Florida Doctor Finds Signs of Infertility and Prostate Cancer in Men Who Received Covid-19 Vaccine
Thu 9:54 am +01:00, 17 Jun 2021A urologist in Palm Beach County, Florida says that Covid-19 vaccines are causing an alarming rise in infertility and prostate cancer in vaccinated men.
Dr Diego Rubinowicz spoke with CBS 12 and said that he is concerned about his male patients, as many of them have “falsely elevated Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels” after receiving the Covid-19 vaccine.
Dr Rubinowicx said: “I have seen patients’ PSA to be falsely elevated for at least six weeks after getting the vaccines.
“I was seeing patients who were coming in with a history of having a stable PSA and all of a sudden the PSA has risen.”
The doctor then said that after a few weeks the PSA levels appear to return to normal, and he is recommending that men delay their PSA test after receiving their Covid-19 jab.
For example, a reporter showed that one anonymous patient’s PSA levels remained stable at 0.4 then suddenly jumped to 3.4 after getting vaccinated.
The levels then dropped down to 1.5 a few weeks later, but that’s still more than double the original number.
The chart below shows the drastic change of the patient’s PSA values.
The anonymous patient went from having PSA levels of a healthy man in their twenties or thirties, to having the same PSA levels of a 60 to 70-year-old man.
Dr Rubinowicz told reporters that people should still get the Covid-19 vaccines as they are entirely safe, but they should just be aware of potential side effects.
High PSA levels are often associated with men who are suffering from prostate cancer or infertility.
A recent study from the European Association of Urology shows that “infertile men have higher PSA values than fertile individuals…almost one out of three primary infertile men younger than 40 yr has a first total PSA value of >1ng/ml.”
A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that the rate in the rise of PSA levels (PSA velocity) can indicate the development of prostate cancer, suggesting that a patient is more likely to die from prostate cancer.
Researchers found that “annual PSA velocity of more than 2.0 ng (nanograms) per milliliters was associated with significantly increased risk of death from prostate cancer.”
CBS News did a follow-up on this story shortly after, encouraging people to get the vaccine, promising that the vaccine is completely safe and that “side effects are extremely rare.”
We need to be asking why people are being encouraged to take an experimental vaccine that causes a rise in the levels of PSA levels in men, the same antigen spikes linked with prostate cancer and infertility. Will the PSA levels of vaccinated men ever return to normal? What are the long-term health risks associated with this sudden spike?