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Christian Eriksen. Why did he collapse?

UPDATE – 13.6.2021 or 6.13.2021


That link might not work so here’s the source link.


ORIGINAL POST – 12.6.2021 or 6.12.2021

Symptoms reported post vaccine by people all over the world are blood clotting issues and heart inflammation.

Why otherwise would a 100% fit top sports player just collapse from nowhere and require survival CPR assistance?

He could well have had the vaccine.

Footballers have been made use of in the media to promote the vaccine all over Europe.

Here is possibly the first evidence of the consequences of that decision.

Italy publicised that they vaccinated their players prior to the Euros.

They were not the only ones.  Belgium did.  Turkey.  France.  As well as Italy. http://www.insideworldfootball.com/2021/05/27/belgian-team-greenlighted-first-covid-jabs-ahead-euros/

also Spain .  http://www.insideworldfootball.com/2021/06/10/busquest-llorente-spanish-opt-vaccinate-euro-2020-squad/

The players were obviously not given much choice in the matter.

Would Denmark decide not to vaccinate when most teams are doing so?  I doubt it.

It seems more likely that all the teams have been ordered to fully vaccinate, but the media reporting is being done bit by bit for maximum drip-drip-drip effect.

Tottenham Hotspur, Eriksen’s club, have also recently been at the forefront of the campaign to push the vaccine at their ground, although manager Murinho seemed to be against the players being given priority.

Given all the circumstances, it would not be surprising that Eriksen had been vaccinated along with his Danish team mates.  That would explain his collapse as there are many reports from all round the world of people collapsing after vaccination, with many deaths.  I have never seen a footballer collapse like that – in mid flow – ever in fifty years of watching the game.  Not has anyone.  This is a new thing to see, and that too would be consistent with it being caused by the vaccine.



After being given the go-ahead by the Italian government, 28 players were given their first doses at two hospitals in Rome and Milan.

“I thank all the staff for their hospitality and their welcome,” Lazio and Italy forward Ciro Immobile said as he left the Spallanzani hospital in Rome. “We are happy and proud to have done this, getting yourself vaccinated is important, and we hope this moment will come soon for everyone.”

and ….

Denmark suspends vaccines due to risk of fatal blood clots – but not all of the various brands of COVID vaccine –


Football stars hail COVID-19 vaccine as the ‘best defence’ of 2021

Harry Redknapp, Chris Kamara and Eniola Aluko among the football stars urging people to get COVID-19 vaccine in a new short film.

Download the film

A host of football players and pundits – past and present – have today (Saturday 15 May) backed the UK’s COVID-19 vaccination programme with the ‘best defence’ of 2021 accolade, ahead of tonight’s FA Cup final.

Football legends Harry Redknapp, Chris Kamara, Eniola Aluko, Chris Hughton, Carlton Cole and Jules Breach appear in the short film, choosing their best defenders of the season so far – with the COVID-19 vaccination programme coming out on top – and encouraging the public to take-up the jab when offered.

The film follows the launch of a new national campaign last month, urging people aged 50 and under to get their vaccine and join the millions of people who have already received their jabs, as ‘every vaccination gives us hope’.

Former manager and professional player Harry Redknapp said:

I’ve now had both my vaccines – they were so simple and I didn’t even feel them. It’s no pain but plenty to gain. > The NHS has done a fantastic job of rolling out the vaccine and it’s amazing that we’re starting to see the results.

I’d encourage everyone to take up the offer of the vaccine when they are called. Maguire’s defence might be pretty good, but the jab is better.

Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock said:

Our COVID-19 vaccination programme is a testament to the country’s remarkable NHS and life sciences industry, both of which have played an integral role in getting the vaccines from lab to jab.

I am hugely grateful to Harry Redknapp, Chris Kamara, Eniola Aluko, Chris Hughton, Carlton Cole and Jules Breach for lending their support to help get the UK vaccinated.

When offered, it’s vital people book in their jab – they truly are our greatest defence against COVID-19 and will help us get even more fans back watching the sports they love.

Sky Sports presenter and football pundit Chris Kamara said:

I can’t wait to watch the FA Cup Final and see so many fans on seats. It’s incredible that we’ve come this far in the pandemic, and that the successful rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine programme has led to this moment.

I would encourage anyone who is offered the jab to step forward to take it – I already have, and it was so easy. It’s the best way back to doing the things we love, not least getting back to watching football the way we know it.

Director of Women’s Football at Aston Villa and former England player Eniola Aluko said:

It’s great to see more and more people receiving the vaccine, especially now younger people are becoming eligible.

Vaccines are encouraged and advisable to go back to a more normal way of life, especially so we can make sure that we see fuller football stadiums and get back to the sport as we know it.

If you receive your appointment, make your choice to go and you will be protecting yourself and your friends and family too.

The players have joined the ranks of other high-profile celebrities who have supported the COVID-19 vaccination programme, including Sir Lenny Henry, actors Chiwetel Ejiofor and Thandie Newton and TV chef Nadiya Hussain.

The success of the vaccination programme has paved the way for introducing fans back into stadiums. Following the successful Carabao Cup Final which saw 8,000 fans attend in April, football fans will once again be permitted to Wembley Stadium for the FA Cup Final as part of the government’s Events Research Programme.

With 20,000 fans set to attend, the FA Cup Final will be the largest pilot event to date, forming part of the government’s plan to safely get mass participation events back this summer.

Tickets for the match are split between home and away fans, as well as Brent residents and NHS staff. To attend, fans need to provide a COVID-19 negative certification upon entry to the stadium, following a rapid test taken either at home or at an Assisted Test Site. Fans are also asked to take a PCR test immediately before and 5 days after the event to inform the research and ensure any transmission of the virus is properly monitored.

Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden said:

Vaccines are saving lives, helping us return to things we love safely, and ensuring fans can once again take their seats.

As the pinnacle of our science-led Events Research Programme designed to get fans back in safely, it’s an enormous milestone to see 20,000 spectators taking their places to cheer on their teams at the FA Cup Final. This is when the great summer of sport truly kicks off.

Vaccinated people are far less likely to get COVID-19 with symptoms. Vaccinated people are even more unlikely to get serious COVID-19, to be admitted to hospital, or to die from it and there is growing evidence that vaccinated people are less likely to pass the virus to others.

Data from Public Health England’s real-world study shows the vaccines are already having a significant impact in the UK, saving more than 11,700 lives in England by the end of April and preventing 33,000 hospitalisations.

New PHE analysis shows that individuals who receive a single dose of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine have approximately 80% lower risk of death with COVID-19 compared with unvaccinated individuals. The report also shows protection against death from the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine rises from approximately 80% after one dose to 97% after 2 doses.

A separate new PHE report provides further evidence that the vaccine is highly effective in reducing the risk of hospitalisation, especially in older ages. For the over 80s, it is estimated that two doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine reduce the risk of hospitalisation by 93%.





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10 Responses to “Christian Eriksen. Why did he collapse?”

  1. Aldous says:

    I was in a downtown bar when this was playing on someone’s tablet but didn’t see the actual incident ‘live’ because I’m not that interested in Euro soccer.
    Watching the replay I’m a bit suspicious of what I actually saw – or think I saw. A lot like 9/11 – on TV.
    Are we being played again here?
    Was it all staged?
    Cui Bono? Who Benefits?
    Something’s not right here. The UK media are showing images of his distraught partner and teammates. It seems to be scripted well beforehand – a lot like 9/11.
    The ball hit his knee, then he collapsed. Am I missing something here?

    • Tapestry says:

      Interesting take Aldous. He fell lifeless. That’s top class acting. The concern on all the faces was not acted.

  2. Aldous says:

    We can’t take ANYTHING we see on the ‘Brainwasher’ TV in virtually every lounge, kitchen and bedroom (even garage) at face value.
    Most of it is FAKE.
    NEVER forget that and you might just LIVE.

    • archer says:

      I think you could be right, Aldous. Though I haven’t seen the incident, I too thought it could be staged. My theory is that the interest in this tournament is well down this year and much fewer numbers are both tuning in and spending their hard-earned furlough on tat in relation to this event (e.g. big TVs, booze, football shirts etc).

      This collapse (whilst possibly real) could perhaps have been to remind people that the Euros are actually going on. I would normally watch, but this year – couldn’t give a hoot.

  3. Hey you says:

    If this hasn’t been posted yet, you might wish to check this out

    I’ve also seen a video of a guy who was able to stick a phone to the side of his head. And there’s a Mexican TV show which Jim Stone posted where they wanted to debunk these claims but found they could stick a phone to a guy’s arm…

    If it’s so easy to prove that there’s something very, very wrong with vaxxed people, how can they keep this secret for much longer? It’ll be SHTF time this summer.

    • Aldous says:

      Most of the sheeple are beyond saving – and not worth saving.
      I met one retard today who ‘boasted’ about having the jabs so they can go on a cruise! More money than f’ing sense.
      Another useful idiot tw*t who I bumped into argued that getting the jabs will give them back the freedom of movement that they previously had! You couldn’t make this stuff up.
      They are MORONS.

  4. ihunt says:


    EMA safety committee has added another blood condition to side effects of AstraZeneca’s #Covishield vaccine – Capillary Leak Syndrome – a condition that causes fluid to leak out of blood vessels and cause low blood pressure, kidney failure and strokes.

    Jabbed and Died
    A senior Australian doctor says the risk of blood clots after an AZ jab for 50-69 yr-olds “is now 5-8 times higher than we thought it was 7 weeks ago.
    At least 6,000 deaths from the Syringe . The OpenVAERS team think it is over 20,000 due to under reporting. Biodistribution data shows massive accumulation in ovaries of the LNP (which instructs cells in ovaries to sprout toxic spike protein).
    No point vaccinating those who’ve had COVID-19: Findings of Cleveland Clinic study.
    7 Reactions.
    1 in 9 Adolescents Vaccinated suffered a severe adverse event.

    EVERYONE I know that got it looks as if they aged 20 years and as if they have a terminal disease. I am not joking. I am a Hospice RN and I am TOTALLY serious. Also I know of more people with SERIOUS side effects than I saw of the R 0n@.
    This one Got Saline.

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