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Pandemic? Death Rate in England Lowest Since Records Began

Pandemic? Death Rate in England Lowest Since Records Began

News Wire

As the real numbers continue to drift in, the UK government is struggling to maintain its increasingly dubious narrative that Britain is in the grips of a deadly pandemic.

Latest statistics from London’s King’s College reveal that Covid case rates are now flat, despite incessant efforts by the government and mainstream media to hype up fears of an alleged ‘Indian Variant’ which is said by Ministers to be ravaging the villages and hamlets of Middle England.

RELATED: UK Scientists Now Admit Use of COVID Fear to Control Behaviour is ‘Totalitarian’

Since the crisis began, the government has also been caught repeatedly inflating its Covid death numbers in an effort to ramp-up public fear in order gain more social compliance for its raft of totalitarian measures and rules. Recently it was revealed how nearly one third of recently registered “deaths from Covid” in England and Wales are people who died primarily from other causes, figures show.

Still, the numbers don’t lie: all-cause mortality in England is now at a record low.

The UK Telegraph reports…

The proportion of people dying in England fell in April to its lowest level since records began, figures from the Office for National Statistics show.

Just 851.2 people per 100,000 died last month – the lowest figure since the ONS started recording mortality rates in 2001. At the height of the first wave of the Covid pandemic last April, death rates were 1,859 per 100,000.

The latest figures show that 38,899 people died in April – 6.1 per cent fewer than the five-year average.

Just 2.4 per cent of all deaths mentioned Covid on the death certificate, a 77.6 per cent decrease from March and the largest month-on-month decline since the pandemic began.

The new data provide more evidence that the NHS is in little danger of being overwhelmed in the near future, with deaths from most causes lower than normal. Covid is now the ninth most common cause of death in England and Wales, behind conditions including heart disease, dementia, several cancers and influenza…

Continue this story at The Telegraph


(TLB) published this article from 21WIRE with our appreciation for the coverage.

READ MORE COVID-19 NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire COVID 19 Files


Header featured image (edited) credit: Original article content/21Wire

Pandemic? Death Rate in England Lowest Since Records Began

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2 Responses to “Pandemic? Death Rate in England Lowest Since Records Began”

  1. ian says:

    But a hicup.

  2. Tapestry says:

    They need to lower death rate a notch to make people think this is the effect of the vaccine. By keeping hospitals empty they can lower the rate of death overnight. Also they can fiddle statistics very easily.

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