BBC Radio hustings interrupt English Democrats Robin Tilbrook over and over.

The mainstream media largely blanked us! On the one BBC Radio Essex hustings, the pro-Labour host interrupted me more than all the other three candidates put together! Here is a link >>>
The only official assistance with campaigning is government website entry.
You can see from my entry on the ChooseMyPCC website >>>
Despite all the difficulties there were 42,831 people of Essex who voted for me and for the English Democrats as their first preference vote in the Essex Police Commissioner election. There were probably as many again who gave us their second preference but that didn’t get counted.
England is awakening slowly but surely!
Now we shall see how Boris & Co deal with a resurgent demand for Scottish Independence and the unraveling of the Union with Northern Ireland which he and Theresa May caused . Will the English nation rouse itself? With your help and support we shall carry on the fight! We shall never give up!

You can donate to the party here

Yours sincerely

Robin Tilbrook

Party Chairman

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