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Which party can dent the Westminster single Lib Lab Con?

Desperate to avoid losing the Batley & Spen by-election, the Labour party called it at really short notice. This has caught most of the smaller parties on the hop, but our Therese Hirst is really on the ball and the English Democrats election machine is growing in sophistication.

This election is very important, because it will help determine which of the ‘minor’ parties comes out on top as the real alternative to the Lib-Lab-Con. The ‘choice’ ranges from neo-Nazis to the socialist-Islamist George Galloway – we need to beat them all!


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If our rivals even manage to get leaflets which comply with the regulations printed and in to the Post Office in time for the free delivery of one leaflet to each house, they’ll be pleased with themselves.

But the English Democrats are on course to do much better than that: By using leaflets addressed to individual voters, we can get TWO DIFFERENT LEAFLETS delivered to EVERY HOME! It’s a big step up for us.

Both our leaflets are already designed and – as you can see from this sneak preview of one of them – they’re absolutely top quality.

There’s only one possible snag – we have to raise ALL the money to pay for them BEFORE THE END OF THIS WEEK. Any later and we’ll miss the boat. That’s why I’m asking you to chip in and help Therese Hirst and our fight-back for England – right now!

This is a great opportunity for the English Democrats to consolidate our status as the real, sensible, patriotic opposition. Thanks for helping us get the job done!

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Yours sincerely

Robin Tilbrook

Party Chairman

English Democrats Party · PO Box 1066, 
Norwich NR14 6ZJ, United Kingdom
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3 Responses to “Which party can dent the Westminster single Lib Lab Con?”

  1. ihunt says:

    Better be careful they don’t get infiltrated or bought off… I sincerely hope not..

  2. Tapestry says:

    Indeed. Hence the emphasis on crowd funding.

  3. Aldous says:

    “The ‘choice’ ranges from neo-Nazis to the socialist-Islamist George Galloway – we need to beat them all!”

    I think Galloway has got this one well and truly sewn up. It may be that no one loves Galloway but everyone hates the Lab/Con at the moment. Liberal Democrats failed (only just at 4.7%) to hold onto their deposit at the 2019 General Election where English Democrats didn’t stand.


    Let’s be frank and honest. this By-election is between George Galloway, Kim Leadbeater (sister of Jo Cox), Ryan Stephenson and Tom Gordon.
    I doubt any other candidate will get a look-in but I certainly hope that Thérèse Hirst/English Democrats hold onto their deposit.
    One-eyed tactical voting will be king in the Batley and Spen land of the blind voter on 1st July.
    I know who I would be voting for having recently gone to specsavers.

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