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The Deadliest

Joke Ever

Played on

the Whole

Human Race

State of the Nation

Really, you cannot make this stuff up.

First there was the Indian Variant soon renamed
the Delta Variant for dramatic effect.

Which was followed by the South African Variant.

Then came the Lamdha Variant from Peru.

And now we see the Russian variant, also known as
the Moscow Mutation and Siberian Strain.

The Russian Variant: Is it the “Moscow Mutation” or “Siberian Strain”? (sarc)

Global Psyop Alert

Could this sophisticated worldwide psychological operation be any more transparent and absurd?

What an incredible bad joke this is ON ALL OF HUMANITY.

Of course, this primary purpose is to scare every anti-vaxxer and vaccine hesitant individual on Earth into getting their prescribed doses of dangerous and deadly COVID-19 injections, deceitfully called vaccines.

The main goal of OPERATION COVID-19 has always been to roll-out mandatory vaccination programs on every continent in order to foist a COVID-1984 regime on the entire planetary civilization.

And isn’t the New World Order globalist cabal seeing a smashing success as their minions throughout Big Pharma, WHO, CDC, FDA, NIH, and especially the American Healthcare System and UK’s National Health Service, perform just swimmingly.

What else needs to written about “The Absolutely Terrifying Covid Scariants”?

Won’t the Covid criminals simply roll out one variant after another until every human being has been sufficiently jabbed?

The obvious objective is to morph every person on the planet into a Covid pin cushion; for only then will the perps exert the total command and control over humankind that they are determined to impose.

Oh, and by the way, there is no valid or accurate test for any of these Covid variants.  It’s all theater based on fake tests to perpetuate the COVID-19 pandemic hoax.  As follows:

Global Psyop of Epic Proportions

State of the Nation
July 10, 2021


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  1. Tapestry says:

    Just call it ‘human pesticide’ as the term vaxx is inaccurate and doesn’t give the meaning of what is intended and is happening to people who are injected with the human pesticide.

  2. john_smith says:

    I saw a Twitter thread started by a pub owner posting a photo of her pub with no customers even though it was fully staffed. She asked how is she supposed to survive if no customers show up. It was followed by comments and photos from other pubs along the same lines.

    Now just to make sure that these pubs totally go under, we have this googly from our masters:
    Covid passports ‘WILL be compulsory in pubs’: Ministers ‘plan to force bars, clubs and restaurants to demand proof of two jabs or negative test from autumn’ to help tackle fourth wave of the virus.

  3. Alan Vaughn says:

    “Oh, and by the way, there is no valid or accurate test for any of these Covid variants. It’s all theater based on fake tests to perpetuate the COVID-19 pandemic hoax.”
    Now please tell us something, anything related to this diabolical plan, we DIDN’T know.
    I still can’t believe that all those morons we see walking around the NWO, proudly boasting their servitude to humanity loathing tyrants, by wearing ‘the mask’, not only still believe every word of this award winning hokum, but still live in a petrified state of panic over it all!

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