David Irving on Churchill.
Thu 3:38 pm +01:00, 24 Jun 2021 8https://worldtruthvideos.org/embed/iJNLJl4CXJFveR3
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I read David Irving’s Biography of Churchill, and he certainly leaves the official version in tatters. Despite that however, most people like to believe the official version as it’s easier and more comforting. Sort of like believing a cheating partner rather than suffer beastly confrontation. It must be a common phenomena, as there are more of them than there are of us.
Don’t forget to read David Irvings Hitlers War its his best book.
Both books and more available for free download as Pdf’s HERE:
These Books are a must read if you don’t read them you will know little of the truth about our history, main stream History is Fabricated lies.
Audio Books that will tell you REAL HISTORY
Descent into Slavery………………. ..Des Griffin …
https://brandnewtube.com/watch/the-descent-into-slavery-1980-audio-book-pt1-des-griffin_qCyfBZ2RDAL8D4S.html ………………………………………………………………… ..
Secrets of the Federal Reserve…. Eustace Mullins
NWO-Eustace Mullins
The World Conquerors-
The Nameless War- Capt Archibald Maule Ramsay
https://brandnewtube.com/watch/the-nameless-war-captain-ramsay-audio-book_jDxEqLFA1lhfJXX.html …..
The Hidden Hand The Secret World Govt.Part1 …Major General Count Cherep Siridovich ..
https://brandnewtube.com/watch/the-secret-world-government-or-hidden-hand-audio-book-part-1_RVzZcmkMhVTXoAh.html …..
The Hidden Hand The Secret World Govt.Part2 …
Deadlier than the H Bomb Audio Book Wing Commander Leonard Young.
For Example:
Immediately following the war(WW1) the British government, acting
on orders from their hidden masters in the City, clamped a blockade on Germany. This move had a devastating effect on the
German people. On March 4th, 1919, Winston Churchill declared
in the House of Commons that Britain was “enforcing the blockade
with vigor. . . This weapon of starvation falls mainly on the
women and children, upon the old, the weak and the poor. . .”
(The Nation, June 21, 1919, p. 980).
While the London Daily News was carrying eye-witness reports from Germany of “many horrible things. . . rows of babies
feverish from want of food, exhausted by privations to the point
where their little limbs were little wands, their expressions hopeless
and their eyes full of pain,” the Associated Press was carrying a
report (datelined Paris, July 24) that “Germany will have to surrender to France 500 Stallions, 3000 fillies, 90,000 milk cows,
100,000 sheep and 10,000 goats. . . Two hundred stallions, 5000
mares, 5000 fillies, 50,000 cows and 40,000 heifers, also are to
go to Belgium from Germany. . .”
Professor Quigley tells us that “the results of the blockade
were devastating. Continued for nine months after the armistice,
it caused the deaths of 800,000 persons. . .” (Tragedy and Hope,
p. 261). During the four years of the war Germany lost 1,600,000
dead. The German death rate during the blockade was five and
a half times higher than during the war! P117
Throughout the 1930s, Hitler was duped into persevering in his desire for
friendship with England, an alliance originally proposed jointly by Theodore
Roosevelt and the Kaiser in 1898 between the three Nordic powers, England,
Germany and the United States. The Schroders assured Hitler than their AngloGerman Fellowship in England was a hundred times more influential than it actually
was. With such figures as the Astors and the Chamberlains supporting rapport with
Germany, Hitler was persuaded that war with England was impossible. In 1933 he
had announced his discovery that Marx, Lenin and Stalin had all said that before
international Communism could triumph, England and her Empire must be
destroyed. “I am willing to help defend the British Empire by force if called upon,” he
declared. In 1936, Hitler arranged for meetings to take place between English and
German diplomats, but the desired result was never attained, as the British had
only one goal, to lull Hitler into a sense of false security until they could declare war
against him.
To lure Hitler into World War II, it was necessary to guarantee him adequate
supplies of such necessities as ball bearings and oil. Jacob Wallenberg of the
Swedish Enskilda Bank, which controlled the giant SKF ball bearing plant, furnished
ball bearings to the Nazis throughout the war. The anti aircraft guns sending flak
against American air crews turned on SKF ball bearings. Its American plant, SKF of
Philadelphia, was repeatedly put on the Proclaimed List, and each time, Dean
Acheson removed it.
President William S. Farish of Standard Oil refueled Nazi ships and submarines
through stations in Spain and Latin America. When Queen Elizabeth recently came
to the U.S., the only family she visited was the Farishes. Throughout the war, the
British paid royalty to Ethyl Standard Corp. on the gasoline used by German
bombers who were destroying London. The money was placed in Farben bank
accounts until after the war. I.G. Farben was organized by the Warburgs in 1925 as
a merger between six giant German chemical companies, Badische Anilin, Bayer,
Agfa, Hoechst, Welierter-Meer, and GriesheimElektron. Max Warburg was director
of I.G. Farben, Germany, and I.G. Chemie, Switzerland. American I.G. Farben was
controlled by his brother, Paul, architect of the Federal Reserve System, Walter
Teagle of Standard Oil, and Charles Mitchell of National City Bank. Just before
World War II broke out, Ethyl Standard shipped 500 tons of ethyl lead to the Reich
Air Ministry through I.G. Farben, with payment secured by letter of Brown Bros.
Harriman dated Sept. 21, 1938.
Throughout World War II, the Paris branches of J.P. Morgan and Chase
National Bank continued to do business as usual. At the end of the war, occupation
authorities repeatedly issued orders to dismantle I.G. Farben plants, but were
countermanded by Gen. William Draper of Dillon Read, which had financed
German rearmament in the 1920s.
Winston Churchill remarked of this “managed conflict” in 1945, just before it
ended, “There never was a war more easy to stop.” P67
“Thanks to the terrible power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews. Wars are the Jews’ Harvest: The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100-million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet.” (Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah, 1869, Henry Ford also noted that: ‘It was a Jew who said, ‘Wars are the Jews’ harvest’; but no harvest is so rich as civil wars.’ The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem, Vol. III, p. 180).
“1. Every hundred years, We, the Sages of Israel, have been accustomed to meet in Sanhedrin in order to examine our progress towards the domination of the world which Jehovah has promised us, and our conquests over the enemy, Christianity.
“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is RACIAL TENSION. By propounding into the consciousness of the DARK races, that for centuries they have been oppressed by Whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the Whites, we will endeavor to instill in the Whites, a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the PROFESSIONS, and in the world of SPORTS and ENTERTAINMENT. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to INTER-MARRY with the Whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.” AUTHOR – Israel Cohen(Zionist — Communist — Internationalist) “A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century” >Published in 1912 . On June 17, 1957, the above passage was read into the United States Congressional Record by Rep. Thomas G. Abernathy.
Thanks for all the information ihunt.
‘Hitler was duped’ etc. Like Churchill Hitler merely did whatever he was told to. His handler was Martin Bormann. German Intelligence was wired to believe all the lies of the allies, and Hitler acted out his role to perfection. The supposed top men were hired actors, told what they must say and do. Churchill, the son of Edward 7th, conceived when Ed7 was Prince Of Wales, understood the squalor of his position. Randolph Churchill married his mother when Jenny was already pregnant to help tidy up the social niceties of a royal illegitimacy. Illegitimates make good slaves to the system, and can easily be turned against the conforming majority which rejects them, and requires them to hide their true identities.
Yes Tap’, not much in mainstream is true. They’re still teaching kids about Saddam’s WMD in schools. It likely has always been the same.