Sat 2:58 pm +00:00, 3 Jul 2021
Because the Covid crime wave is so HUGE, there will be grave consequences!
There are now huge and irreparable cracks opening up in the Covid Plandemic façade.
For example, there is this recent predicament that’s occurring more and more frequently as the Covid hoaxsters desperately attempt to perpetuate the THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC.
This is a HUGE development!
The Covid façade is cracking up in real time.
The extraordinarily unique thing about this greatest global criminal conspiracy in world history is that it had to involve everyone—every major institutional entity, that is, which was necessary to carry out this ginormous hoax.
What that means is that the BEAST SYSTEM revealed just how powerful and pervasive it really is across the planet.
The following graphic captures only some of those institutional entities and globalist movements which have comprised the BEAST SYSTEM from the very beginning. It also includes some fierce opponents who have exposed the current CORONAhoax.
Even a cursory examination of the preceding COVID-5G conspiracy diagram reveals that every major global and national institution, which is vital to the continuity of the BEAST SYSTEM, has put itself on the ever-emerging “Covid Crime Spree Map”.
Perhaps first among those criminal organizations is the Government-Medical Complex (GMC) which has participated in this unprecedented global genocide as the primary operational Covid criminal.
The GMC includes the WHO, CDC, FDA, NIH, AMA, Big Pharma, and several other healthcare heavyweights who have both conspired to conduct a tremendously complex criminal conspiracy to commit global genocide, and cover up the worldwide Covid crime wave.
From the outset, the chances of keeping such a complicated criminal conspiratorial plot from completely unraveling were slim to none, and truly much closer to “NONE”. For how could the countless co-conspirators ever be counted on to stick together when the going got rough—really rough as it is about to go as the prospects of another global lockdown increase due to the non-existent and utterly fake ‘Delta variant’.
Global Psyop of Epic Proportions
That the New World Order globalist cabal even imagined that they could maintain this criminal conspiracy and cover-up smacks of such a degree of hubris and arrogance never witnessed in recorded history.
Now that the entire American Healthcare System, along with the various governments at every level across the USA, have suffered from an incomparable loss of trust and confidence due to the deliberate geriatric genocide executed over the past year and a half, what do the once trusted doctors expect will happen?
Now that the same healthcare perpetrators and political henchmen have foisted highly experimental vaccines upon the populace, which have each proven to be extremely dangerous to human health and often deadly, how will physicians everywhere respond to the upcoming charges of “murder by medicide” and “medical rape”?
Let’s face it: the party’s over for Big Pharma and all of their many criminal
co-conspirators who have poisoned the US citizenry over several decades.
The free-fall collapse of trust and confidence that’s presently taking place will only accelerate as more folks die from the repeated Covid injections, or become deathly ill from exposures to the annual parade of influenzas because of their heightened vulnerability after taking the jabs.
It has become abundantly clear that one of the primary reasons for the inordinate push to vaccinate very person on the planet — WITHOUT INFORMED CONSENT — was to render them considerably more susceptible to all the common infection agents that circulate each flu season. Covid-vaccinated victims will also be much more defenseless to the numerous other pathogenic micro-organisms and virulent microbials because of their greatly compromised and/or suppressed immune systems.
Of course, all these intentional developments were carefully implemented by the BEAST SYSTEM (BS).
Because the satanic BS has now fully exposed itself, it has no choice but to go full bore in its attempt to lock down the entire planetary civilization. Because once Pandora’s box was opened, there’s no putting things back the way they were. Which means that THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC was really a HUGE and highly consequential crapshoot…as far as the power elite are concerned.
What’s now clear is that the Covid perps have exposed themselves as never before in human history; and they will be — eventually — hounded down and punished severely; unless they somehow depopulate the planet of all truth seekers.
Unlike the “9/11 false flag attacks” and “War on Terror” and other heinous crimes against humanity, the highly premeditated and organized Covid criminal conspiracy was put squarely in everyone’s back yard. Every person on Earth has been profoundly affected by the sheer malevolence demonstrated by The Powers That Be (TPTB) throughout this ongoing war of bioterrorism. And that alone changes everything because everyone, to varying degrees, has skin in the game.
Just who are the individuals and organizations perpetrating this greatest “Crime of the Era”? See: The Global Power Structure Behind OPERATION COVID-19 & COVID KILL SHOT Exposes Itself
Mark of the Beast
What greater proof is there of the existence of a seemingly all-powerful BEAST SYSTEM than the “Mark of the Beast?
Isn’t that what the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda is all about? To ensure that every person on the planet is chipped with Bill Gates’ painstakingly bioengineered “Mark of the Beast”?
MARK OF THE BEAST Makes Its Debut in 2020…
What better way than to foist a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination program on all of humanity.
While this Covid jab medical assault scheme may sound farfetched, this is exactly what the game plan is all about.
Hence, it’s imperative that the informed and aware among US do whatever is necessary to prevent the FDA approval of the most dangerous and deadly vaccines in US history. See: Urgent Need to Support Petition to Halt FDA Approval of COVID Vaccines
In light of these stark realities, it’s quite likely TPTB will soon suffer from both psyop fatigue and cover-up exhaustion.
Just think about how labor-intensive, time-intensive and energy-intensive it is to both perpetuate this fake COVID-19 pandemic, then cover it up, and then administer an extremely harmful and fatal Covid Super Vaccination Agenda the world over.
It goes without saying that a bioterrorist operation of this size and magnitude is bound to see a LOT of mistakes—many serious mistakes. See: IS THIS SECRET MEMO A SUPER SCREW-UP BY THE BRITISH COVID CRIMINALS?!
Just monitoring all the whistleblowers is also becoming a major operation. The level of 24/7 spying and surveillance alone is a massive job that must be undertaken without fail. Moreover, all it takes is one brave whistleblower to blow the whole Covid criminal scheme wide open—for good.
BOTTOM LINE: Every Institutional Entity within the
BEAST SYSTEM has Experienced a Complete Collapse
of Trust Worldwide Since COVID-19 Was First Named
In point of fact, the political, medical, scientific, legal, academic, and other influential systems have forever lost the trust of the people. Similarly, governments at every level have irreversibly suffered the loss of faith of the governed, which is necessary to continue this Covid ruse. Eventually, the public will force those criminal and corrupt public servants out of office. And, many of the Covid perps will likely be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Only then can We the People rest easy.
Special Note: What these Covid super-criminals have done this far is so far outrageously barbaric that they have created a “do or die” dilemma for themselves. In other words, if they do not lock down the planet as never before, they will all suffer the gravest of consequences. Being hung live on the Internet would be getting off easy for them. Therefore, going forward, the Covid perps will do whatever is necessary to avoid their respective downfalls and certain punishments. This means the state of affairs will only intensify during the term of POTUS Imposter Joe Biden. And, that the Covid controllers will get much more brazen and reckless in their efforts to strip Americans of their constitutional rights and liberties.
State of the Nation
July 2, 2021
Recommended Reading
The Global Power Structure Behind OPERATION COVID-19 &
COVID KILL SHOT Exposes Itself