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MP Andrew Percy calls voter “Ignorant, Embarrassing, & Dangerous” for daring to protest against his decision to vote for mandatory vaccinations for Carers

An MP who voted in favour of making Covid-19 vaccines mandatory for care home staff across the UK, has labelled a constituent “ignorant, embarrassing, and dangerous” for daring to object to the MP’s decision.

Earlier today we were contacted by a reader who had emailed their MP using a Daily Expose suggested template in response to last night’s vote which was as follows –

‘Dear MP …

Do you realise what you have just voted in favour of?

You’ve just voted to make an experimental treatment mandatory for persons entering a care home.

It does not stop you getting it.

It does not stop you spreading it.

I highly doubt you’re even aware of these facts. 

I am disgusted. 

Learn something –

Your actions in voting for this are an absolute disgrace’

The MP in question was Andrew Percy, Conservative MP for Brigg, Goole, and the Isle of Axholme.

Here’s what Andrew Percy MP claims on his website –

I made clear during my election campaign that I wanted to be a strong independent voice for our area and I meant it. I have never been afraid to speak up for our area, no matter who is in power. As your MP I am here to help you on any matter at all so please get in touch if you think I can be of assistance. I can’t always guarantee that I will be successful but I will at least try my best.

I am also always keen to hear your views on local and national issues. So, whether you need help on a specific issue, or you simply want to share your views on a big issue, please do not hesitate to get in touch. You pay my wages so please make use of me!

But here is Andrew Percy’s response to his constituents email in full –

Your email is so ignorant it is almost an embarrassment that you sent it.

The statements you made are so ignorant and so factually incorrect I do not know where to begin.

Vaccines are never 100 percent effective in 100 percent of people but there is absolutely no doubt of their efficacy and impact in both preventing infection and preventing deaths. The data on that is just not disputable.

Care home workers should receive this vaccine as we require doctors to receive certain vaccines as a condition of their employment.

To refuse a vaccine for no good personal medical reason when working with the most vulnerable to this virus is wholly unacceptable.

As someone who works with vulnerable patients in the NHS, I take the flu vaccine every year and got my Covid vaccine at the earliest opportunity I could, so that that patients I attend are protected. That was the responsible thing to do.

Your comments about the vaccine not preventing disease or not preventing passing the virus on are so ignorant to the point that you are actual a danger for spreading those lies.

I am genuinely disgusted by you.


As you can see the MP is clearly not very well informed. So we thought we’d help our reader to draft a response to Andrew Percy MP to help show him why he is the one who is in fact ignorant, embarrassing, and dangerous – not his constituent.

This is the response sent to Andrew Percy MP in full –

Your email is so ignorant it is almost an embarrassment that you sent it. 

On the contrary, your response is so ignorant it is an embarrassment that you sent it.

The statements you made are so ignorant and so factually incorrect I do not know where to begin. 

You don’t know where to begin because you clearly don’t have a clue and are unable to provide a proper rebuttal. It’s okay, I will clarify things for you.  

Vaccines are never 100 percent effective in 100 percent of people but there is absolutely no doubt of their efficacy and impact in both preventing infection and preventing deaths. The data on that is just not disputable. 

Not disputable Andrew? 

The above graph taken from your Governments Coronavirus dashboard shows the whole story. As you can see alleged Covid deaths per day as of the 1st May 2021 match alleged Covid deaths per day as of the 21st July 2020, the day face masks became law in England, except there was no miraculous vaccine to get that number down to close to zero last year. 

There were 104 days between the alleged peak of Covid deaths in the first wave on the 8th April 2020 to the fall to close to zero alleged Covid deaths on the 21st July 2020. 

In the alleged second wave there were 102 days between the alleged peak of Covid deaths on the 19th January 2021 to the fall to close to zero alleged Covid deaths on the 1st May 2021. A difference of 2 days. If the miraculous vaccines are to thank for this fall in the second wave then they have bought the country a mere two days compared to 2020 when there wasn’t a vaccine, wow. 

Andrew, have you ever heard of seasonality?  

Care home workers should receive this vaccine as we require doctors to receive certain vaccines as a condition of their employment. 

Yes, you require Doctors to receive certain vaccines to protect them, not other people, and the vaccines they are required to take are fully trialled, tested, and have marketing authorisation. The Covid-19 vaccines are none of these things.  

They are under emergency use authorisation – this means the manufacturer is not liable for any injury or adverse event that may occur due to their vaccine.  

This is not ignorant or factually incorrect, it is stated on the MHRA site – please see here – https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/991392/Pfizer_BioNTech_Conditions.pdf 

They are under emergency use authorisation because they are still in the trial stage.  

This is not ignorant or factually incorrect, it is stated in black and white on the US National Library of Medicine website – please see here – https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04368728

To refuse a vaccine for no good personal medical reason when working with the most vulnerable to this virus is wholly unacceptable. 

Why is it unacceptable? If the vaccine prevents disease, prevents you catching it, and prevents you spreading it as you claim, then why is there a necessity for the carer to be vaccinated? Surely the “vulnerable patient” will be protected by being vaccinated, as you claim?  

As someone who works with vulnerable patients in the NHS, I take the flu vaccine every year and got my Covid vaccine at the earliest opportunity I could, so that that patients I attend are protected. That was the responsible thing to do. 

That is your choice Andrew, you have just voted to take that choice away.  

Your comments about the vaccine not preventing disease or not preventing passing the virus on are so ignorant to the point that you are actual a danger for spreading those lies. 

They really aren’t, and I shall tell you for why.  

The vaccines have not been proven to prevent transmission of the virus –  

“At this time, there are limited data to address whether the vaccine can prevent transmission of the virus from person to person. In addition, at this time data are not available to determine how long the vaccine will provide protection.” 

The above is a quotation taken from the FDA – see here – https://www.fda.gov/emergency-preparedness-and-response/mcm-legal-regulatory-and-policy-framework/pfizer-biontech-covid-19-vaccine-frequently-asked-questions 

The following is a quotation taken from the WHO website (source – https://www.euro.who.int/en/health-topics/health-emergencies/pages/news/news/2021/06/q-and-a-on-vaccination-and-travel-this-summer) and made by WHO/Europe’s Siddhartha Sankar Datta, Regional Adviser on Vaccine-preventable Diseases and Immunization –  

“As I mentioned, vaccinated people can still become infected with the virus and may have no or only mild symptoms themselves. Vaccination reduces the risk but doesn’t fully prevent them from passing on the virus.” 

Here’s the headline of a BBC article – “There’s no evidence that any of the current Covid-19 vaccines can completely stop people from being infected – and this has implications for our prospects of achieving herd immunity.” Source – https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20210203-why-vaccinated-people-may-still-be-able-to-spread-covid-19 

Here’s some of the contents of the above BBC article –  

“What type of immunity do the Covid-19 vaccines provide? 

“In a nutshell we don’t know, because they’re too new,” says Neal. 

So far, the available Covid-19 vaccines have not been judged primarily on their ability to prevent transmission – though this is now being evaluated as a secondary endpoint for many of them. Instead, their efficacy was assessed by whether they could prevent symptoms from developing. “This means that we set our targets kind of pragmatically,” says Danny Altmann, professor of immunology at Imperial College London.” 

Do I need to keep going Andrew?  

I am genuinely disgusted by you. 

It must be nice to have the freedom to make that point, Andrew? Will you be voting to remove freedom of speech next, or is voting to remove the freedom to provide vital care to the elderly and vulnerable unless you take an experimental treatment your limit? 

Whilst I have your attention, I’d like to point you in the direction of the Pfizer study carried out in children which found 86% of children suffered an adverse reaction to the Pfizer vaccine in the extremely short and small trial. I expect you to now express your concern over the issue of giving an experimental treatment to children in parliament now that you are aware, otherwise I will ensure you are held accountable when this all goes terribly wrong – https://www.fda.gov/media/144413/download 

Hope to hear back from you very soon.

Your response to my email was appalling, especially considering the facts I have just provided above.

Andrew Percy MP, can be contacted via the following methods –

Goole Office
01405 767969
83 Pasture Road, GOOLE, DN14 6BP

Brigg Office
01652 650094
2 Morley’s Yard, Old Courts Road, BRIGG, DN20 8JD

You know what to do…


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6 Responses to “MP Andrew Percy calls voter “Ignorant, Embarrassing, & Dangerous” for daring to protest against his decision to vote for mandatory vaccinations for Carers”

    • danceaway says:

      Everyone look at the comments underneath the above article; there is a video of what has happened to the town in which this doctor practices; another Paradise event.

  1. ihunt says:


    Dr Bhakdi -“If you take the Third Shot you better make your will.”
    Scamdemic latest theatre: For the Death Jab.

  2. Tapestry says:

    Percy an old aristocratic crypto-Jewish name. He’ll want to bump off as many Goyim as he can while the gameshow is playing.