The Covid criminals bioengineered the COVID-19 bioweapon to cause loss of brain tissue leading to a loss of smell and taste
Sat 12:04 pm +01:00, 19 Jun 2021 11Brain Tissue Loss Cited in COVID-19 Patients: Study
By Charlie McCarthy | NEWSMAX
COVID-19 could cause long-term loss of brain tissue, according to a study that examined brain imaging before and after a coronavirus infection.
University of Oxford researchers posted findings Tuesday to medRxiv, drawing on data from the U.K. Biobank study. The study has yet to be peer reviewed.
Brain scans taken before the coronavirus pandemic were compared to scans taken about 3 years later. Included were 394 COVID-19 patients and 388 healthy volunteers.
Among the patients, 15 were hospitalized and the rest only had mild-to-moderate symptoms, or no symptoms at all.
“Our findings thus consistently relate to loss of grey matter in limbic cortical areas directly linked to the primary olfactory and gustatory system,” or areas in the brain related to the perception of smell and taste, authors wrote.
Dr. Scott Gottlieb, who serves on the board of COVID vaccine-maker Pfizer, told CNBC the destruction of brain tissue could explain why patients lost their sense of smell.
“The diminishment in the amount of cortical tissue happened to be in regions of the brain that are close to the places that are responsible for smell,” Gottlieb said. “What it suggests is that, the smell, the loss of smell, is just an effect of a more primary process that’s underway, and that process is actually shrinking of cortical tissue.”
The authors said the set of scans taken before the pandemic strengthens the findings because they help differentiate the effects of COVID-19 disease from patients’ pre-existing health conditions.
The three cerebral areas reveal a “significant loss” in thickness and volume of grey matter among COVID-19 patients, according to the authors, where the “parahippocampal gyrus, the lateral orbitofrontal cortex, and the superior insula” lie.
The “strongest deleterious effects of COVID-19 could be seen predominantly in the left hemisphere,” they added.
Comparisons of the hospitalized patients “were not significant,” but authors noted “comparatively similar” findings to the larger group of coronavirus patients with “a greater loss of grey matter in the cingulate cortex, central nucleus of the amygdala and hippocampal cornu ammonis.”
Researchers said there was “a high number of mild cases,” and added “there is a fundamental need for more information on the cerebral effects of the disease even in its mildest from.”
Although expressing confidence in the study’s results, researchers stopped short of connecting coronavirus to the loss of brain tissue.
That was due partly to the study lacking a breakdown of patients by factors such as oxygen saturation, and other limitations involved a “small number of participants from Asian, Black or other ethnic backgrounds other than White.”
The authors also said there were issues in attaining data from test kits with varied accuracy.
“By using automated, objective and quantitative methods, we were able to uncover a consistent spatial pattern of loss of grey matter in limbic brain regions forming an olfactory and gustatory network,” the authors wrote.
“Whether these abnormal changes are the hallmark of the spread of the disease (or the virus itself) in the brain, which may prefigure a future vulnerability of the limbic system, including memory, for these patients, remains to be investigated,” the authors said.
Its the VAXX not the fake Bioweapon Virus that was the Flu that disappeared in March 2020. What is wrong with these people.Can you not absorb simple facts?
Twisting Childrens Minds.
Piers Corbyn Shows what to do
J+J death
More Vaccinated Deaths than Unvaccinated. UK data 1 Feb 14 June 2021
UK Deaths per Mill. per Year
After my second jab
C-19 does not exist:
As commented below, I had the symptoms described. Call it what you will. The Bitchute video won’t play here.
Many western countries blocked the bitchute, use VPN please. Every links work at the moment I posed. They just don’t want you to know the truth voice.
Before the Covid started, I caught a bug that a few locals had had. I felt quite tired for a couple or three weeks then it cleared up. It wasn’t until a good few months later that I realised on talking to someone, when they brought up the loss of smell and taste as a symptom, that I’d had the Covid. I thought it was bizarre at the time when it happened, as I didn’t have a runny nose. Anyhoo, I have had odd spells of blank memory since then. It’s quite a horrible feeling, I’ll just go completely blank. It doesn’t last long and is not like the forgetting someone’s name thing where you try to recall it, it’s just nothing, and it jarrs me back. Scarey stuff.
This happened around February 2020.
Search Dr. Thomas Cowan, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Stefan Lanka, etc., they will explain the cause of those symptoms.
The Final Refutation of Virology:
Zoom Webinar from 6/11/21: Discussion on the Study: ‘Virus’ Is Identical to Normal Cell ‘Structures’:
The final refutal of virology. English version.
Narrated in English by Heather Bruno ( IG@magicaldancer7 )
Dear friends, in this video I will tell you about an incredible historical event. Thanks to microbiologist Stefan Lanka, we now have the final, official refutal of virology.
Stefan Lanka conducted control experiments that refuted the methods virologists use to prove the existence of viruses.
I will explain you everything and give you the necessary context and so that you can realize the full significance of Stefan Lanka’s control experiments.
I ask you to share this video everywhere you can. This is the only way we can help this information to spread far enough to be able to create a scientific and medical revolution.
Video author:
Ekaterina Sugak, naturopath and researcher.
1. Propagation in Tissue Cultures of Cytopathogenic Agents from Patients with Measles – 1945.
2. Measles Virus: A Summary of Experiments Concerned with Isolation, Properties, and Behavior – 1947.
3. The Role of Extracellular Vesicles as Allies of HIV, HCV and SARS Viruses
It differentiates between races and guess which race has 0% susceptibility….
What have those pesky Amish been up to?
There’s a bitchute video but it’s blocked because they don’t want me incited to hate specific races. Those Amish guys leave their fingerprints everywhere
It’s this video that I can’t see
Got to be really persistent to bypass those Amish roadblocks.
I archived the bitchute webpage to get this:
and from the description, I found a mirror at
Critically Thinking Doctors: Depopulation “Vaccine” Target 54% Whites, 39% Blacks, 0% ********* J*ws