Conspiracy theorists are in fact ‘critical thinkers’
Tue 1:48 pm +01:00, 22 Jun 2021 5
Great presentation from Ty and Charlene Bolinger.
They list out ingredients in the COVID vaccine, and describe their effects. Lifts the spirit despite the terrible facts.
‘Our days are numbered and we’re fearless’. That’s what COVID’s doing – making people fearful. Here’s the cure.
Be bold. Be fearless. The truth is on our side. Social media is shutting the Bollingers down. Get to their site.
Warning to ‘Anti-vaxxers’ Downunder.
This FB link was e-mailed by a friend.
(Don’t have any social media accounts).
Excellent message from this very sincere and courageous couple.?
Really nice to see & hear stuff like this.
Thanks for Posting it Tap.
Still think the Jab is not the Mark, watch this and wake the hell up
THE 1% Controlling The 99% Keeping Them In Bondage
When someone asks why I’m not getting vaccinated