In case there is anyone out there who still does not know how they are being played . . .
Wed 10:19 am +01:00, 9 Jun 2021THE HOAX IN A NUTSHELL
by Watchdog
In case there is anyone out there still not aware of the fraudulent use of the PCR test.
How to get a “rise in cases”:
(a) Increase the number of PCR tests done and
(b) Increase the cycle threshold (“amplification”) of the PCR tests”
This gives you lots of new “positives”, false or otherwise.
Label these positives “cases”.
The problem with the alleged Cov19 virus is that its alleged symptoms overlap with the symptoms of other bugs, colds, influenza A, influenza B, pneumonia, chest infections, allergies etc etc. Unlike a disease such as smallpox, it is not easily distinguishable by distinct symptoms.
The only way to “find out” if someone with the symptoms actually had Covid19 and not something else with the same or similar symptoms is to conduct tests. But the tests most used are the PCR Test and the apparently even less reliable Lateral Flow Test .
The PCR test is NOT reliable and a positive even when not false does NOT mean you have the disease.
It says so in numerous places – even its inventor pointed out it can’t be used to diagnose disease. Even the government’s own website says so:
“RT-PCR detects presence of viral genetic material in a sample but is not able to distinguish whether infectious virus is present.”
[SOURCE: Understanding cycle threshold (Ct) in SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR on UK government’s website here (top of page 6 in the report)]
It is fraudulent to declare a COVID19 case on the basis of a positive PRC test alone (even if the positive isn’t false).
The gov has known this from the beginning. So why does it ignore these facts and go right on using it – indeed basing its entire vaccine push on the fraudulent stats derived from it?
The truth of the matter is it is convenient to do so if you are trying to talk up a pandemic terror. It has enables the gov to greatly inflate the infection stats and – by (as stated above) increasing at will the number of tests done and/or the cycle threshold used – to create on demand the illusion of an outbreak or surge.
This fraud extends into the fatalities stats. Anyone fraudulently labelled (see above) as a COVID19 case who then dies within 28 days of being so labelled is counted as a COVID death, regardless of what actually killed them or whether the positive was false.
The fact that the symptoms are also by and large the symptoms of other illnesses such as influenza, pneumonia also enables a ready-made pandemic to be created simply by lumping similar illness together and calling them “COVID 19”.
Thus the government can easily manipulate the stats to show a “surge’ and so on and this provides it with an excuse to lock down.
Currently it is planning to extend lockdowns as the end goal is and remains to cajole, intimidate, alarm, bewilder or harass the nation’s citizens into submitting to their experimental pseud0-vaccines. These will be kept going until everyone is vaxed – or so they intend.
One aspect of this is that the “vaccines” are only approved for emergency use. Therefore the illusion of an emergency must be kept going lest the experimental vaccine roll-out becomes illegal.
The gov is busy cooking up excuses to (with fake reluctance as it bows to the imaginary science) extend the infliction of lockdowns, which are supposed to end in June.
Thus we have the so-called “Indian variant” and an orchestrated fear campaign built around mis-represented facts whilst the gov keeps flights to and from India coming in and out of the country.
As part of trying to harass the populace into submission to its vaxes, we also now have the caper whereby Portugal was declared “green”. The gov waited until lots of people were on holiday in Portugal before suddenly moving the goal posts on a thin pretext. This was designed to cause the maximum amount of distress and uncertainty and render people wary of travelling anywhere lest the goal posts be moved again.
The manipulation of the stats provides the excuses and enables the government to pretend to be “reluctantly following the science” when it is doing no such thing. The only wat to keep this fake emergency going is to do what it has done from the outset: ignore science but rely heavily on behavioural psychology to create (you hope) compliance.
This is intentional and hinges in large measure upon the knowing mis-use of tests it knows are fraudulent.
In any case, the alleged “surge” is a two edged sword because the stats presented show that lockdowns have been ineffective and that, with half the country allegedly vaccinated to boot, that the gov’s snake oil prescriptions ain’t working
Indeed, we really need to start exploring how many cases and deaths are occurring with people who have been vaccinated.
As there is now a tendency for alleged surges to follow vaccination surges, then we need to thoroughly investigate whether the vaxes are at least in part causing the surges.
It would be good, then, if proper autopsies could be done and efforts by government to continue preventing this, as it has been doing, cannot but appear suspicious and suggest there is something to hide.
Many predicted that the experimental pseudo vaxes would harm and kill although nobody yet knows to what degree this will occur but the signs are not good, given the adverse reactions and deaths that have followed vaccination appear to be more than for any other vax in history pr even all other vaxes combined.
This should at least have warning lights flashing and klaxons sounding the alarm, the responsible response to which should be l caution until we know more.
Yet the government ignores all this and simply ploughs recklessly ahead as if profoundly blinkered and uncaring of the risks.
And all this to “protect” us from a bug that despite all the propaganda and stat fiddling it STILL cannot show to be a serious threat to the vast majority of us and any threat at all to children.
What underlies this desperation to get us all vaxxed as quickly as possible, before anybody has time to stop and think and ask awkward questions such as:
Are they safe?
What’s in them?
In case there is anyone out there who still does not know how they are being played . . .