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New 4-Page Memo Sent Out by Neil M. Ferguson
from the Imperial College London Purportedly
to Key Covid Crime Spree Co-Conspirators
Spells Out Secret Plot to Effectuate the
“Permanent Lockdown of the UK”

State of the Nation

*Click on all four screenshots below to enlarge.

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SOTN Editors Caveat: Even if the preceding memorandum is not authentic, it perfectly lays out the criminal Covid conspiracy that Britain’s Power Elite is executing throughout the United Kingdom today.  The UK Government has consistently imposed the most draconian restrictions and unlawful national lockdowns of any nation on Earth.  The perfidious British mainstream media has likewise published more outright falsehoods and transparent propaganda about the COVID-19 pandemic and ‘vaccines’ than any other country, often leading the way for the American “fake news” channels and newspapers to globalize/sensationalize the never-ending fraudulent Covid drama.

State of the Nation
June 17, 2021


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  1. nixon scraypes says:

    “Which as we know is just a rebranding of hayfever” not authentic. These people do not talk like that, it sticks out a mile. They specialise in plausible deniability and that’s implausibly undeniable.

  2. ian says:

    Whilst I can’t imagine Fergusson writing this, it is possibly some sort of psy-op. It is, I believe, far too well composed and on board with their nut case plans to be a spoof. The mentioning of Kalergi, and the hay fever thing, along with it being supposedly written by Fergusson, seems to point to it being fake.

    Possibly the mistakes are to allow them to reject it as fake, and laugh it off. Despite being true apart from these little inclusions.

    I would put nothing past them and it sounds like we are in for a tightening of the screws.

  3. Derek says:

    Copying in to that many outlets does give the game away. But how many elephants can be fitted into one room?

  4. ian says:

    How about it being a feeler, to judge what they might get away with. I can’t see it being a mistake.

  5. toltecray says:

    They are currently (19 july 2021) advertising for Covid Marshalls in herefordshire, forward planning i guess.

  6. Alan Vaughn says:

    Here’s another realist who is wide awake and offers the same solution – the ONLY solution to ending this tyranny, same as I’ve been saying all along.
    The key to unlocking it all will never be found in any courtroom, nor will there ever be a gang of Q-Anon heroes to rescue us; nor will their treasonous lying leader: Captain Trump with his anti-humanity ‘Operation Warp speed’ death vaccine roll-out.

    • rachel469 says:

      The key is mass resistance and total unity against this evil and tyranny. Each of us must refuse to go along with it and then they have no power – those who get the vax and give their power away for peace with get the opposite and they are dragging down the rest of us. That is the reason they are getting away with it.

  7. rachel469 says:

    The people of UK are woefully brainwashed one can tell by the level of uptake of this shot. Turn your TV off it is hypnotising and brainwashing you into believing the lies of these evil people who want us dead. I have seen so many people after being seriously injured or having family die from the shot. Go on to say I am not saying for anyone not to get the vaccine err you what!? if you ate something and you were sick after it you would correlate that it was what ever you ate but because these people are so cowed and brainwashed they cannot even bring themselves to be angry at the cause of their injury or loved ones death. This is very abnormal behaviour. WTF! All this about saving yourself we are up against an establishment that is organised with all the power we all need to agree to unite and become a force. I am so ashamed at what I am seeing in the UK public the selfishness the lack of courage and critical thinking. I send material to my family and friends and get ignored not once has a comment been made they are all vaccinated Just going along with this tyranny. it disgusts me because they have betrayed our cause for freedom and to talk to them is to talk to a brick wall they do not care and they do not want to know. What happened to these people to turn them into the selfish uncaring cowards that they are. We could be such a force if they would face up. God help us all!

    • Alan Vaughn says:

      Yes rachel I can’t agree more. I’ve been saying exactly that all along.
      Please read some of my other posts This one which I posted today for instance.

    • Alan Vaughn says:

      The people of UK are woefully brainwashed one can tell by the level of uptake of this shot. Turn your TV off it is hypnotising and brainwashing you into believing the lies of these evil people who want us dead.

      Excellent and well worded commentary rachel469. You’re certainly reading from the same hymn sheet as most of us here are. Hope you will visit often and contribute more of your honest and helpful ideas.