Mask free in Droitwich, UK. Come on! You can do it.
Mon 10:40 am +01:00, 24 May 2021 3My partner Jason and I bumped into another lovely maskfree couple Rachel and Guy (who are also in this group) in Home Bargains Droitwich today.
We all hugged and while chatting and connecting, another lady called Chris (also in this group) approached us and joined the conversation.
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that one day, I’d get so much joy from hugging complete strangers in a shop.
Waves of goosebumps came over us all as our freedom fighting souls connected.
Look how happy we are. My heart is so full I just had to share.
Still not happening in Cheadle, Cheshire.
Only myself and the missus
Don’t let them get you down, ninja. We WILL overcome.
Yes we will.