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COVID FRAUD – Big lawsuits to start in next few weeks against WHO, WEF, CDC, PHE and World Leaders for ‘Crimes against Humanity’

Since early 2020 much of the western world has been subjected to one of the greatest frauds ever committed against humanity, an alleged pandemic of a new coronavirus which authorities have told us develops into a new disease known as Covid-19.

You’ve been lied to, and thanks to hundreds of lawyers and medical professionals who have been working together world wide gathering evidence on the largest crime committed against humanity since World War II, big lawsuits are set to start on three different continents within the next three weeks.

Since July 2020 the Corona Investigative Committee in Germany has taken testimony from a large number of international scientists and experts. The committee has been led by Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and he confirmed in an exclusive interview with James Delingpole that “In the next 2 or 3 weeks there will be a number of very big lawsuits starting, and then we’ll see if the legal system in completely under the control of the other side, which I doubt”.

Dr Reiner Fuellmich also said that the WHO, WEF, and people like Bill Gates,, Dr Fauci, and Professor Neil Ferguson’s real agenda is “population reduction and population control, which is probably going to be achieved through these vaccinations, which already have extremely serious adverse effects. Another part of the agenda is the destruction of the middle class”.

Fuellmich added that you won’t read anything about this in the mainstream media because people like “Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates have invested a lot of money in media companies”.

But how has Dr Fuellmich arrived at this conclusion? Well Fuellmich stated in the interview that when Lockdowns were first introduced across the western world he tried to make sense of them and called his friend Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, a German physician, who Fuellmich said was “instrumental and probably the one person who stopped the Swine Flu fraud some ten or so years ago”.

“I called him and asked what its all about because it seems to me like it’s just the flu and somebody’s trying to throw it all out of proportion.

“Wodarg said ‘you’re probably right, I can’t make a lot of sense of it right now but it reminds me alot of the swine flu. Even the protaganists seem to be the same’. There’s this guy from England who was completely off when he predicted millions of deaths, that’s of course Neil Ferguson, then there’s this German guy by the name of Professor Drosten, who is probably neither a professor nor a doctor but a fake, he was back then predicting millions of deaths and pushing vaccines”.

After this phone call Dr Fuellmich set up the Corona Investigative Committee through which he has been able to conclude that the alleged Covid-19 pandemic is an agenda that has been planned for at least ten years.

“Event 201 was a dry run, and the WEF has played an important role,” he said.

“The final result they wanted to arrive at was to get everyone vaccinated. But it isn’t even a vaccine. It’s an experimental gene therapy that has never been tested”.

Fuellmich described how in order to get people vaccinated with this experimental gene therapy they first needed the declaration of a public health emergency of international concern. As this would be the basis of giving this new drug emergency use approval.

Two former WHO employees testified to Fuellmich that pharmaceutical companies urged WHO in January 2020 to declare an international health crisis. This was necessary so that their experimental gene therapy – the “corona vaccine” – could be approved for emergency use.

They managed to declare that emergency thanks to Drostens PCR test which enabled them to create the illusion of thousands of cases that they could then use to declare the public health emergency.

“The Frankfurt Public Health Agency doesn’t consider anything beyond 24 cycles of amplification. Drosten set his test procedure at 45 cycles. At 35 cycles you end up with 97% false positives. Most of the western countries followed suit and tested between 40 and 45 cycles. We can be 100% certain that the Drosten test created only false positives”.

Fuellmich also urged everyone to avoid having the experimental Covid jabs – “Don’t do it. Don’t get vaccinated so you can go on holiday, even if you’re about to lose your job, don’t get vaccinated. Choose life, don’t get vaccinated”

“All the people who have been vaccinated should have been informed in advance that this is not a vaccine but an experimental gene therapy – this has never been done before – and that there is no supporting medical research. This is an experiment. The people who are participating in it have not been informed. They are guinea pigs”.

“In a few weeks, very big lawsuits are going to start,” said Fuellmich, who has his sights set on German virologist Christian Drosten, who designed the PCR test for corona; Lothar Wieler, the director of the German RIVM; and others.

He has additionally heard from American friends that “they are going after Fauci, he may be fired,”.

“In two to three weeks, big things are going to happen on three different continents,” stressed Fuellmich, who works with some 200 to 300 other lawyers. “Then we will see if the legal system still exists or if it has already been completely taken over by the other side, which I don’t think is the case.”

“Everyone who is a part of this – including the doctors who do the pricks, the people who run the place, the people who profit from this, and the governments who encourage people to get vaccinated – is responsible. These are really crimes against humanity. I think we need an international coroner’s court to clean up this mess.”

“This is worse than what happened in the Third Reich. We have to do something, because the people responsible for this know no empathy and are extremely dangerous. They only care about money and power.”

Fuellmich promised that “We will get them!”.



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One Response to “COVID FRAUD – Big lawsuits to start in next few weeks against WHO, WEF, CDC, PHE and World Leaders for ‘Crimes against Humanity’”

  1. Alan Vaughn says:

    The committee has been led by Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and he confirmed in an exclusive interview with James Delingpole that “In the next 2 or 3 weeks there will be a number of very big lawsuits starting, and then we’ll see if the legal system in completely under the control of the other side, which I doubt”.

    Well unfortunately I cannot share your childlike optimism Dr Fuellmich and unlike you, I don’t have any doubt whatsoever that ‘the other side’ have complete control of their own corrupt legal system.

    This whole exercise is destined to end quite badly for him and all those gullible people who have invested their hopes in him, successfully prosecuting these criminals who actually OWN the laws and therefore control the corrupt judiciaries he will try, but fail to have their biased and corrupt courts find any of them guilty of any wrongdoing; let alone appropriately sentenced for genocide and other heinous crimes against humanity.
    We’re now governed under the anti-humanity New World Order and its oppressive ‘new normal’ which includes their corrupt ‘new’ (invented) pandemic or health emergency laws, all of which are founded on scientific and medical fraud, and downright lies.
    The solution to ending this global scale tyranny will unfortunately, not be found in, nor provided by any of THEIR biased, unfair and unjust, and blatantly corrupt legal systems.
    It’s up to us – the enslaved masses to simply reject everything they try to make us do and refuse en mass to comply with any and ALL of their society destroying, dehumanizing mandates.
    They don’t care about fairness and justice, and even less about us, so why should we respect them or obey any of their stupid laws that do not help or offer any benefits to any of us at all?
    So, forget the courts and the now defunct legal system, it’s useless to us.

    Finally, having said all that, I sincerely hope and pray that I’m wrong, yet I’m still not going to hope, even for one second that any of these lawsuits might somehow result in a single successful prosecution.

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