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Bill Gates’s stranglehold on the MSM: Part 1

Karen Harradine – The Conservative Woman June 28, 2021

ONE of the puzzles of our New Dark Age is why so much of the mainstream media remains in thrall to Bill Gates now that such a different picture of him has emerged after his wife’s bombshell divorce announcement. The man with questionable morals and a messianic drive to vaccinate the world and ‘save’ it from climate change appears to have survived unscathed.

But you do not have to go far to find an explanation for this unquestioning devotion. His munificence via his pet project, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (GF), has secured him worldwide indemnity. It is not just science and academia, public servants and major charitable institutions that are in hock to the GF. Of strategic importance to him is GF funding, directly and indirectly, of both US and British media.

Most of these ‘donations’ are to be found under the GF category of Global Policy and Advocacy. This fancy term obscures the fact that the GF ‘encourages’ Western governments and charities to redirect their resources to the developing world, for the purposes of ‘health and safety’. China, on course to be the world’s leading economic superpower, is a beneficiary of this policy. Vaccine development and distribution is a priority. 

I recently wrote about GF infiltration into British science; this series of articles investigates how this influence is compounded by its funding of British MSM and how the Gates narrative on vaccines (at the expense of research and development of treatment) and climate change has become the prevailing orthodoxy from which no dissent is allowed.

Gates has brilliantly managed his personal PR as a saviour and number one philanthropist, along with a strategy that taken him right into the heart of international power. Over the years the British public have been primed, via the gullible and culpable MSM, into unthinkingly accepting anything which the GF dictates to the rest of the world. To date that includes bankrupting our own country to enrich NGOs and despots around the world – now most of all China – in the name of development and public health.

The BBC is at the forefront of an obsessive dissemination of propaganda on foreign aid. The GF doesn’t fund the BBC directly but it has heavily invested in BBC Media Action, an arm of the national broadcaster set up in 1999 to fund international development. Today this charity – yes, it has charitable status – spreads the official BBC narrative on a multitude of topics in 24 different countries under the guise of ‘human rights‘.  BBC Media Action claims that it reaches more than 100million people a year. That’s a lot of people exposed to BBC propaganda on climate change, Covid-19, vaccines and Israel.

Since 2006 GF has given $52.7million to this outfit, mostly for global health development and awareness, and one grant for gender equality. The most recent grant, of over £1million, was in November last year, making the GF one of its top ten donors. Is it any wonder that BBC Media Action, and the rest of the BBC, appear to be little more than a mouthpiece for the GF? You don’t bite the hand that feeds you.

Make no mistake about the due deference paid to Gates. A quick glance at the BBC Media Action website shows the many blogs written on his other obsession, climate change. Not even the unfortunate inhabitants of places such as Somalia are immune from this unholy alliance between the GF and the BBC and their hectoring. 

Even more worrying is that last August BBC Media Action began a campaign to counter ‘disinformation’ on Covid-19 vaccines, promoting the compromised World Health Organisation (WHO) as the only viable authority on this topic. This sycophantic approach to the WHO hardly comes as a surprise. The GF is an official partner of this UN subsidiary and one of its biggest, if not the biggest, of its funders along with GAVI, Bill Gates’s huge protected child vaccine project. You will find other blogs there too devoted to counteracting ‘vaccine hesitancy’ and extolling the virtues of the WHO. BBC Media Action even has a Just Giving campaign encouraging the naïve to hand over their hard-earned cash to help quash ‘harmful rumours’ and ‘false information’ on Covid-19. You couldn’t make it up.

BBC Media Action would surely be remiss in its duty if it did not fund misinformation on the BBC’s bête noire, Israel. Not only has it collaborated with the virulently anti-Semitic UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, it has also partnered with Hamas mouthpieces such as Alwan, a radio station based in Gaza. 

GF’s funding of organisations which propagate anti-Semitism and hatred of Israel extends further – and right into the British sitting room – via a much better-known BBC-sponsored charity, Comic Relief. Although Comic Relief is independent from the BBC, it is broadcast and heavily promoted on BBC channels and platforms, and the BBC has control of all content. 

The collaboration between the GF and Comic Relief began in 2007 and has thrived here and in the US. Both organisations plan to make Comic Relief’s fundraiser, Red Nose Day, a year-long endeavour focusing on ‘racism’ in the West.

Between 2016 and 2018 the GF gave a total of $12.4million to the UK division of Comic Relief. It has funded the American branch of Comic Relief with a total of $38.3million from 2015 to 2020.

How many of those millions are reaching those suffering from extreme poverty and hardship?

Like other large charities that specialise in foreign aid, Comic Relief is not as philanthropic as it looks on the surface. Charity bosses can earn far more than the Prime Minister and, as I have shown many times, money is taken from Western taxpayers, many of whom are far from wealthy, and given to some of the world’s worst regimes. Evidence abounds that poverty in the developing world is not alleviated by foreign aid, mainly because much of the funding doesn’t reach the needy. Comic Relief is no exception, sending donations to organisations like the anti-Israel War on Want, which previously received funding from Interpal, designated as terrorists by the US. 

Where we can be certain that the money given to Comic Relief is reaching its intended recipients is with the GF’s money-making vaccine schemes. 

From 2016 to 2018 Red Nose Day USA gave a total of $6million to the GAVI Alliance, an amount matched by the Gavi Matching Fund. 

The GF also matches any funding which Comic Relief gives to Gavi, an odd practice given that the GF runs Gavi. Money is being diverted from needy Westerners to the obscenely wealthy Gavi Alliance so that the GF can continue Gates’s megalomaniac drive to vaccinate the world, whether the world wants this or not. This follows a familiar pattern, established when Gates persuaded US public health officials to shift much-needed resources from their own country to the developing world. 

How better for the GF to spread its messianic zeal than to pay newspapers and broadcasters to disseminate its propaganda and let it take hold?

In Part Two of this series I will look at the GF’s promotion of its climate change propaganda via the MSM.



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