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Corruption, Deception, Genocide – The legacy of Matt Hancock

The actions of Matt Hancock throughout this entire alleged pandemic grow more sinister by the day.

The Health Secretary has knowingly suppressed the use of Ivermectin to treat the alleged Covid-19 disease in favour of instead giving an experimental, gene therapy to every man, woman, and most likely children if he gets his way, throughout the country.

Now it turns out he purposely withheld vital information from a meeting between himself, the Prime Minister, the Chancellor, and Michael Gove. Information that would have improved the outlook of the already fudged statistics that have been used to impose unjustified, draconian restrictions on the lives of the British people since March 2020. Information that would have apparently convinced Boris that the country should take part in what would have been a fake reopening on the 21st June 2021.

But perhaps the most sinister, and outrageous decision to be implemented under Hancock’s leadership is the reintroduction of the Liverpool Care Pathway. A decision which led to the premature deaths of the elderly, and people with disabilities and learning difficulties.

A decision which allowed the government and its circle of scientific advisors to justify the introduction of a new system of medical fascistic communism throughout the United Kingdom.

A decision which allowed them to manipulate you into believing thousands of people were dying of a new disease dubbed Covid-19, when really these people were being put on DNR orders, deprived of food and water, and pumped full of morphine and midazolam, leading to their deaths.

Midazolam is a drug that suppresses the respiratory system and can cause respiratory distress, especially when mixed with opioids.

Alleged complications of Covid-19 suppress the respiratory system and can cause respiratory distress.

If there was really a pandemic causing thousands of people to suffer respiratory distress due to Covid-19 why on earth would the UK Government need to order a two-year supply of midazolam, a drug that causes respiratory distress, in March 2020?

Why did prescriptions for the drug double in April 2020 compared with April 2019?

Why was that two-year supply of midazolam depleted by January 2021 at the latest?

Why was the law changed so that medical practitioners could certify causes of death “to the best of their knowledge and belief”, and without diagnostic proof of Covid-19 infection?

Why was the law changed so that deaths believed to be due to confirmed COVID-19 infection, no longer required a post mortem to be conducted to confirm so?

Is the coronavirus really so sophisticated that it knows to disproportionally target people with disabilities and learning difficulties? Because that is exactly what it did according to ONS data. Three in every five alleged Covid-19 deaths were people who had a disability or learning difficulty.

Was that really the fault of a novel coronavirus, or does it have more to do with the fact the CQC and Amnesty report found that DNR orders were being placed on people in care without the permission of the person or their family?

The CQC found that 34% of health and social care staff said they felt pressured to place DNR orders on the people they were supposed to be caring for.

DNR orders which are supposed to mean the person is not to be resuscitated if they happen to sadly die, not that the person should be euthanised by depriving them of food and water, and then feeding them midazolam for breakfast.

Euthanasia was committed across care homes last year en masse, and it was committed under the leadership of the Health Secretary Matt Hancock. A health secretary hell bent on keeping up this charade and maintaining his new found powers for as long as humanly possible.

But he can only do this because of your decision to not question his actions.

Because of your decision to believe he is working for your best interests.

Because of your decision to comply with the restrictions he is so desperate to keep in place.

Because of your decision to look the other way when the crimes that have been committed by people with power throughout the past year do not directly affect you, because you have been able to sit at home and do nothing whilst you count the money that has been used to bribe you into silence and compliance in the form of the furlough scheme.

Matt Hancock has some serious questions to answer, it’s time you started asking them before it’s too late.


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8 Responses to “Corruption, Deception, Genocide – The legacy of Matt Hancock”

    • Alan Vaughn says:

      Yep, nothing to see here… Honestly, I really don’t like to say “I told you so”, but I (along with many others), did. Many times.
      As I keep parroting: The solution to this will never be found in any of THEIR biased and corrupt judiciaries.
      Forget the INjustice system: They own it and make the laws which these unjust institutions are supposed to fairly and without prejudice: adjudicate over.
      They can and they already do, amend the corrupt laws to suit their anti-humanity agendas whenever they want.
      Anyone who believes these lying, treacherous and treasonous criminals that hate us and want to literally exterminate us all, can be brought to justice in their own biased and grossly dishonest courts, obviously hasn’t been paying attention and is naive in the extreme.

      Time is running out and we can’t afford to waste anymore precious time by making fools of ourselves in front of them in their courtrooms.
      I repeat, for the umpteenth time: The ONLY solution to ending this war is already in OUR hands:
      En masse civil disobedience to any and all of their dehumanizing mandates and diktats by everyone at all times.
      EVERYONE please, you MUST WAKE UP!
      Ditch the salve muzzle, which has no useful purpose apart from humiliating you by reminding you of how hopeless and helpless you have allowed them to make you feel, and stop cowering to these parasites, there is no reason to fear them: There are orders of magnitude more of us than them. They are hopelessly outnumbered and they know it, therefore, they fear us much more than we fear them. However, the huge numbers of us will only be advantageous when more people unite and STAND UP to them.
      Grow a spine and refuse to obey.

    • ian says:

      A good read indeed emm jay. I very much doubt though, that they will allow us to use the law against them. Stall and obfuscate, will be their way.

  1. emm jay says:

    Alan, ian, I honestly couldn’t agree more. However, this guy knows all about their MO and attrition (as I indeed do, believe me). He has previously won a ten year legal battle re huge mortgage fraud … and won. Yes, I know there aren’t years to spare in the current situation. Obviously. But … guys like him, Mark Sexton and the people that have got off of their arses and put feet on the streets, and many others, are, if nothing else, ‘doing something’ and I admire and love them all for that.

    Collectively, this is increasing the awareness of the comatose among us. It is. It might not be as fast and as big and bold as we’d like in the ‘now’ but people are becoming more aware of the horror. Personally, I’m seeing flickers of consciousness in some of them. And in others, an almost palpable apprehension. And most definitely from some people I know, who’ve taken the experiment, with devastating results. I absolutely feel your frustration Alan. I don’t know if others are sensing it, but I do feel there is a great shift taking place right now.

  2. Alan Vaughn says:

    Collectively, this is increasing the awareness of the comatose among us. It is. It might not be as fast and as big and bold as we’d like in the ‘now’ but people are becoming more aware of the horror

    Actually emmm jay, after mulling that over for a bit, it could indeed work in our favour, especially if, unlike everything else the subjugated people need to know, i.e. the truth about this massive genocide agenda, they cover with their impenetrable wall of silence: the BBC and the rest of the manipulated media shills will most likely be champing at the bit to gleefully announce how they ‘naturally failed in their futile bid to prosecute these fine, humane & caring individuals, as their case was dismissed out of court without being heard due to a total lack of evidence and substantiated claims of coerced witnesses acting for the prosecution’ (Or some similar load of total BS).
    Then they’d enjoy rubbing salt into the wound with some rant, typical of any of the MSM liars, about what stupid and deranged ‘misinformation spreaders’ they are to even think they could successfully prosecute the government. A kind and caring government that was trying to ‘Save Lives’ and ‘Protect The NHS’…
    (But will leave out some of the pertinent details such as:
    ‘Save Lives’ by brainwashing them with incessant, hysterically presented total lies and rampant fear-porn, to justify the mandating of bizarre, insanely ridiculous, inappropriate and totally ineffective ‘control measures’ which only bankrupt them and permanently ruin their lives; at the stroke of some humanity loathing, self interested minister’s pen on paper, and of course: deploying their brainless, uneducated army and police THUGS to bully them into submission).
    Yeah I tend to agree, it could work as a trap to catch the media shills with bait they wouldn’t be able to resist. If a ‘foot-in-mouth’ scenario like this played out, it would certainly stir up a lot more of the normally docile and naive masses, enough to make them THINK, rather than blindly believe and follow, for a change.
    The cabal indeed own the governemnts and their laws and their corrupt law courts, but public opinion is now delicately juxtaposed on a knife edge: as you said, ‘ people are becoming more aware of the horror’.
    They only need to make one significant blunder and public’s perception will topple – straight into our camp. and it will never go back to them. A revolt such as teh ousting of government could even ensue.
    On the other hand, it’s possible the media might wake up to our tactic (that we won’t care if we lose because of the publicity such a loss would generate), but I doubt it. They just couldn’t pass up a golden opportunity to scapegoat those loony anti-vaxxers, such as being humiliated in court.

    • Alan Vaughn says:

      @emm jay Please IGNORE the first reply posted on 23 Jun 2021 10:57 pm (above). Don’t know what’s going on but that (first) reply shouldn’t even be there. It somehow posted itself while I was still writing it and I cannot edit or delete it now.
      The COMPLETE reply I wanted to post: 23 Jun 2021 11:13 pm is below.

  3. Alan Vaughn says:

    Collectively, this is increasing the awareness of the comatose among us. It is. It might not be as fast and as big and bold as we’d like in the ‘now’ but people are becoming more aware of the horror

    Actually emm jay, after mulling that over for a bit, it could indeed work in our favour, especially if, unlike everything else the subjugated people need to know, i.e. the truth about this massive genocide agenda, they cover with their impenetrable wall of silence: the BBC and the rest of the manipulated media shills will most likely be champing at the bit to gleefully announce how they ‘naturally failed in their futile bid to prosecute these fine, humane & caring individuals, as their case was dismissed out of court without being heard, due to a total lack of evidence and substantiated claims of coerced witnesses acting for the prosecution’ (Or some similar load of total BS).
    Then they’d enjoy rubbing salt into the wound with some rant, typical of any of the MSM liars, about what stupid and deranged ‘misinformation spreaders’ they are to even think they could successfully prosecute the government. A kind and caring government that was trying to ‘Save Lives’ and ‘Protect The NHS’…
    (But will leave out some of the pertinent details such as:
    ‘Save Lives’ by brainwashing them with incessant, hysterically presented total lies and rampant fear-porn, to justify the mandating of bizarre, insanely ridiculous, inappropriate and totally ineffective ‘control measures’ which only bankrupt them and permanently ruin their lives; at the stroke of some humanity loathing, self interested minister’s pen on paper. And of course: deploying their brainless, uneducated military and police THUGS to bully them into submission).
    Yeah I tend to agree, it could work as a trap to catch the media shills with delicious bait they wouldn’t be able to resist. If a ‘foot-in-mouth’ scenario like this played out, it would certainly stir up a lot more of the normally docile and naive masses, enough to make them THINK, rather than blindly believe and follow, for a change.
    The cabal indeed own the governments and their laws and their corrupt courts, but public opinion is now delicately juxtaposed on a knife edge: As you said, ‘people are becoming more aware of the horror’.
    They only need to make one significant blunder and the public’s perception will topple – straight over to our camp and it will never go back to them. Not trying to raise anyone’s hopes here, but a revolt such as the ousting of government could even ensue. NONE of the humanity loathing treasonous liars are fit to hold office and an event like what you’ve described would make many more people realise that they’re not.

    On the other hand, it’s possible the media might wake up to our tactic (that we won’t care if we lose because of the publicity such a loss would generate), but I doubt it.
    They just couldn’t pass up a golden opportunity to scapegoat those ‘loony anti-vaxxers’, such as any of them being humiliated in court.

  4. ian says:

    @emm jay & Alan, Given our predicament and options, our very limited options, the action he’s taking is at the very least, better than what we can do. We should really support anyone trying to attack the current regime, while watching for opportunities to do more.

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