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Rosa Koire Died May 30 of Lung Cancer

henrymakow.com – June 7, 2021

Rosa Koire Died May 30 of Lung Cancer    Rosa did more than anyone to expose the globalist agenda. She will be sorely missed. She fought the good fight until the end. On May 22, she tweeted, “Please pray for me, my friends.  Even through this hard fight we’re in, this struggle to direct our lives in a natural dignified human way, we need to keep our love glowing.

Thank you for caring. I’ll feel your prayers.”

Rosa Koire: UN Agenda 2030 is Literally Agenda 1984

(The full lecture is here)

We are wasting our time discussing if the coronavirus is real or the lockdowns justified. 

They are real and justified in terms of the seditious goals of Agenda 21/30. 

UN Agenda 30 is the Missing Piece of the Puzzle. It Explains the Mask & Lockdown Insanity, and much more.

“When we introduced into the State organism the poison of Liberalism its whole political complexion underwent a change. States have been seized with a mortal illness–blood poisoning. All that remains is to await the end of their death agony.” (Protocols of Zion, 9)

“In order that the true meaning of things may not strike the goyim before the proper time, we shall mask it under the alleged ardent desire to serve the working classes…”   (Protocols of Zion, 6)

from Oct 8, 2020

by Henry Makow PhD

Picture in your mind an Orwellian dystopia like 1984, a world in which you have no rights, no freedom, no property, no family, no country, no religion, no say, and no nothing.

UN Agenda 21 is the blueprint for such a world. The infrastructure has already been built. (Agenda 2030 is a milestone in Agenda 21 i.e. Century 21.)

This is the context in which all current events must be seen. We are wasting our time discussing if the coronavirus is real or the lockdowns justified. They are real and justified in terms of the seditious goals of Agenda 21/30.

This is the picture into which all the puzzle pieces fit: Defund the police. Systemic racism. Climate change. Rural fires and displacement. Artificial intelligence. Mass surveillance. Transhumanism. Sustainability.

They are all part of the UN Agenda 1984: A world police state. 

The scary part is that 179 countries signed on to this world government tyranny at the Rio Summit in 1992. That’s how advanced this agenda is, and for the most part, humanity is oblivious to this powerful and sinister conspiracy.

The media doesn’t report it, and therefore we tended to dismiss Jeremiahs like Rosa Koire and Niki Raapana.


Continues …

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One Response to “Rosa Koire Died May 30 of Lung Cancer”

  1. Tapestry says:

    They can change everything apart from your will. That can only be temporarily broken with great effort expended. It’s your will against theirs. Their weapons are medical and electronic more than military. Don’t look for bombs and bullets but vaccines, mobile phones and pulsed microwaves. Defend yourself from these, and be strong against our assailants. The head of the attack against humanity known as the Great Reset and the Sustainability Agenda is Prince Charles.

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