before the floods. 

Now they want to hide their gross incompetence and blame climate change.

Yesterday I posted (ER: We’re posting this piece in full below.) how Germany’s flood disaster could have been prevented in large part, especially in terms of lives lost. The latest death toll has risen to over 150.

Although the heavy rains had been forecast days in advance, nothing was done to avert the inevitable destruction. Instead of taking responsibility, politicians are blaming climate change in a bid to shift attention away from their incompetence and gross negligence.

Negligence worse than we thought

But it turns out the gross negligence may have been even worse than we thought: Dams constructed to regulate the flow of mountain streams and rivers had been left full for weeks before the disaster struck – despite Europe being stuck in a rainy period.

For illustration purpose only. Photo by: Hahnenkleer. Copyright: see here.

No controlled release to add dam volume 

One independent journalist, Henning Rosenbusch, tweeted at Twitter a clip of a German citizen commenting to a “Welt” reporter:


The resident in a flooded region tells  the “Welt” reporter how every week he rides his mountain bike along dams that hold back waters in valleys:

“I noticed that for the last 3 weeks all dams were full to the top – up to just 20 – 30 cm from the brim. These dams are there to hold back the water. Why didn’t they release some of the water in a controlled way much earlier? For me it’s unimaginable. This whole thing should not have happened if there had been 10 or 20% more available volume in the dams.”

The reporter answered: “That’s criticism I’ve heard again and again today.”

Dereliction of duty?

Three weeks long dams were left full to the top even with long range forecasts (14 days) showing more and more rain on the way. It’s been a rainy summer, and there were no signs things would change soon.

Then 4 days before the catastrophe struck, meteorologists warned that up to 150 mm of rain was on the way. The filled dams were ticking time bombs that needed to be defused – and there was the opportunity to do so. But for whatever reason, nothing was undertaken by the authorities to release water behind the dams in a controlled manner  to create capacity and slow the downstream flow.



Criminal Negligence? Authorities Failed To Heed Flood Warnings…”Let People Drown”…”Monumental System Failure”


Harsh criticism of German authorities failing to act is mounting in the aftermath of the recent deadly floods.

Germany’s New Orleans

Many of the over one hundred people who died in the recent flood disaster in Central Western Germany could have been prevented – had the responsible institutions heeded the warnings that had been already issued days in advance by the weather services.

Authorities had been warned days early, yet they did nothing to prepare to evacuate and mobilize resources. The media did nothing to warn.

Veteran meteorologist: “much could have been prevented”

Swiss meteorologist Jörg Kachelmann told in a PULS 24 interview that “much of it could have been prevented” and that “people could have been warned”.

“The rainfall could not have been prevented” but the authorities and the “media could have warned the population.” The veteran Swiss meteorologist is surprised by the “surprise of the authorities” and says “people could have been evacuated or at least items moved to higher floors”. (ER: Having been involved in anti-geoengineering activism ourselves for a few years, we know perfectly WELL that rainfall can be created in various levels of abundance, or completely stopped.)

“Let people drown” as “they broadcast shit”

Kachelman also commented to Germany’s leading national dailyBild:

“It hurts when the very people who would have the resources to accompany such a weather situation 24/7 do nothing to save lives. But they broadcast shit and let people drown.”

Unpreparedness becoming a German habit

Publicist Roland Tichy at tichyseinblick.de commented on what seems to be a state of permanent paralysis among the authorities:

“Those who blame the flood disaster on the climate are arguing cynically: It is a matter of concrete responsibility and concrete measures and solutions. And so every weather hits Germany unprepared.”

Warnings already days in advance

Online FOCUS magazine here reported authorities claimed the flood came suddenly, and so it was impossible to prepare. Bur Jan Schenk from “The Weather Channel” told FOCUS that warnings began to appear already late last week:

Already on Friday, a heavy precipitation event was announced in western Germany. The weather models swung so strongly that one could already speak of severe weather due to heavy rain. By Monday at the latest, it must have been clear to everyone that there would be flooding in western Germany.

“Monumental system failure”

FOCUS added:

The European EFAS flood warning system had even issued a warning of ‘extreme flooding.’ The fact that so many people still had to die was ‘a monumental system failure,’ British hydrologist Hannah Cloke, an EU Commission adviser on EFAS, told the political magazine Politico.”

Belgium and the Netherlands both evacuated citizens.

Climate change to deflect attention from failure 

Meanwhile, science editor Axel Bojanowski at “Welt” commented on claims that the flood was caused by German CO2 emissions:

“The climate argument is used by politicians to deflect attention from their own responsibility for a disaster. Records show flash floods are less dangerous than before despite climate change.”

Building in a natural flood zone!

Another suspected problem not getting the needed attention is reckless planning and zoning. At Twitter, Stefan S. astutely noted that the hard hit town of Altenau in Rhineland Palatinate appears to have been built on an area that is a natural flood area of the Ahr River, satellite photos suggest:

Germany becoming increasingly paved over

Another major factor contributing to flash flooding is the amount of Germany’s surface area that is made impervious (paved over). A total of 19,743 km² (5.5%) of the country’s surface area is paved.

The recent German floods turned out to be where Germany is the most paved over, as the following chart shows. The colors shows the degree to which the surface is paved over:

Source: Leibnitz Institute

Deadliest floods occurred before 1980

Finally, climate alarmists like to insist that flooding today is far worse than before CO2 emissions reached higher levels (350+ppm). But of course this is nonsense. The 30 most deadly floods in the last 1000 years all occurred before 1980:



Published to The Liberty Beacon from EuropeReloaded.com

Germany’s ‘Katrina’: Officials Left Dams Full for Weeks, Govt Inert, Media Silent

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3 Responses to “Germany’s ‘Katrina’: Officials Left Dams Full for Weeks, Govt Inert, Media Silent”

  1. ian says:

    Part of the agenda. The government just doing as they are told.

  2. ihunt says:

    “How very well organized & financed groups of Jewish supremacists use the banking industry & immigration policy, as primary weapons in their war to subjugate and ultimately destroy White nations”

  3. ihunt says:

    When the designers learned that FDR’s administration would not allow helium to be shipped to “Nazi” Germany, the Hindenberg was re-engineered to use hydrogen for its lift instead — a gas which is flammable. The man responsible for denying helium to Germany was Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes (cough cough) — a fanatical German-hater and FDR Marxist. Though the German engineering geniuses were still able to construct a very safe airship — because hydrogen was flammable — there now existed an opportunity for an “accident” with a plausible “explanation” for it.

    On May 6, 1937, at the very moment that the Hindenburg was docking before an awed crowd at Lakehurst, NJ, the grand airship burst into flames and crashed, killing 35 of the 97 passengers & crew. “Static electricity” was blamed, yet the Hindenburg had previously endured direct lightning hits! The true cause of the explosion remains unknown to this day. But the unusual amount of news reel cameras present that day, the helium embargo, the timing of the mysterious ignition just as the ship was mooring, the hyping of the idiotic “static electricity” theory, and the anti-German hysteria being whipped up by the press all combine to suggest that the Hindenburg disaster was actually an act of sabotage. Theories ranged from an on-board fanatic-bomber to an incendiary rifle-bullet fired from the nearby woods. The incident shattered confidence in Germany’s zeppelins and marked the end of the airship era. How conveeenient.

    And now, more than 80 years after the dramatic killing of the Hindenburg Airship, (((they))) are still out to kill Hindenburg’s name — even though the Marshall, being of an aristocratic background, was never actually a true supporter of Hitler’s populist movement.


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